Raluca Cozma, Ph.D.

Professor, Associate Director of Graduate Programs and Research
Campus office: 201 Nichols Hall

Raluca Cozma (Ph.D., Louisiana State University) joined the A.Q. Miller School of Media and Communication in 2017. She has professional experience in local television news and international communication from Romania and the United States.

Cozma combines her professional background with her scholarship in international, political, and science communication to teach journalism and research skills in an age of evolving global and electronic media.

Prior to joining K-State, Cozma taught at Iowa State University, where she won the Early Achievement in Teaching Award, the Harry Heath Distinguished Adviser Award, the Faculty-Staff Inspiration Award, and served as faculty adviser of ISUtv. She earned two professional-development grants that funded summer externships at local TV stations. At the national level, she served as chair of AEJMC’s Newspaper and Online News Division and as chair of AEJMC’s Standing Committee on Teaching.

Cozma is the President of the national honor society for journalism and mass communication, Kappa Tau Alpha, and the adviser of the Kansas State University Louise Benjamin KTA chapter.

Cozma’s research examines the state and evolution of foreign news, social-media use by foreign correspondents and political leaders, news trust and credibility, as well as the importance of frames and news sources in international, political, and science communication. One of her research goals is to actively involve graduate students in her scholarship and then provide them with the tools and opportunities to create their own strains of research on related topics and theories. Her research has won top-paper awards at AEJMC, ICA, BEA, and AJHA and has been published in venues such as the Newspaper Research Journal, Journalism Studies, International Journal of Press/Politics, The International Communication Gazette, the Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, Journalism History, and Journalism Practice, as well as in several book chapters and encyclopedia entries. Her scholarship of teaching focuses on the impact of new technologies on educators and student media. She is co-editor of a UNESCO handbook titled Teaching Journalism Online.