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Alvaro Herrera, Om Prakash and colleagues published "The Central Kink Region of Fowlicidin-2, an alpha-Helical Host Defense Peptide, is Critically Involved in Bacterial Killing and Endotoxin Neutralization," Journal of Innate Immunity, Vol. 1, No. 3.

Disability Support Services

Maleah Ullmer chaired the annual Kansas Association of Interpreters Conference, April 3-5, Junction City.


Lisa Harrington was appointed secretary of the Association of American Geographers (2009-11). The secretary is elected by the association's council and serves on the executive committee. She is also serving on the Association of American Geographers Council as the elected councillor from the Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Division (2008-11) and will begin duties as secretary in July.

Marcellus Caldas and colleague published "The Economy of the Amazon Today and Tomorrow: National Integration and Supply Expansion," Amazonia: Nature and Society in Transformation, eds. Mateus Batistela and Emilio Moran: University of Sao Paulo Press, 2009.

Melinda Daniels and Robert Daniels presented "The Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Secondary Channels Complexes on the Kansas River," 26th Water and the Future of Kansas Conference, March 26, Topeka.

Melinda Daniels and colleagues presented "Including Beavers in the River Restoration Baseline" and "Footwall Geometry and Topography in the Taiwan Arc-continent Collision," 44th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America Northern Section, March 24, Portland, Maine.


Abdelmoneam Raef and colleagues presented "Miscible Carbon Dioxide Flood Imaging -- Analysis of 4D Seismic Wavelet Transform Spectral Composite," 15th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, April 27-29, Paris, France.


Donald J. Mrozek presented "Jimmy Carter and the U.S. Air Force: Ironic Aspects of Military Innovation," 89th annual meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association, April 10, Denver.

Journalism and mass communications

Sergei Samoilenko presented "Risk and Crisis Communication Practices in American PR Companies"; "Social Marketing and Advertising in the U.S. and Russia"; and "Case Studies of Russian-American PR Joint Ventures;" Moscow State University of Culture and Arts; Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; Russian State University for the Humanities and "Art Image" Marketing Institute, March 16-20, Moscow.

Thomas Gould published "A Baker's Dozen of Issues Facing Online Academic Journal Start-ups," Web Journal of Mass Communication Research, Vol. 14.


The following K-State faculty presented at the Kansas Library Association/ Mountain Plains Library Association Joint Conference, April 3-4, Wichita:

Danielle Theiss-White and colleague, "The Yellow Brick Road to the MPLA Leadership Institute."

Laura Bonella, Jason Coleman, Melia Erin Fritch and Theiss-White, "To Infinity and Beyond (the Hashmark): Moving to an Electronic Reference Recording System -- a Debate."

Theiss-White, "Extending the Edge: Creating an Online Community of Practice."

Lori A. Goetsch, "Professional Development at the Speed of Change."

Leo Lo's screenplay "Rock Paper Scissors," was chosen as an Official Finalist and Golden Palm Award recipient at the 2009 Mexico International Film Festival.

Modern languages

The following K-State faculty presented at Bold Caballeros and Noble Bandidas, Arizona State University, April 16-18, Phoenix, Ariz.:

Maria Martinez-Ortiz, "The ‘Soldadera' Popular Myth: Omissions and Traditional Representations in Film."

Laura Kanost, "‘Por camino torcido:' Liminal Identities in the Novel, Screenplay, and Film Versions of ‘La negra Angustias.'"

Salvador Oropesa presented "El futuro de la nostalgia, cuadro de costumbres de la Álora del desarrollo," Alora school district, April 24, Málaga, Spain.

Oropesa presented "De Valladolid al Purgatorio: concepto de vida y rituales de muerte en El hereje (1998) de Miguel Delibes," Universidad de Málaga, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Historia, April 22, Málaga, Spain.


Cornetist Craig B. Parker was guest artist with Buffalo Bill's Cowboy Band during their concert, March 20, in Denver.
Parker was director of and cornet soloist with the Society for American Music Brass Band in their concert of 19th-century brass band music, March 21, Denver.

Parker also presented "The Chamber Music of Joan Tower," annual conference of the Society for American Music, March 21, Denver.


Richard Harris presented "Myths about the Media: Evil Mind Control or Good Clean Fun?" 15th annual Undergraduate Symposium at Assumption College, April 7, Worcester, Mass.

Special education, counseling and student affairs

Aaron H. Carlstrom and colleagues presented "Predicting STEM Career Interests for Diverse Youth: The Role of Background and Contextual Factors," 2009 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, April 13-17, San Diego, Calif.



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