Ted Turner

Co-Founder of CNN and other Major Network Channels and World Renowed Philanthropist
Ted Turner changed television news in 1980 when he launched CNN, the world's first live, round-the-clock television news network. A second all-news network, Headline News, went on the air in 1982, followed by the 1985 launch of CNN International, a global news service that reaches more than 210 countries and territories worldwide.
Turner also is one of the world's most noted philanthropists. In 1997 he announced his historic pledge of up to $1 billion to the United Nations Foundation. The foundation awards grants in support of the goals and objectives of the United Nations to promote a more peaceful, prosperous and just world.
Turner, who manages the largest commercial bison herd in North America, also is an advocate for the environment and protecting endangered species. In addition to his Landon Lecture, he will tour K-State's Konza Prairie Biological Station and its bison herd.
Photo obtained from: http://www.tedturner.com/legacy_bio.html