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- Elective Requirements
Elective requirements
The leadership studies certificate allows students to select electives that complement their academic major(s). Students must take a minimum of three credit hours from the list of electives below. Students can work with their major academic advisor to see if any of the elective courses will fulfill the requirements for their academic major as well as the leadership studies certificate.
For more information, visit our advising help page, or set up an appointment with a Staley School advisor by calling our main office at 785-532-6085 or emailing leadership@ksu.edu.
List of elective courses
Courses are organized by the academic unit offering the curriculum not by major requirements. Students should work with their major academic advisor to determine if any of the courses will fulfill the requirements of their major as well as the leadership studies certificate. The number of credit hours for each course is notated within parentheses.
College of Agriculture
AGCOM 590 - New Media Technology (3)
AGCOM 610 - Crisis Communication (3)
AGCOM 712 - Environmental Communication (3)
AGEC 315 - Contemporary Issues in Global Food and Agricultural Systems (3)
AGEC 318 - Food and Agribusiness Management (3)
AGEC 410 - Agricultural Policy (3)
AGEC 470 - Cooperative Management (3)
AGEC 516 - Agricultural Law and Economics (3)
AGEC 518 - Global Agricultural and Economic Development (3)
AGEC 598 - Farm Management Strategies (3)
AGEC 599 - Food and Agribusiness Management Strategies (3)
AGEC 610 - Current Agriculture and Natural Resource Policy Issues (3)
AGEC 615 - Global Agricultural and Economic Development (3)
AGEC 623 - International Agricultural Trade (3)
AGEC 680 - Risk Management (3)
AGED 400 - Leadership and Professional Development in Agricultural Education (2)
ASI 422 - Livestock Sales Management (0-1)
ASI 595 - Contemporary Issues in Animal Science and Agriculture (3)
FDSCI 710 - Kosher and Halal Food Regulations (2)
GENAG 210 - Human and Cultural Diversity in the Food and Agricultural Sciences (3)
GENAG 450 - Citizenship and Ethics in Agriculture (3)
HORT 794 - Urban Food Systems (2)
College of Architecture, Planning and Design
ARCH 753 - Professional Practice (3)
ARCH 765 - Advanced Problems in Architecture (Variable)
LAR 322 - Environmental Issues and Ethics (3)
PLAN 315 - Introduction to City Planning (3)
College of Arts and Sciences
AMETH 160 - Introduction to American Ethnic Studies (3) *
AMETH 560 - Topics in American Ethnic Studies (1-4) *
AMETH 351 – African American Perspectives (3)
AMETH 352 – American Indian Perspectives (3)
AMETH 353 – Latina/o Perspectives (3)
AMETH 354 – Asian American Perspectives (3)
AMETH 370 – Politics of Women of Color (3)
AMETH 450 – Comparative Ethnic Studies (3)
AMETH 461 – Transformative Thought (3)
AMETH 550 – Popular Pathways of Knowledge (3)
AMETH 650 – Practicing Social Change (3)
AMETH 660 – Independent Research (1-3)
AMETH 700 – Advanced Topics (3)
AMETH 499 – Senior Research (3)
AMETH 556 – Multicultural Society (3)
ANTH 513 – Immigrant America (3)
ANTH 524 - Immigrant America (3) *
ANTH 605 – North American Indians (3)
ANTH 615 – Race and Culture (3)
ANTH 618 - Religion in Culture (3)
ANTH 710 – Writing Cultures: Ethnographic Methods (3)
COMM 311 - Business and Professional Speaking (3)
COMM 320 - Theories of Human Communication (3)
COMM 321 - Public Speaking II (3)
COMM 323 - Nonverbal Communication (3)
COMM 325 - Argumentation and Debate (3)
COMM 326 - Small Group Discussion Methods (3)
COMM 434 - Rhetoric and Social Movements (3)
COMM 425 - Theories of Organizational Communication (3)
COMM 450 - Special Studies in Human Discourse (3)
COMM 480 - Intercultural Communication (3)
COMM 525 - Argumentation Theory (3)
COMM 535 - Communication and Leadership (3)
COMM 545 - Communication & Democracy (3)
