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  4. »Interbelief Show-and-Tell Series continues Oct. 26

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

October 23, 2023

Interbelief Show-and-Tell Series continues Oct. 26

Submitted by David Yetter

The Interbelief Show-and-Tell Series sponsored by the President's Committee on Religious, Spiritual and Non-Religious Diversity continues at 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 26, in Room 181 of Hale Library and via Zoom at Meeting ID: 450 206 9533.

Justin Kastner, professor of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology, will present "Not Afraid to Reason, Not Ashamed to Adore: The allure and anchor that I found in the 'big tent' of historical and global Anglicanism."

Kastner is also an ordained Anglican priest, diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others, Anglican Church in North America. In this talk, Kastner will offer perspectives from his personal and servant-leadership journey through multiple countries, including the United Kingdom, where he first encountered Anglicanism through the global Alpha course, community contexts, including his service as a non-stipendiary, bivocational pastor, and admittedly contested, but not necessarily exclusive, meanings of the term "Anglican."

Recognizing that Anglicanism is a "big tent" global expression of Christianity with many forms and streams, Kastner will highlight selected hallmarks of historical Anglicanism, most notably, the ad fontes, or "to the sources," scholarly enthusiasm of the Renaissance, the theology and biblical anthropology offered by European church reformers of the 16th century, e.g., the "Comfortable Words" adopted by Anglican architect Thomas Cranmer, and helpful sociological insights from various Anglican scholar-practitioners, including Lesslie Newbigin and his writings on "reigning plausibility structures." With real joy and lightheartedness, Kastner will showcase how this generously orthodox, intellectually sophisticated and genuinely spiritual expression of Christianity has much to offer. 

The final presentation in the series for fall 2023 will take place at noon on Nov. 14, when Julia Burkett (Lombardo) will present "Celtic Polytheism: One Belief, Many Practices."