CAT Community

Modern Languages Freshmen Courses and CAT Communities


dasDAS 101 ¡K-State en español!

Join us in the Spanish-English bilingual orientation course
Únete al curso de orientación bilingüe español-inglés

What is it?

This course is a section of DAS 101: Discover, Create, and Thrive: Arts &
Sciences Orientation. As such, the course will share the description, learning outcomes, and many of the assignments with other course sections. Click here to learn more.

Who is it for?

This course is perfect for any student looking to complete a one-credit orientation, but with a unique twist: it’s offered in a dynamic Spanish-English bilingual setting! This course is appropriate for native and heritage speakers of Spanish and for learners of Spanish at a mid-intermediate level or above. All students should be able to place into SPAN 301 (fourth-semester Spanish) or above.

Is this course right for you? Take our Spanish Placement Questionnaire and/or contact Dr. Zamostny.


Students who enroll in DAS 101 ¡K-State en español! will be eligible to apply for a scholarship of up to $400 in connection with their participation in the course.

CAT Global F25K-Staters Go Global! Languages, Cultures, and Travel CAT Community.

A dynamic learning community for first-year students that explores the connections between languages, cultures, and travel through courses in Modern Languages, Geography, and academic success, fostering global perspectives and opportunities for study abroad. Click here to learn more!

Scholarship: Students who enroll in K-Staters Go Global! will be eligible to apply for a scholarship of up to $400 in connection with their participation in the CAT Community.

  • MLANG 120 Multilingualism in the US
  • GEOG 100 World Geography & Globalization
  • DAS 101 K-Staters Go Global

GATOs: Graphs, Algebra, Transformations, and Operations, in Spanish

Get started with your quantitative education by taking a math class in Spanish, taught by a native-speaker. Become proficient in a bilingual setting, and get a better appreciation of the Spanish language through a dynamic learning experience that bridges mathematics and language.

  • MATH 100 (in Spanish) College Algebra
  • SPAN 411 Spanish for heritage speakers: composition and grammar
  • DAS 101 GATOs Math in Spanish

Get started with your quantitative education by taking a math class in Spanish, taught by a native-speaker. Become proficient in a bilingual setting, and get a better appreciation of the Spanish language through a dynamic learning experience that bridges mathematics and language.

MATH 100 (in Spanish) College Algebra

SPAN 411 Spanish for heritage speakers: composition and grammar

DAS 101 GATOs Math in Spanish