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K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

April 5, 2024

New associate dean selected for the Graduate School

Submitted by Michael Sellman

Phillip Payne, associate director for the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance, or MTD, will be the new associate dean of the Graduate School.

Payne will begin his new position in the Graduate School part time in June and will transition to full time in July.

His expertise in areas of curriculum development, assessment and program review, and student success will enhance the Graduate School's contribution to the implementation of the Next-Gen K-State strategic plan's academic innovation goal.

As associate dean, Payne will serve in a strategic leadership role in the Graduate School and will work with the vice provost for graduate education and dean of the Graduate School, as well as with the academic units and the Graduate Council, in strategically advancing graduate education at K-State.

Payne will work collaboratively with academic units to facilitate new graduate program development and manage the course and curriculum approval process. He will work directly with the Graduate Council to facilitate evaluation of academic policies and processes and the program review process. Payne will represent the Graduate School on university councils and committees and will serve as conduit of communication between the Graduate School and these entities.

In the associate dean role, Payne will also be working with academic units, non-academic units and the Graduate School team to continue the Graduate School's innovative work in the graduate student success area. He will work on developing and implementing initiatives to support graduate faculty success and the relationship between graduate faculty and graduate students.

Currently, Payne serves as professor and chair of music education at K-State. His specialty is instrumental music education. In his current associate director role in MTD, Payne serves as the music executive for accreditation. He oversees curriculum and assessment and manages daily aspects of MTD. He teaches undergraduate and graduate music education classes, supervises student teachers and manages all operational aspects of K-State's music education program.

His research includes curriculum and assessment, student and teacher mental health, job satisfaction, transfer students' experiences, technology integration, recruiting and retention, and modern band pedagogies for the music classroom.

Payne co-authored a book on assessment in music education, "Developing and Applying Assessments in the Music Classroom." He has also written chapters in "Applying Model Cornerstone Assessments in K-12 Music" and "Teaching Music through Performance in Band."

"I am excited to join the Graduate School leadership team and to be working with colleagues from academic units and from across the campus on advancing graduate education," Payne said. "I look forward to contributing to the collective group and to enhancing the graduate experience for all students, faculty, and staff."

Payne holds a Doctor of Philosophy in music education with an emphasis in instrumental conducting from the University of Oklahoma. He has a Bachelor of Music Education and a Master of Music from Southwestern Oklahoma State University.