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  4. »Give feedback on select Elsevier journals from K-State Libraries

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

October 9, 2023

Give feedback on select Elsevier journals from K-State Libraries

Submitted by Cailin Wycoff

K-State Libraries is currently in the process of negotiating a new license with Elsevier for journals. Elsevier is the world’s largest publisher of scholarly journals and specializes in science, technology, engineering and medicine titles.

Academic Services department liaisons will be reaching out to their assigned academic departments this month for feedback on select titles.

The Elsevier license is the largest negotiated content expenditure of K-State Libraries. Inflation and flat budgets have reduced the Libraries’ overall purchasing power. Additionally, open access and other publishing models continue to alter the scholarly communications landscape.

The Libraries has gathered a great deal of quantitative information on the performance of the current license. We are seeking additional qualitative feedback in order to have the fullest picture possible.

K-State’s current agreement will expire on Dec. 31, but negotiations will continue in good faith into 2024 if needed.

If you have questions, please contact Michelle Turvey-Welch, head of content development, at mturvey@k-state.edu