ECE 590 - Senior Design Experience 1 Credits (3)
ECE 591 - Senior Design Experience 2 (3)
ECON 640 - Industrial Organization and Public Policy (3)
ENGL 285 – Introduction to American Ethnic Literatures (3)
ENGL 384 – Multicultural Children's Literature (3)
ENGL 385 – Selected American Ethnic Literatures (3)
ENGL 386 – African American Literatures (3)
ENGL 387 – American Indian Literatures (3)
ENGL 388 – Asian American Literatures (3)
ENGL 389 – Latina/o Literatures (3)
ENGL 655 – Readings in American Ethnic Literature (3)
GWSS 105 – Introduction to Gender, Women, & Sexuality Studies (3)
GWSS 321 – Latina's Life Stories (3)
GWSS 325 – Queer Studies (3)
GWSS 345 – Women & Aging (3)
HIST 537 – History of the Indians of North America (3)
HIST 539 – African American History (3)
MC 112 - Web Communication in Society (3)
MC 573/720 - Ethics in Mass Communications (3)
MC 612 – Gender Issues in the Media (3)
MSCI 200 - Self/Team Development (Variable)
MSCI 301 - Leading Small Military Organizations I (Variable)
MSCI 302 - Leading Small Military Organizations II (Variable)
MSCI 401 - Leadership Challenges and Objective-Setting (Variable)
PHILO 115 - Introduction to Philosophy of Religion (3)
PHILO 130 - Introduction to Moral Philosophy (3)
PHILO 135 - Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy (3)
PHILO 160 - Introduction to Philosophy of Law (3)
PHILO 330 - Moral Philosophy (3)
PHILO 365 - Medical Ethics (3)
PHILO 380 - Philosophy and Race (3) **
PHILO 385 - Engineering Ethics (3)
PHILO 390 - Business Ethics (3)
PHILO 525 - Social-Political Philosophy (3) **
PHILO 665 - Philosophy of Economics (3)
PMC 275 - Introduction to Natural Resource Management (3)
PMC 690 - Parks and Recreation Administration (4)
POLSC 377 - Introduction to Public Policy (3)
POLSC 401 – Environmental Political Thought (3)
POLSC 543 - American Foreign Policy (3)
POLSC 545 - The Politics of Developing Nations (3)
POLSC 606 - Gender and Politics (3)
POLSC 661 - Political Thought: Classical to Sixteenth Century (3)
POLSC 663 - Political Thought: Since the Sixteenth Century (3)
POLSC 711 - Administrative Ethics (3)
POLSC 735 - Public Organization Theory (3)
POLSC 754 - The Professional Diplomat and Foreign Policy Formulation (3)
PSYCH 520 - Life Span Personality Development (3)
PSYCH 556 – Multicultural Psychology (3)
PSYCH 557 – Psychology of Ethnic Humor (3)
PSYCH 560 - Industrial Psychology (3)
PSYCH 563 - Gender Issues in the Workplace (3)
PSYCH 564 - Psychology of Organizations (3)
RRES 310 - Outdoor Recreation Leadership (3)
RRES 690 - Parks and Recreation Administration (4)
SOCIO 463 – Gangs in American Society (3)
SOCIO 460 - Youth and Crime (3)
SOCIO 510 - Social Welfare as a Social Institution (3)
SOCIO 541 - Wealth Power & Privilege (3)
SOCIO 545 - Sociology of Women (3)
SOCIO 570 – Race & Ethnic Relations (3)
SOCIO 670 - Diversity and Social Interaction in the Workplace (3)
SOCWK 510 - Social Welfare as a Social Institution (3)
SPAN 560 – Intro to US Latina/o Literature & Culture in Spanish (3)
THTRE 265 - Fundamentals of Improvisation I, II (3)
THTRE 664 - Creative Drama (3)
THTRE 673 - Theatre for Conflict Resolution (3)
WOEM 620 - Human-Wildlife Conflicts (4)
WOMST 105 - Introduction to Women's Studies (3)
WOMST 590 - Women's Studies Practice and Theory (3)
* Does not count toward the Overlay in A&S
** Counts toward the Overlay in A&S
College of Business Administration
MANGT 420 - Management Concepts (3)
MANGT 520 - Organizational Behavior (3)
MANGT 550 - Organizational Training and Development (3)
MANGT 595 - Business Strategy (3)
MANGT 596 - Business, Government, and Society (3)
College of Education
EDCEP 311 - Interaction and Guidance for the Paraprofessional (3)
EDCEP 315 - Educational Psychology (3)
EDCEP 525 - Interpersonal Relations in the Schools (1)
EDLEA 213 - Applied Leadership Skills (3)
College of Engineering
