Kirmser Language Center
Eisenhower Hall 001
Making learning enjoyable… if you are a faculty member or a student enrolled in a language course, come on in! You are invited to the Kirmser Language Center. We will provide you audio, video, and computer multimedia services for both undergraduate and graduate level courses within the Department of Modern Languages.
We offer free tutoring in various languages, drop-in advising hours, exclusive MLANG Study and Group Space, peer-mentoring, community, and conversation. Open daily. Check the schedule below.
KLC Daily Hours - Spring 2025
For tutoring, study, group work & advising
- Monday–Thursday: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm
- Friday: 11:30 am – 2:30 pm
Spring 2025 Events at the KLC
Japanese Tea Ceremony and Girl's Day Celebration
The Kirmser Language Center (KLC) Sponsors
The Kirmser Language Center honors Jeune and Philip Kirmser, whose bequest made a renovation possible. With this renovation and the addition of new technology, the Kirmser Learning Center is now an attractive, comfortable, and flexible space that serves a variety of functions, including a meeting space for graduate students. In addition to its use by individual students for classes, faculty employ the Center and its new technological capabilities for oral proficiency assessment, film screening, and to connect students with native speaking peers around the world.
Modern Languages has been granted free access to translation technology tools by Phrase, an academic program designed for universities with translation courses.