Journal of Media Law & Ethics

Beginning fall 2021, Kansas State University A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications is publishing the Journal of Media Law & Ethics (ISSN1940-9389), one of the leading peer-reviewed journals in the field. Dr. Nikhil Moro, associate professor and former School director, is its Editor. Dr. Ian Punnett, professor of practice, is a member of its editorial advisory board.

JMLE is an online, peer-reviewed journal exploring current legal and ethical issues facing the media, including defamation, privacy, copyright, censorship, licensing, reporters’ privilege, news accuracy, bias, and media literacy. After its launch in 2009 as a journal of Marquette Books, JMLE was published by the University of Baltimore School of Law beginning spring 2012 under the continuing editorship of founding editor Dr. Eric B. Easton, emeritus professor, who now joins its editorial board.

Published quarterly or occasionally, JMLE seeks theoretical and analytical manuscripts that advance the understanding of media law and ethics in society. Submissions may have a legal, historical, or social-science orientation, but must focus on media law or ethics. All theoretical perspectives are welcome. All manuscripts undergo blind peer review. Access to JMLE is available to the public at no charge.

The call for papers is available here.

Submission Guidelines


All manuscripts must be original and must not be under consideration at other journals.

Peer Review:

All manuscripts will undergo blind peer review. The normal review period is three months or less.


The ideal length for submitted papers is 20-30 double-spaced pages (6,000 to 8,000 words using 12-point Times Roman or equivalent type), including footnotes, tables, and figures. Longer manuscripts will be considered when space is available. The submission and review process will be electronic; all manuscripts should be prepared using Microsoft Word or converted to that format. Email should be sent to Dr. Nikhil Moro, Editor.

Manuscript Preparation:

All footnotes should be in Bluebook form. All text must be double-spaced except tables and figures, which must be “camera-ready.” Microsoft Word is the required software program for formatting manuscripts. The title page should include the title of the manuscript, names and affiliations of all authors, as well as their addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses. Five key words for referencing the document in electronic databases are also required. Only the title page should contain identifying information. The second page should include the manuscript title and an abstract of 150 to 250 words. All figures and tables must be formatted to 5.5 inches in width and no more than 7.5 inches in height.

Copyright and Production Notes:

All works submitted must be original, with no uncited part of them published elsewhere. Authors of works that are selected for publication shall retain the copyright in their works. Authors should, however, give the Journal of Media Law & Ethics and the Kansas State University A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications a nonexclusive right to publish the work in journals, books, or any other collections that it may publish at the same time or in the future. Authors shall be given credit in such works and will continue to control the copyright in their own works. After a manuscript is accepted for publication, the author or authors are expected to proofread and edit the page proofs when they are provided.


Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright owners to use lengthy quotations (450 words or more) or to reprint or adapt a table or figure that has been published elsewhere. Authors should write to the original copyright holder requesting nonexclusive permission to reproduce the material in this journal and in future publications of the Kansas State University A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications.

Email manuscripts to: Dr. Nikhil Moro, Editor.

Editorial Board


Nikhil Moro, Associate Professor, Kansas State University A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications

Editorial Board Members

Benjamin Bennett-Carpenter, Special Lecturer, Oakland University, Michigan

Stuart Brotman, Distinguished Professor, University of Tennessee

Dom Caristi, Professor Emeritus, Ball State University

Caitlin Ring Carlson, Associate Professor, Seattle University

L. Susan Carter, Professor Emeritus, Michigan State University

Eric B. Easton, Professor Emeritus, University of Baltimore School of Law

Anthony Fargo, Associate Professor and Director, Center for International Media Law and Policy Studies, Indiana University

Anthony R. Fellow, Professor and Chair (retired), Department of Communications and Department of Cinema and Television, California State University, Fullerton

Amy Gajda, Professor, Tulane University School of Law

Steven Michael Hallock, Professor and Director, School of Communication Graduate Programs, Point Park University

Martin E. Halstuk, Professor Emeritus, Pennsylvania State University

Christopher Hanson, Associate Professor, University of Maryland

W. Wat Hopkins, Professor, Virginia Tech

Elliot King, Professor, Loyola University Maryland

Jane Kirtley, Silha Professor of Media Ethics & Law, University of Minnesota

Laurie Thomas Lee, Professor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Norman P. Lewis, Associate Professor, University of Florida

Frank D. LoMonte, Professor and Director, The Brechner Center for Freedom of Information, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications

Karen M. Markin, Director of Research Development, University of Rhode Island

Maria B. Marron, Professor and former Dean, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Kirsten Mogensen, Associate Professor, Roskilde University (Denmark)

Kathleen K. Olson, Professor, Lehigh University

Richard J. Peltz-Steele, Chancellor Professor, University of Massachusetts School of Law

Eric Robinson, Associate Professor, University of South Carolina School of Journalism and Communications and Joseph F. Rice School of Law

Daxton “Chip” Stewart, Professor, Texas Christian University

James Lynn Stewart, Professor, Nicholls State University

Christopher R. Terry, Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota

Doreen Weisenhaus, Associate Professor, Northwestern University

Kim Zarkin, Professor and Chair, Communication Program, Westminster University