Sarah Trabert, Ph.D.


Education: Bachelor of Arts in anthropology (May 2008)

Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in anthropology from the University of Iowa

McNair Project: Steed-Kisker Ceramics: Analysis of the Scott Site (14LV1082) Assemblage (2007)

Mentor: Brad Logan, Ph.D.

One of the defining traits of the Steed-Kisker phase, a Late Prehistoric culture of the Central Plains tradition, is its ceramics. They differ from the ceramics of other Central Plains tradition cultures in that they exhibit shell-tempering, smooth surface treatment, and limited decoration. Previous data collected from the Scott site (14LV1082) indicates Steed-Kisker occupation, and the ceramics support this conclusion.

Both attribute and dimensional data were collected from a sample of the sherds from the site, and compared to the Steed-Kisker site (Wedel 1943), type site of the culture, as well as the Crabtree site (23CL164), another recently excavated occupation. Comparison showed variation not only among sites, but within the Scott site assemblage. The Crabtree site shows no indication of contact with an outside influence, whereas the Scott site assemblage includes three examples of the Nebraska phase, another culture of the Central Plains tradition. The Scott sample contains mostly Platte Valley Plain ware, with relatively few examples of Steed-Kisker Incised.