Spring 2025 Events

Modern Languages Student Association (MLSA) Events

MLSA EventThe Modern Language Student Association (MLSA) is hosting the informational session Global Scholarships + Experiences.

Come to learn how and where to apply for educational/experiential opportunities all the world!

Everybody is welcome!

Tuesday, February 25th at 5:30 PM

Kirmser Language Center - Eisenhower 001






Signatures "Reading Colette after #MeToo"

Signatures 2025 The Modern Languages Department invites the K-State and the Manhattan community to the public lecture "Reading Colette after #Metoo" by Dr. Kathleen Antonioli, Associate Professor of French.

Catered reception after the lecture.

Friday, February 28th from 2:30 to 3:30 PM
581 Hale Library




Japanese Tea Ceremony and Girl's Day Celebration

Japanese Event

The Kirmser Language Center in the Modern Languages Department invites to our Japanese Tea Ceremony and Girl's Day Celebration.

Join us to experience the essence of the Japanese Tea Ceremony and learn about Hinamatsuri, also known as Girl’s Day/Doll’s Day in Japan!

The event is open to students, faculty and community members of all language backgrounds. Enjoy a tea ceremony workshop, a cultural presentation on Hinamatsuri, trivia games, prizes, and traditional Japanese sweets.

Learning a new language has never been more exciting—so bring a friend and immerse yourself in the beauty of language and culture.
All languages are welcome!

Monday, March 3rd

12:30–2 PM

KLC (EH 001)









Language Conversation Tables

Eisenhower Hall, 2nd Floor Lounge

Interested in practicing your French, German, Spanish, or Japanese, in a relaxed, fun environment? Do you already speak these languages and want to come chat with Modern Languages students and faculty? Open to EVERYONE on campus who speaks these languages, not only students! Join us for informal conversations, coffee, and light snacks.

French Table

Le Table Française - French Table

Last Wednesday of each month from 2:30–3:30 PM

Spring 2025 Dates:
1/29, 2/26, 3/26, 4/30

German Table Information

Kaffestunde - German Table

Every other Friday from 12:30–1:30 PM

Spring 2025 Dates:
1/31, 2/14, 2/28, 3/14, 3/28, 4/11, 4/25

Japanese Table

Japanese Table

3:30–4:30 PM

Cafe Ole Flyer

Café Olé - Spanish Table

1:00–2:00 PM