Green Belt Course Overview

The noncredit Green Belt course is designed to provide the tools, methods and skills needed to effectively drive a medium-sized process improvement project for your organization. The course drills into the details of Six Sigma, Lean, and Theory of Constraints to provide a well-rounded view of process improvement techniques. The course will also cover important elements needed to successfully implement Lean Six Sigma within an organization.

Green Belt

Participants will learn how to guide Lean Six Sigma projects that create immediate and lasting value to an organization. The skills and tools are applied immediately through individual and team exercises to gain maximum learning. Participants will be able to apply the concepts learned in the class to a business improvement project back in their work environment.

Plaques will be issued to participants who successfully complete course requirements.


Course cost: $2,500

Class size is limited. Please register early to reserve your seat. Payment is required at the time of registration.



The Green Belt course includes six in-person sessions on the K-State Manhattan campus. Participants are required to attend all in-person sessions. They will also complete self-paced training online.

  • October 17-18, 2024
  • November 7-8, 2024
  • November 21-22, 2024

In-person session location: K-State Manhattan campus (Details will be sent to registered participants prior to the training sessions.)


  • All industries and types of organizations
  • Project leaders who will be driving Lean Six Sigma projects
  • Leaders who will be responsible for championing or sponsoring Lean Six Sigma


Learn how to successfully complete a LSS Project:

  • Understand the key factors critical to a successful implementation of Lean Six Sigma
  • Be able to utilize the Business Improvement Guide (BIG) project execution process
  • Understand the Crimson Corporation Process Improvement Roadmap®
  • Have a solid understanding of LSS
  • Understand and be able to use the core LSS tools
  • Be able to mentor and coach other team members just starting to learn about LSS
  • Be able to make process improvement changes within the organization
  • Be able to provide immediate benefits to the organization by completing a LSS project
  • Understand and be able to effectively use basic tools and methods of project management and organizational change management (OCM)
  • Understand how to effectively manage teams and meetings to drive project success


This is a blended learning course with classroom training plus self-paced training to supplement the classroom experience through online content, homework and applications. The course is designed to be extremely interactive and it incorporates a mix of learning methods including lecture, reading assignments, simulations, individual and team exercises, case studies and videos.

Participants will engage in a comprehensive simulation conducted throughout the course to gain experience using the tools and methods learned in class. Quizzes and completion of a project, identified by the participant, are required.

A Kansas State University certificate of completion will be awarded upon successful completion of all program requirements, which include:

  • Prior participation in the Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt course or prior LSS experience
  • Full participation in all in-person class sessions (6)
  • Competency examinations and a project (project must be identified in advance by the participant)
  • Approximately 24 hours of online sessions, homework and reading assignments


  • A detailed course workbook is provided (Crimson Corporation’s Business Improvement Guide). This book will also serve as a valuable reference guide for future LSS project work
  • The Goal will also be used in the course and will be provided
  • Minitab Statistical software is used throughout the course (software not provided)
  • Electronic copies of templates and tools are provided


  • Prior participation in the Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt course or prior Lean Six Sigma experience is strongly encouraged
  • Participants must have a laptop with the Minitab Statistical Software and be familiar with basic use and applications


Students will gain confidence understanding these terms and Lean Six Sigma concepts:

  • DMAIC process improvement methodology
  • Project charter
  • Voice of the customer
  • Swim lane process map (and other process maps)
  • Fishbone root cause analysis tool
  • 5 Why root cause analysis tool
  • Pareto charts
  • Graphical analysis tools
  • Control charts
  • Measurement systems analysis (MSA)
  • Measurement plan development
  • Hypothesis testing
  • Lean principles
  • 7 Wastes
  • 5S
  • Kanban
  • Kaizen events
  • Continuous flow processes
  • Value stream maps
  • Theory of Constraints
  • Project Management
  • Presentation skills
  • Organizational Change Management (OCM)
  • Inferential statistics
  • Innovation
  • Design for Six Sigma
  • TRIZ
  • Scamper