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The following K-State faculty members presented at the 66th annual Plains Anthropological Conference, Oct. 1-4, Laramie, Wyo.:

Brad Logan, "Kansas City Hopewell and Steed-Kisker from a Trans-Missouri Perspective" and "Spatial Analysis of the Phil House, a Central Plains Tradition Site in North-Central Kansas."

Lauren W. Ritterbush, "Fifty Years of Oneota Research and Beyond."

Donna C. Roper, "Setting the Stage: Waldo Wedel and Early Formulations of Central Plains Tradition Culture" and "Variation in Central Plains Tradition House Construction."



Mick Charney published a book review of "On and By Frank Lloyd Wright: A Primer of Architectural Principles," by Robert McCarter (ed.), caa.reviews, an online journal published by the College Art Association, Oct. 15.


Architectural engineering and construction science

The following K-State faculty members attended the 2008 Architectural Engineering Institute Conference, Sept. 26, Denver, Colo.:

Ray Yunk was recognized for his service as chair of the Architectural Engineering Institute Academic Council, which is comprised of representatives from all 17 Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology accredited architectural engineering programs nationally.

Yunk was invited to join the Board of Governors for Architectural Engineering Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers starting Oct. 1.

Julia Keen presented "A Team Approach to Problem Based Learning."



Douglas Dow presented "'Per l'amor d'Iddio': Patterns of Confraternal Patronage in the Age of Reform," Early Modern Seminar, Sept. 18, Hall Center for the Humanities, University of Kansas, Lawrence.

Nancy Morrow had work selected for inclusion in "Your Documents Please," an international traveling exhibition.


Center for Engagement and Community Development

David Procter presented "The Tension Between Free Speech and Negative Advertisement in American Political Campaigns," Federal Electoral Institute, Sept. 29, Mexico City, Mexico.

Procter presented "Identifying Rural Grocery Capacities in Rural Kansas," National Community Food Security Coalition Conference, Oct. 6, Philadelphia, Pa.


Clinical sciences

Hans Coetzee presented "Measuring and Managing Pain Associated with Bovine Castration," American Association of Bovine Practitioners, Sept. 25.

Coetzee presented "Health and Welfare of Stocker Cattle," Kentucky Veterinary Medical Association's 35th Mid-American Veterinary Conference, Oct. 4, Louisville, Ky.

Greg Grauer presented "Managing Chronic Kidney Disease in Dogs with Congestive Heart Failure," South European Veterinarian Conference, Oct. 18-19, Barcelona, Spain.

Mike Apley will present "Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing," American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians annual meeting, Oct. 25, Greensboro, N.C.



Shannon Washburn was awarded the Outstanding Early Career Agricultural Educator Award for the North Central Region of the American Association for Agricultural Education, at a conference, Sept. 23, Ithaca, N.Y.


Communications studies, theater and dance

Tim Steffensmeier and Erika Imbody presented "Facilitation as a Method of Inquiry," National Conference on Dialogue and Deliberation, Oct. 2, Austin, Texas.



Timothy Dayton published "The Annihilated Content of the Wish: Gender and Class in Mickey Spillane's 'I, the Jury,'" reprinted in Contemporary Literary Criticism, Vol. 247, Detroit: Gale Thompson, 2008.

Darrin Doyle published "Sores," Puerto del Sol, Vol. 43, No.1-2.

Philip Nel published "DeLillo and Modernism," The Cambridge Companion to Don DeLillo, ed. John N. Duvall, New York and Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2008.

Donna Potts and colleague edited "Region, Nation, Frontiers: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on the Literature of Region and Nation," Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008.

Dave Smit published "On Not Going Home: Ingrid Bergman's Image in 1950s America," Film and Television Stardom, ed. Kylo-Patrick Hart, Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2008.

Naomi Wood published "The Cultural Geography of Fantasy Britain," Children's Literature, Vol. 36, 2008.

