Jessica Reyes, M.A.


Education: Bachelor of Arts in English and history (August 2011)

Master of Arts in English from Kansas State University

McNair Project: Developing the "Rhetorical Context:" Understanding Faculty Attitudes towards Writing and Writing Instruction at Kansas State University (2011)

Mentor: Kara Northway, Ph.D., & Deborah Murray, M.A.

My research uses a survey to identify congruencies between, on the one hand, K-State faculty members' approaches to their own and their students' writing and, on the other hand, writing practices promoted in the writing center. The results show that while faculty members engage in revision and collaborative practices in their own writing, they do not always fully support the development of these practices in their students. Because of this, tutors should continue to emphasize the importance of writing to students' academic and professional success and continue to encourage revision and collaborative practices as tools for students to improve their writing. Furthermore, the survey provides quantifiable data demonstrating the need for increased and expanded tutoring services on campus.