Angelique Foye-Fletcher, M.S.


Education: Bachelor of Science in family studies and human services and psychology (May 2014)

Master of Science in marriage and family therapy from Purdue University Northwest

McNair Project: The Influence of Positive Family Member Role Models on Empathy and Pro-Social Behaviors in Emerging Adulthood (2012)

Mentor: Brenda McDaniel, Ph.D.

This study examines a positive family member role model influence on emerging adults' levels of pro-social behavior and empathy. Specifically, moral trait integration, the level of how important moral traits are to self-identify, was measured in emerging adults' perceptions of a positive family member. Utilizing Dr. McDaniel's grant-funded project "Structure and Consistency of Character", regression analyses were conducted in order to examine the possible influence of positive family member role models. Results indicated that the positive family member's moral trait integration moderated the relationship between emerging adult moral trait integration and pro-social behavior or empathy. It was found that a stronger match between emerging adult and family member role model on level of moral trait integration (either low-low or high-high), the better the emerging adult outcome (pro-social behavior and empathy). However, the highest levels of pro-social behavior were found for emerging adults with high levels of moral trait integration who had family member role models with the same match. The impact of these findings is discussed.

McNair Project: National Guard Youth: Influence of Family and Environmental Systems on Alcohol Use (2013)

Mentor: Joyce Baptist, Ph.D.

This pilot study examines the extent behavior in school and home, academic work, and family environment influences alcohol use among National Guard youth who have experienced parental deployment. Participants were 33 National Guard youth participating in a summer camp. Results indicated that behavioral problems in school and increased difficulty with extended family were positive contributors to alcohol use while difficulty with school work negatively contributed to alcohol use. Family environment did not significantly contribute to reduced alcohol use as hypothesized. It is possible that the attention given to the adolescent struggling with school work may prohibit the need for the adolescent to use alcohol to cope with academic stress. The role of difficulty with extended family needs to be further investigated. This pilot data served as the basis for a more comprehensive study that will be conducted in August 2013.