The following K-State faculty presented at Terminus 2008: A Harry Potter Conference, Aug. 10, Chicago, Ill.:

Wood, "The Problem of Severus Snape: Exact Art or Cauldron Mishap?"

Karin E. Westman, "Power Plays: The Ethics of Wizard Power in Rowling's Harry Potter and Stroud's Bartimaeus Trilogy."

Han Yu published "Contextualize Technical Writing Assessment to Better Prepare Students for Workplace Writing," Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, Vol. 38, No. 3, 2008.

Yu published a review of "Resources in Technical Communication: Outcomes and Approaches," ed. Cynthia L. Selfe, Technical Communication, Vol. 55, No. 2.

The following K-State faculty presented at the 12th annual Region, Nation, and Literature Conference, July 30 - Aug. 2, Aberdeen, Scotland:

Elizabeth Dodd, "The Horizon's Lens: Archaeoastronomy in Ancestral Puebloan and Celtic Sites."

Potts, "The Wearing of the Deep Green: Contemporary Irish Poetry and Environmentalism."

Dodd published "In the Mind's Eye: Essays Across the Animate World," University of Nebraska Press, 2008.

Dodd published "Lyric" and "Chaco Canyon, New Mexico," Poem of the Week, Sept. 5.

Nel published "Lost in Translation?: Harry Potter, from Page to Screen," Harry Potter's World: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, revised edition, ed. Elizabeth Heilman, Routledge, 2009.

D.K. Smith published "The Cartographic Imagination in Early Modern England," Ashgate, 2008.

Smith published "Missing Persons," Frederic C. Beil, 2008.

Westman published "The Weapon We Have is Love," ChLAQ Forum: Outing Dumbledore, Children's Literature Association Quarterly, Vol. 33, No. 4.

Don Hedrick was elected to a four-year term on the Executive Committee of the Cultural Studies Association.



Marcelus Caldas and colleagues published "Road Networks and Forest Fragmentation in the Amazon: Explanations for Local Differences with Implications for Conservation and Development," Journal of Latin American Geographers, Vol. 7, No. 2.

Richard Marston and students presented "Spatial Extent, Timing, and Causes of Channel Incision, Black Vermillion Watershed, Northeastern Kansas," 39th annual Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium, Oct. 11, Austin, Texas.

Marston and students presented "Spatial Extent, Timing, and Causes of Channel Incision, Black Vermillion Watershed, Northeastern Kansas," 2008 annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, Oct. 5, Houston, Texas.

Marston has been appointed to the editorial board of Geography Compass, an online journal of peer-reviewed survey articles from across the discipline.



Iris Totten presented "Using Virtual Environments to Teach Geology," Grantmakers for Education Annual Conference: Pathways to Opportunity: Redesigning Education, Revitalizing Community, Restoring Hope, Oct. 20-22, Baltimore, Md.


Grain science and industry

The following K-State faculty members moderated sessions at the annual American Association of Cereal Chemists International Meeting, Sept. 21-24, Honolulu, Hawaii:

Yong Cheng Shi, "Starch Structure Via Synchrotron X-Ray Small and Wide Angle Scattering."

David Wetzel summarized the topic of "FT-IR Microspectroscopy" in his presentation featuring experimentation of K-State and the National Synchrotron Light Source of Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Ron Madl, "Biofuels and Biorefining/Biomaterials."

Praveen Vadlani, "Emerging Issues - Biofuel Related Opportunities."


K-State at Salina library

Alysia Starkey, Heidi Blackburn and Pam Bower published "Photo Identity Crisis: Creating a Classification and Organization Method for Unidentified Photographic Archives," Education Libraries, Winter 2008.



Cynthia Harris and colleague published "Hometown Appetites: The Story of Clementine Paddleford, the Forgotten Food Writer Who Chronicled How America Ate," (New York: Gotham Books) 2008.

Harris published "The Blue Goose: A Rough Landing to Get Home," EYE On Kansas online magazine, Summer 2008.
Lori A. Goetsch published "Reinventing our Work: New and Emerging Roles for Academic Librarians," Journal of Library Administration, Vol. 28, No. 2.

