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  4. »Call for commencement volunteers

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

April 3, 2023

Call for commencement volunteers

Submitted by Commencement Committee

Commencement for spring 2023 is just around the corner. K-State is excited to celebrate the accomplishments of the graduates, and you can be part of that celebration. With a packed weekend of ceremonies, the commencement planning team is looking for volunteers to assist at each ceremony. A schedule of the ceremonies can be found on the commencement website.

Volunteers are needed throughout May 12-13 to assist with the graduate assistance table, direct graduates and conduct ceremony floor duties, such as scanning and restocking commencement programs and diploma covers. If you are willing and able to assist, please complete the commencement volunteer sign-up.

All volunteers should plan to attend the volunteer meetings hosted the week of May 8 at Bramlage Coliseum. Meeting times will be announced by mid-April and sent to those who have signed up. Volunteers working the graduate assistance table on the concourse should wear a business-appropriate K-State or purple shirt and comfortable shoes. Volunteers for the ceremony floor should wear black clothes to blend in and comfortable shoes. Those who work two shifts on Saturday will be provided lunch.

If you are an hourly employee, or non-exempt, and want to volunteer at the spring commencement ceremonies, please work with your supervisor to restructure your work hours to stay within your 40-hour workweek as necessary.

For questions regarding the ceremony or volunteering, please reach out to the Commencement Committee at commencement@k-state.edu. Thank you in advance to all those able to assist at the spring 2023 commencement ceremonies.

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News and research
Human resources and benefits
Kudos, publications and presentations
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University life
Volunteer opportunities