April 9, 2024
Charles Barden retirement celebration May 2
Submitted by Christy A. Dipman

After serving 26 years as the Extension forestry specialist at Kansas State University, Charlie Barden is retiring on June 7.
Join us at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, May 2, at R.C. McGraws Blue Hills Room for a reception and hog roast barbecue to wish Barden well in his retirement and to thank him for his many years of outstanding service.
The cost of the meal is $18 per person. If you would like to send a donation for a retirement gift, please include it in your payment — check payable to Cheryl Boyer — for the cost of the meal, and send it by April 26 to: Christy Dipman, K-State Dept. of HNR, 1712 Claflin, 2021 Throckmorton PSC, Manhattan, KS 66506. Email cdipman@k-state.edu for Venmo or Cash app information.
If you would like to contribute a letter to the Memory Book for Barden, please email them by April 26 to Jason Hartman at hartmanj@k-state.edu.