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  4. »Transfer records to the university archives

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

April 28, 2023

Transfer records to the university archives

Submitted by Cailin Riley

As part of K-State's Records and Information Management Month campaign, university archives staff want to encourage you to transfer your university records to archives at the end of your office's retention schedule or when you are preparing to leave the university.   

The university archives, which preserve and provide access to records related to the history of the university, are a great resource for administration, faculty, staff, students and the public for research needs. Remembering to transfer your records is important because it can help assist future staff and faculty with their research efforts.  

Please reach out to university archives staff about transferring your records if you are about to retire from or leave the university, or if your office retention schedule designates your records as archival.  

Records transferred to the university archives are kept in secure spaces to preserve the items for future generations. Those who transfer their records are welcome to request access to view their records at any time; free access is provided for any unit, college or person who wishes to view them.  

Anybody can view the items and collections in the archives by visiting the collection database. Here, people can easily search by department/unit, person, organization name or even subject to view what collections are available. If you are unable to find what you are looking for, contact the archives reference desk at libsc@k-state.edu.  

When you are ready to transfer your records to the university archives or if you have questions about the process, please contact Ryan Leimkuehler, university archivist, at rleimkue@k-state.edu.