ARE 539 - Architectural Engineering Management (3)
ARE 571 - Systems Integration and Design (3)
ARE 671 - ARE Capstone (4)
BAE 536 - Biological Systems Engineering Senior Design (3)
BAE 636 - Biological Systems Engineering Design Project (1-3)
BME 590 - Senior Design Experience 1 (3)
BME 591 - Senior Design Experience 2 (3)
CE 585 - Civil Engineering Project (3)
CE Design Elective - CE 544, CE 542, CE 528, CE 552, CE 565, CE 572 (3)
CHE 570 - Chemical Engineering Systems Design 1 (3)
CHE 571 - Chemical Engineering Systems Design 2 (3)
CIS 598 - Computer Science Project (3)
CIS 520 - Operating Systems 1 (3)
CIS 625 - Concurrent Software Systems (3)
CIS 642 - Software Engineering Project 1 (3)
CIS 643 - Software Engineering Project 2 (3)
CNS 643 - Preconstruction Service/Design Build (3)
CNS 660 - Construction Operations (3)
DEN 300 - Introduction to Total Quality Management and Six Sigma (1)
DEN 325 - Introduction to Personal and Professional Development (1)
DEN 450 - Impact of Technology on Society (3)
IMSE 501/605 - Industrial Management (3)
IMSE 580 - Manufacturing Systems Design and Analysis (4)
IMSE 591 - Senior Design Project 1 (2)
IMSE 592 - Senior Design Project 2 (2)
IMSE 685 - Principles of Manufacturing Information Systems (3)
ME 574 - Interdisciplinary Industrial Design Project 1 (3)
ME 575 - Interdisciplinary Industrial Design Project 2 (3)
College of Health and Human Sciences
CNRES 531 - Core Conflict Resolution (3)
CNRES 532 - Conflict Resolution across Cultures & Contexts (3)
FSHS 301 - The Helping Relationship (3)
FSHS 531/751 - Core Conflict Resolution (3)
FSHS 532 - Conflict Resolution across Cultures & Contexts (3)
GNHE 310 - Human Needs (3)
HDFS 301 - The Helping Relationship (3)
IDFS350 - Our Sustainable World: Current Challenges and Future Opportunities (3)
K-State Salina
AERO 310 - Officer Leadership Studies 3A (3)
AERO 311 - Officer Leadership Studies 3B (3)
Staley School of Leadership
LEAD 251 - Honors Leadership I (3)
LEAD 312 – Peer Leader Practicum (0-3)
LEAD 320 - Theories of Leadership (3)
LEAD 420 - Theories of Nonprofit Leadership (3)
LEAD 430 - Women and Leadership (3)
LEAD 489 - Seminar in International Service-Learning (3)
LEAD 499 - Nonprofit Organization Internship (3)
LEAD 502 - Independent Study in Leadership Studies (0-3)
LEAD 502/POLSC 366 - Applied Political Leadership (3)
LEAD 502/POLSC 799 - Concepts of Executive Leadership (3)
LEAD 502 - Global Citizenship (3)
List of All Electives by College
College of Agriculture
AGCOM 590 - New Media Technology (3)
AGCOM 610 - Crisis Communication (3)
AGCOM 712 - Environmental Communication (3)
AGEC 315 - Contemporary Issues in Global Food and Agricultural Systems (3)
AGEC 318 - Food and Agribusiness Management (3)
AGEC 410 - Agricultural Policy (3)
AGEC 470 - Cooperative Management (3)
AGEC 516 - Agricultural Law and Economics (3)
AGEC 518 - Global Agricultural and Economic Development (3)
AGEC 598 - Farm Management Strategies (3)
AGEC 599 - Food and Agribusiness Management Strategies (3)
AGEC 610 - Current Agriculture and Natural Resource Policy Issues (3)
AGEC 615 - Global Agricultural and Economic Development (3)
AGEC 623 - International Agricultural Trade (3)
AGEC 680 - Risk Management (3)
AGED 400 - Leadership and Professional Development in Agricultural Education (2)
ASI 422 - Livestock Sales Management (0-1)
ASI 595 - Contemporary Issues in Animal Science and Agriculture (3)
FDSCI 710 - Kosher and Halal Food Regulations (2)
GENAG 210 - Human and Cultural Diversity in the Food and Agricultural Sciences (3)
GENAG 450 - Citizenship and Ethics in Agriculture (3)
HORT 794 - Urban Food Systems (2)
College of Architecture, Planning and Design
ARCH 753 - Professional Practice (3)
ARCH 765 - Advanced Problems in Architecture (Variable)
LAR 322 - Environmental Issues and Ethics (3)
PLAN 315 - Introduction to City Planning (3)
College of Arts and Sciences
