Megan Mascorro-Jackson, M.S.


Education: Bachelor of Arts in theater (management/drama therapy) (May 2007)

Master of Science in Information - Library and Information Science from Drexel University

McNair Project: Governor's Multicultural Research Council (2005)

Mentor: Cia Verschelden, Ph.D.

"Bright Flight" is the phenomenon of educated persons migrating to other states, and is a dilemma that concerns Kansas. The purpose of this research was to determine whether or not young adults between the ages of 18 and 25 are actually migrating from the state. To address concerns brought to the Governor, a research council was formed. This research council worked in conjunction with the African American Affairs Commission, and was comprised of three McNair scholars, and their faculty mentors from three different universities. The universities represented were Kansas State University, the University of Kansas, and Wichita State University. The preliminary data suggested that there is not a significant net out-migration; however, there is not sufficient evidence to make a conclusion at this time. It is the opinion of the council that the state should invest in a more expansive research project concerning these problems, allowing for more resources and time.

McNair Project: Adolescent Development Issues Specific to Individuals who have Special Needs (2006)

Mentor: Sally Bailey, M.F.A., M.S.W.

This research discusses the needs exhibited by six adolescents in the Manhattan, Kansas, area. These adolescents have a variety of special needs of varying degrees. The six adolescents were observed in their natural environment at Super Summer Creative Arts Camp, to examine what needs they were exhibiting. Parents and guardians of the campers were interviewed to discover if they were informed of their child's needs. The answers to the interview questions were then compared to observations made to find differences and similarities. These differences and similarities will be explored in the data analysis.