Lindsay Mallory Kalkman, M.S.


Education: Bachelor of Science in biology (May 1999)

Master of Science in physical therapy from Washington University

McNair Project: Influence of Muscle Fiber Type on Oxygen Intake/Work Rate under Moderate Exercise (1998)

Mentor: Thomas Barstow, Ph.D.

Previous studies suggest that AV o2/ A WR for heavy exercise (>Lactate Threshold, > LT) is significantly related to fitness exprssed as Vo2PEAK (Barstow et al., J. Appl. Physiol., 81:1642-1650, 1996). The purpose of this study was to determine whether fitness significantly effected the AV oif A WR relationship for < LT exercise. Thirteen subjects (10 males, 3 females, 25 ± 7 yrs, Vo2PEAK: 42.3 ± 5 .5 ml/kg/min) were tested. All tests were performed on a cycle ergometer, and gas exchange was measured breath-by-breath throughout each protocol. Each subject performed one ramp test (15-30 W /min) from which Vo2PEAK (highest 10 s mean) and LT were determined. On 3 subsequent days, subjects performed constant load exercise for 6 minutes at work rates (WRs) corresponding to 30, 50, 70, & 90% LT, separated by 6 minutes of 10% LT pedalling. The mean Vo2 determined for the last 3 minutes of each WR was regressed against the absolute WR for each subject and trial. The group mean AVo2/AWR was 10.1 ml/min/W (range of 8.9 to 11.1 ml/min/W). For each subject, the mean AVo2/llWR was plotted as a function of Vo2PEAK (ml/kg/min). The results of linear regression analysis between A Vo2/AWR and fitness were insignificant (r = 0.38; p > 0.05). These results suggest that intersubject differences in fl Voif AWR are not associated with differences in fitness expressed as Vo2PEAK (ml/kg/min).