Stevie St. Clair, M.S.W.


Education: Bachelor of Science in family studies and human services and social work (December 2015)

Master of Social Work from the University of Kansas

McNair Project: Kansas Operation Military Kids Summer Program Evaluations: From Effort to Effectiveness (2014)

Mentor: Elaine Johannes, Ph.D.

Kansas Operation: Military Kids (OMK) is a federally funded program of K-State Research and Extension, which provides non-formal education and social activities to military connected youth and their families. Kansas OMK conducts day camps, retreats and community events for on and off installation military-connected youth, but these programs have not been systematically evaluated. The McNair researcher designed, piloted, and implemented an evaluation process of Kansas OMK programs to assess their impact on science knowledge, health awareness, social/emotional learning, and positive relationship development among youth participants. The program evaluation used a participatory approach and included triangulation of information collected through participant pre/post surveys, direct observations, and After Activity Reviews (AAR) with staff and stakeholders. Evaluation data was collected during three Kansas OMK day camps, which served thirty-five youth (ages 7-12), primarily from civilian communities. Frequency and content analysis of evaluation data led to recommendations that will aid Kansas Operation: Military Kids program staff in program improvement.