AMETH 160 - Introduction to American Ethnic Studies (3) *
AMETH 560 - Topics in American Ethnic Studies (1-4) *
AMETH 351 – African American Perspectives (3)
AMETH 352 – American Indian Perspectives (3)
AMETH 353 – Latina/o Perspectives (3)
AMETH 354 – Asian American Perspectives (3)
AMETH 370 – Politics of Women of Color (3)
AMETH 450 – Comparative Ethnic Studies (3)
AMETH 461 – Transformative Thought (3)
AMETH 550 – Popular Pathways of Knowledge (3)
AMETH 650 – Practicing Social Change (3)
AMETH 660 – Independent Research (1-3)
AMETH 700 – Advanced Topics (3)
AMETH 499 – Senior Research (3)
AMETH 556 – Multicultural Society (3)
ANTH 513 – Immigrant America (3)
ANTH 524 - Immigrant America (3) *
ANTH 605 – North American Indians (3)
ANTH 615 – Race and Culture (3)
ANTH 618 - Religion in Culture (3)
ANTH 710 – Writing Cultures: Ethnographic Methods (3)
COMM 311 - Business and Professional Speaking (3)
COMM 320 - Theories of Human Communication (3)
COMM 321 - Public Speaking II (3)
COMM 323 - Nonverbal Communication (3)
COMM 325 - Argumentation and Debate (3)
COMM 326 - Small Group Discussion Methods (3)
COMM 434 - Rhetoric and Social Movements (3)
COMM 425 - Theories of Organizational Communication (3)
COMM 450 - Special Studies in Human Discourse (3)
COMM 480 - Intercultural Communication (3)
COMM 525 - Argumentation Theory (3)
COMM 535 - Communication and Leadership (3)
COMM 545 - Communication & Democracy (3)
ECE 590 - Senior Design Experience 1 Credits (3)
ECE 591 - Senior Design Experience 2 (3)
ECON 640 - Industrial Organization and Public Policy (3)
ENGL 285 – Introduction to American Ethnic Literatures (3)
ENGL 384 – Multicultural Children's Literature (3)
ENGL 385 – Selected American Ethnic Literatures (3)
ENGL 386 – African American Literatures (3)
ENGL 387 – American Indian Literatures (3)
ENGL 388 – Asian American Literatures (3)
ENGL 389 – Latina/o Literatures (3)
ENGL 655 – Readings in American Ethnic Literature (3)
GWSS 105 – Introduction to Gender, Women, & Sexuality Studies (3)
GWSS 321 – Latina's Life Stories (3)
GWSS 325 – Queer Studies (3)
GWSS 345 – Women & Aging (3)
HIST 537 – History of the Indians of North America (3)
HIST 539 – African American History (3)
MC 112 - Web Communication in Society (3)
MC 573/720 - Ethics in Mass Communications (3)
MC 612 – Gender Issues in the Media (3)
MSCI 200 - Self/Team Development (Variable)
MSCI 301 - Leading Small Military Organizations I (Variable)
MSCI 302 - Leading Small Military Organizations II (Variable)
MSCI 401 - Leadership Challenges and Objective-Setting (Variable)
PHILO 115 - Introduction to Philosophy of Religion (3)
PHILO 130 - Introduction to Moral Philosophy (3)
PHILO 135 - Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy (3)
PHILO 160 - Introduction to Philosophy of Law (3)
PHILO 330 - Moral Philosophy (3)
PHILO 365 - Medical Ethics (3)
PHILO 380 - Philosophy and Race (3) **
PHILO 385 - Engineering Ethics (3)
PHILO 390 - Business Ethics (3)
PHILO 525 - Social-Political Philosophy (3) **
PHILO 665 - Philosophy of Economics (3)
PMC 275 - Introduction to Natural Resource Management (3)
PMC 690 - Parks and Recreation Administration (4)
POLSC 377 - Introduction to Public Policy (3)
POLSC 401 – Environmental Political Thought (3)
POLSC 543 - American Foreign Policy (3)
POLSC 545 - The Politics of Developing Nations (3)
POLSC 606 - Gender and Politics (3)
POLSC 661 - Political Thought: Classical to Sixteenth Century (3)
POLSC 663 - Political Thought: Since the Sixteenth Century (3)
POLSC 711 - Administrative Ethics (3)
POLSC 735 - Public Organization Theory (3)
POLSC 754 - The Professional Diplomat and Foreign Policy Formulation (3)
PSYCH 520 - Life Span Personality Development (3)
PSYCH 556 – Multicultural Psychology (3)
PSYCH 557 – Psychology of Ethnic Humor (3)
PSYCH 560 - Industrial Psychology (3)
PSYCH 563 - Gender Issues in the Workplace (3)
