Dr. Raelynne Hale
Assistant Professor of Spanish
Contact Information![Photo of Dr. Hale](/languages/images/people/Hale.jpg)
Email: raehale@ksu.edu
Office: Eisenhower 203
Research Interests
I specialize in Contemporary Latin American and Peninsular Literature with a particular focus on ecocritical approaches. I earned my Ph.D. in Spanish from the University of California, Riverside, and have conducted research in Colombia, Mexico, and Spain. In my research, I delve into the intricate relationship between literature and the environment in the context of Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula. My publications explore topics ranging from interactive microfiction in the digital realm to the eco-centric themes in works by contemporary authors. I'm committed to pushing the boundaries of literary studies and fostering a deeper understanding of environmental concerns through literature.
2018 Ph.D. in Spanish, University of California, Riverside, CA
2014 M.A. in Spanish, Saint Louis University, Madrid, Madrid, Spain
2010 B.S. in Spanish, Summa Cum Laude, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO
Courses Offered
Graduate Seminars:
Environmental Perspectives in Latin America
Teaching Language (L2) Online (MLANG course offered in English)
Upper-division courses:
Land, Air, and Water: Conservation, Sustainability, and the Environment in the Spanish-Speaking World
Food in Spanish American History and Culture
Micro-Stories Across the Atlantic
Spanish Language courses:
Spanish Communication through Pop Culture
Spanish 1 - 4 sequence online
Hale, Raelynne. “Jack Agüeros.” Latino Literature Encyclopedia for Students, Edited by Lacie Rae Buckwalter and Christina Soto Van der Plas, ABC-Clio, March 2023, pp. 13-18, 288. https://www.abc-clio.com/products/a6306c/
“La Tinta de Silencio: Micropublicaciones Innovadoras.” Microficción mexicana. Universidad: Revista de pensamiento y cultura de la BUAP, Año 12, No. 42, enero-marzo 2023. https://unidiversidad.com.mx/articulos/micropublicaciones-raelynne-hale/
Arciniegas, Gabriela A. The Shapes of Air: Quantum Fiction / Las formas del aire, ficción cuántica. Translated and Edited by Raelynne Hale, California State University, Fullerton. 2022. Kindle.
Hale, Raelynne. “Twitter y la minificción: un espacio de contacto entre los autores y sus lectores y la creación de microrrelatos interactivos / Twitter and Minificción: An Interactive Space for Authors and their Readers and the Creation of Interactive short short stories.” Microtextualidades. Revista Internacional de microrrelato y minificción, no. 6, 2019, pp. 123-52. Revistas Cientificas. https://revistascientificas.uspceu.com/microtextualidades/article/view/50
Conference Organizer
“AI and the Future: Exploring the Intersection of Language(s), Science and Ethics.” AI and the Future Symposium. Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. October 16 – 18, 2023. https://lib.k-state.edu/technology/ai-and-libraries/ai-symposium/
Grants and Awards
Global Campus Development Grant for SPAN 300 Spanish III Online, 2023, $15,000
AI Symposium, Primary Event Organizer and PI, October 2023, $6,500
Virtual and Online Innovations and Curricular Enhancements Award, 2022
Faculty Award for Outstanding Lecturer, 2021
CCF Award for Special Project for SPAN 470, 2021
FDC Virtual Teaching Faculty Fellow, 2020
Distinguished Teaching Award, 2018
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, 2018
Chancellor’s Distinguished Fellowship, 2015 - 2017
Hispanic Studies Summer Research Grant, 2016, $500
Websites and Social Media
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/raelynnehale
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.rhale
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RaelynneMHale