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KSUnite Weekly

K-State Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

December 17, 2018

KSUnite Weekly

KSUnite Weekly will be on hiatus during the university's winter break. For current news and events, check the K-State Today publication at k-state.edu/today/. Please note: K-State Today won't be published Dec. 24-Jan. 1.

News and research
University life

December 10, 2018

KSUnite Weekly

Scholarships awarded through Kansas State University's Office of International Programs will help students study around the world during the spring 2019 semester. Read the article below to learn more about the students and their study destinations.

News and research
Kudos, publications and presentations

December 3, 2018

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