Tony Crawford was appointed by Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to three-year term on the Kansas State Historical Records Advisory Board.

Dale Askey presented the David Binkley Emerging Technology Lecture "We Love Open Source Software. No, You Can't Have Our Code," Access 2008, Oct. 2, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

The following K-State faculty members presented at the Ex Libris Southcentral Users Group, Oct. 10, Wichita:

Jamene Brooks-Kieffer, "Documenting SFX at K-State Libraries."

Donna Ekart, "Is it Easy Being Green? Getting Started with Verde."

Margaret Kaus and Michelle Turvey-Welch, "Managing Series Using the Cataloger's Toolkit."

Kaus and Turvey-Welch, "What Can the Voyager Reporting System Do for You? Examples of Lessons Learned Across Library Units."


Multiple departments

Richard Marston, geography; and William Richter, political science; presented "Historical and Political Context for 'Three Cups of Tea,'" Manhattan Public Library, Sept. 30, Manhattan. Marston discussed the geography of the northern frontier regions of Pakistan, and Richter discussed the history and politics.

Kendra McLauchlan, geography; Jack Oviatt, Joel Spencer and Matthew Brueskeke, geology; and colleague presented "Sediments of Kaw Lake, a Glacier-Dammed Lake in Kansas," 2008 annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, Oct. 5, Houston, Texas.

The following K-State faculty presented at the Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration Conference, Oct. 8-10, Monterrey, Mexico:

Chris Reinhardt, animal sciences and industry, "Tearing Down the Walls: Multimedia, Multilingual, Web-based Training Modules for Industry."

Sara Thurston-Gonzalez, International Student Center, "Third Culture Kids/Global Nomads: The Hidden International Student."

Brian Kovar and Stacy Kovar, management; and Rodney Vogt, accounting; presented the Effective Learning Strategies session "Integrating Pivot Tables into the Accounting Curriculum," 2008 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Aug. 3-6, Anaheim, Calif.

Totten, geology; Sheryl Hodge, education; and colleagues published "A Faculty Workshop on Student Assessment: A Tool to Facilitate Programmatic Change," International Journal of Learning, Vol. 15, No. 8.

The following K-State faculty members presented at the National Outreach Scholarship Conference, Oct. 8, State College, Pa.:

Procter and colleague, "Lessons Learned in Disaster Response: The Greensburg Story."

Ron Wilson, Huck Boyd Institute; and Procter, Center for Engagement and Community; "Sustaining Rural Grocery Stores."

Torry Dickinson, women's studies; and Robert Schaeffer, sociology, published "Transformations: Feminist Pathways to Global Change," Paradigm Publishers, Boulder, Colo., 2008.



Craig B. Parker was cornet soloist and concert moderator in the "Sousa Spectacular," presented by the Hastings (Nebraska) Symphony Orchestra, Sept. 21.



Clive Fullagar and student published "Student Engagement: Lessons Learned from Flow Theory," Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, Nov. 2008.

Fullagar and student published "Norming and Performing: Using Microworlds to Understand the Relationship Between Team Cohesiveness and Performance," Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2008.

Satoris Culbertson and colleagues published "Family-Friendly Environments and U.S. Army Soldier Performance and Work Outcomes," Military Psychology, Vol. 20.

Richard Harris and colleague published "The Impact of Body Emphasizing Video Games on Body Image Concerns in Men and Women," SEX ROLES, Vol. 59.

Matthew Palmatier and colleagues published "The Motivation to Obtain Nicotine-Conditioned Reinforcers Depends on Nicotine Dose," Neuropharmacology, 2008.

Palmatier and colleague published "Occasion-Setting by Drug States: Functional Equivalence Following Similar Training History," Behavioural Brain Research, 2008.

Palmatier and colleagues published "Naltrexone Attenuation of Conditioned But Not Primary Reinforcement of Nicotine in Rats," Psychopharmacology, 2008.



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