Ashkea Herron, J.D.


Education: Bachelor of Arts in marketing and Spanish (May 2003)

Juris Doctor from Howard University

McNair Project: Comparison of the Developing Presence of Hispanic and African-American Cultures within Business and Industry in the United States the 1960s (2000)

Mentor: Antonia Pigno, M.A.

This study attempts to understand and appreciate the developing presence of Hispanic-American and African-American cultures within the business and industry sectors of the United States. The research commences with the examination of the Black movement, and the Chicano movement, both of which took rise in the 1960's. During this time period, the Hispanic and African-American citizens of the United States devoted themselves to the idea of equality through social change. Each group took on this battle utilizing their own resources and methods in hopes that a transformation of some kind would take place. The research compares and contrasts the history of business growth and expansion within these two minority groups in the United States. The hypothesis states that a correlation lies between government policies regarding minorities and an increase in minority-owned business in the late 1960's. Letters were sent out to 100 Hispanic-American and African- American owned businesses founded in the years 1965-1975, requesting annual reports and other publications, so that information could be obtained regarding the commencement of each company. The results of the study indicate that a weak correlation between government policies and minority-owned businesses exists. Overall, the study shows that racism and discrimination is so deeply rooted into the history of the United States that one cannot pinpoint the rise in minority businesses leaders to one specific reason. The study includes the annual reports and publications sent by the 100 companies, their purpose being to inspire young minority leaders in the field of business today to believe that success is, indeed, possible.