PSYCH 564 - Psychology of Organizations (3)
RRES 310 - Outdoor Recreation Leadership (3)
RRES 690 - Parks and Recreation Administration (4)
SOCIO 463 – Gangs in American Society (3)
SOCIO 460 - Youth and Crime (3)
SOCIO 510 - Social Welfare as a Social Institution (3)
SOCIO 541 - Wealth Power & Privilege (3)
SOCIO 545 - Sociology of Women (3)
SOCIO 570 – Race & Ethnic Relations (3)
SOCIO 670 - Diversity and Social Interaction in the Workplace (3)
SOCWK 510 - Social Welfare as a Social Institution (3)
SPAN 560 – Intro to US Latina/o Literature & Culture in Spanish (3)
THTRE 265 - Fundamentals of Improvisation I, II (3)
THTRE 664 - Creative Drama (3)
THTRE 673 - Theatre for Conflict Resolution (3)
WOEM 620 - Human-Wildlife Conflicts (4)
WOMST 105 - Introduction to Women's Studies (3)
WOMST 590 - Women's Studies Practice and Theory (3)
* Does not count toward the Overlay in A&S
** Counts toward the Overlay in A&S
College of Business Administration
MANGT 420 - Management Concepts (3)
MANGT 520 - Organizational Behavior (3)
MANGT 550 - Organizational Training and Development (3)
MANGT 595 - Business Strategy (3)
MANGT 596 - Business, Government, and Society (3)
College of Education
EDCEP 311 - Interaction and Guidance for the Paraprofessional (3)
EDCEP 315 - Educational Psychology (3)
EDCEP 525 - Interpersonal Relations in the Schools (1)
EDLEA 213 - Applied Leadership Skills (3)
College of Engineering
ARE 539 - Architectural Engineering Management (3)
ARE 571 - Systems Integration and Design (3)
ARE 671 - ARE Capstone (4)
BAE 536 - Biological Systems Engineering Senior Design (3)
BAE 636 - Biological Systems Engineering Design Project (1-3)
BME 590 - Senior Design Experience 1 (3)
BME 591 - Senior Design Experience 2 (3)
CE 585 - Civil Engineering Project (3)
CE Design Elective - CE 544, CE 542, CE 528, CE 552, CE 565, CE 572 (3)
CHE 570 - Chemical Engineering Systems Design 1 (3)
CHE 571 - Chemical Engineering Systems Design 2 (3)
CIS 598 - Computer Science Project (3)
CIS 520 - Operating Systems 1 (3)
CIS 625 - Concurrent Software Systems (3)
CIS 642 - Software Engineering Project 1 (3)
CIS 643 - Software Engineering Project 2 (3)
CNS 643 - Preconstruction Service/Design Build (3)
CNS 660 - Construction Operations (3)
DEN 300 - Introduction to Total Quality Management and Six Sigma (1)
DEN 325 - Introduction to Personal and Professional Development (1)
DEN 450 - Impact of Technology on Society (3)
IMSE 501/605 - Industrial Management (3)
IMSE 580 - Manufacturing Systems Design and Analysis (4)
IMSE 591 - Senior Design Project 1 (2)
IMSE 592 - Senior Design Project 2 (2)
IMSE 685 - Principles of Manufacturing Information Systems (3)
ME 574 - Interdisciplinary Industrial Design Project 1 (3)
ME 575 - Interdisciplinary Industrial Design Project 2 (3)
College of Health and Human Sciences
CNRES 531 - Core Conflict Resolution (3)
CNRES 532 - Conflict Resolution across Cultures & Contexts (3)
FSHS 301 - The Helping Relationship (3)
FSHS 531/751 - Core Conflict Resolution (3)
FSHS 532 - Conflict Resolution across Cultures & Contexts (3)
GNHE 310 - Human Needs (3)
HDFS 301 - The Helping Relationship (3)
IDFS350 - Our Sustainable World: Current Challenges and Future Opportunities (3)
K-State Polytechnic
AERO 310 - Officer Leadership Studies 3A (3)
AERO 311 - Officer Leadership Studies 3B (3)
Staley School of Leadership Studies
LEAD 251 - Honors Leadership I (3)
LEAD 312 – Peer Leader Practicum (0-3)
LEAD 320 - Theories of Leadership (3)
LEAD 420 - Theories of Nonprofit Leadership (3)
LEAD 430 - Women and Leadership (3)
LEAD 489 - Seminar in International Service-Learning (3)
LEAD 499 - Nonprofit Organization Internship (3)
LEAD 502 - Independent Study in Leadership Studies (0-3)
LEAD 502/POLSC 366 - Applied Political Leadership (3)
LEAD 502/POLSC 799 - Concepts of Executive Leadership (3)
LEAD 502 - Global Citizenship (3)