February 25, 2019
Students helping students: Over the past 11 years, K-State Proud has raised more than $1,136,506 for Student Opportunity Awards. This year's campaign week is Feb. 25-March 2 at the K-State Student Union. Read more about the campaign below.
- K-State Proud campaign week at K-State Student Union
- Updates on April 11 event with 'The Hate U Give' author Angie Thomas
- ESS and McNair programs celebrate National TRIO Day
- International Coffee Hour presents Zimbabwe
- Register to attend 2019 Leadership Seminar, 'Leading by Design: Creating Our Future'
February 18, 2019
Dr. Bryan Samuel, chief diversity and inclusion officer, will present the inaugural State of Diversity Address from 3:30-5 p.m. Monday, March 18, at the K-State Alumni Center.
- State of Diversity Address
- DMSA Family Recognition Celebration Feb. 28: Call for nominations
- Taiwanese Food Festival Feb. 24
- Provost Charles Taber to share 'What Matters to Me and Why'
- 'Sihasara': Inaugural Sri Lankan cultural show and workshop
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Vibhavari Jani selected to receive International Interior Design Association Foundation Diversity Award
- Minton, Wiley honored at Wallace Kidd Memorial Diversity Award Reception
- Nominations open for the KAWSE Award
University life
February 11, 2019
Kansas State University hosts several programs throughout the year that encourage international collaboration. The International Student Center helps students and international visitors find a home away from home.
News and research
- First-generation Student Talent Show Feb. 28
- Office of International Programs presents 'Raising Your International Profile' seminar series
- International Coffee Hour presents Serbia
- C.J. Aducci to present Jurich Lecture on Social Justice Feb. 21
Kudos, publications and presentations
University life
February 4, 2019
Each year, the K-State Alumni Association recognizes 16 students for their accomplishments through several awards including the Robinson Family Multicultural Leadership Awards, International Leadership Awards and more. Read more at bit.ly/2D8Vkm9.
News and research
- Join us for the Black Alumni/Greek Reunion Oct. 17-20
- Bonita Gooch to deliver 19th annual Huck Boyd Lecture in Community Media
- Safe Zone announces spring introductory training schedule
- Join Counseling Services for A Moment of Mindfulness
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Two K-Staters named recipients of Commerce Bank and W.T. Kemper Foundation presidential awards for diversity
- Human Capital Services' Talent Solution team members present CUPA-HR webinar