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[an error occurred while processing this directive]K-STATE COLLEGES RECOGNIZE SEVERAL FACULTY, SUPPORTERS FOR EXCELLENCESeveral Kansas State University faculty members and supporters have been recognized by their colleges for excellence in teaching, service, research or advising. NOTEWORTHY
On CampusJohn L. Vogt (United States, 1930-2009), /Muck-Raker/, steel and stainless steel. On loan courtesy of Mrs. John L. Vogt, Mark Vogt and Jamie Kitch. UPCOMING 'JOHN VOGT: SCULPTURE REVISITED' EXHIBITION The exhibition will feature a selection of Vogt's 3-D work from the museum's holdings and from the artist's family. "Vogt's work is highly imaginative and a testament to the artist's mastery of a wide range of materials," said Bill North, senior curator at the Beach Museum. Two of the works that will be on display include "Pyramid," a five-sided, elongated pyramid standing just over 7 feet tall and constructed of wood and nails, and "Muck-Raker," an elegant, jewelry-like piece in steel and stainless steel. It is not clear whether the intended function of this fanciful, filigreed device is related to yard work or something more sinister. Vogt, who died in 2009, was on the faculty of the K-State department of art from 1963 until his retirement in 1991. A sculptor, Vogt grew up in the Kansas City area and studied at the University of Missouri-Columbia before earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Kansas City Art Institute. Normal museum hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, and noon to 5 p.m. Sundays. The museum is closed Mondays.
For previous issues click here The next issue is June 2. |
Chances are having one's nose in a book may actually open the lines of communication with incoming Kansas State University freshmen.
Beginning in fall 2010, K-State will introduce a new reading program, the Kansas State Book Network, or KSBN, as part of the first-year experience.
Housing and dining services was recently recognized with an honorable mention award of $2,600 from Computrition Inc., a leading developer of hospitality, food management and patient care automation.
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Gary Pierzynski, interim dean of the College of Agriculture and professor of agronomy, has been chosen as president-elect of the Soil Science Society of America.
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Jeff Gwirtz, associate professor of milling science and management, has been honored with the 2010 Thaddeus Bownik Award from the International Association of Operative Millers.
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Stephen Dyer, professor of electrical and computer engineering, has received the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Instrumentation and Measurement Society Career Excellence Award.
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Michael Babcock, professor of economics, recently received the 2010 Edgar S. Bagley Research Award from the department of economics.
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The following individuals received awards at the K-State Division of Continuing Education Honors and Awards Reception, May 5.
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PICTURE PERFECT**Walk-in portraits for faculty and staff are from 10 a.m. to noon and 1 to 3 p.m. Tuesday, June 2. Photo Services is located in Studio B of Dole Hall.** For creative professional images contact university photographer David Mayes at 785-532-6304 or photo@k-state.edu For a gallery of Mayes' photos, go to: http://ksuphoto.zenfolio.com |
iTAC is in the process of removing some hardware from university computing labs, technology classrooms and other offices around campus -- and making the equipment available to interested K-State units. Some of the equipment is in working order, some is not. All equipment is available at no cost.
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To help with departmental spring cleaning, Apple is offering free computer recycling for educational institutions until Aug. 31.
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With summer in season and to-do lists in tow before the start of the fall academic semester, officials at K-State's parking services are trying to make life a little easier when it comes to ordering that parking permit.
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Bruce Shubert, vice president for administration and finance, will remain in the post.
Shubert had originally requested to return to his prior post of associate vice president, which he held from 2003-2008. He became vice president for administration and finance Jan. 1, 2009, when he succeeded Tom Rawson.
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An administrator with extensive experience in guiding higher education information technology services is joining K-State as chief information officer and vice provost for information technology services.
Ken Stafford, currently vice chancellor for technology at the University of Denver, will join K-State in his new post Aug. 9.
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Students in Kansas State University's Food Writing course have published their newest edition of the Kansas Food Journal, a Webzine devoted to stories on food production, preparation and consumption in the state.
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In response to a recently released Greek affairs task force report, Pat Bosco, vice president for student life and dean of students at K-State, has assigned Greek affairs to Gayle Spencer, former assistant dean of student life and coordinator of student activities. On May 24, she will be promoted to associate dean of student life and director of student activities. She also will continue her work advising K-State's Student Governing Association and directing the Healthy Decisions program while realignment of her other duties are examined.
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Personnel with the Kansas Department of Environmental Health and Safety are currently conducting their annual inspection of laboratories, shops, studios and other areas that use hazardous materials and may have hazardous waste.
These inspections are being conducted to evaluate, note discrepancies and to assist in the improvement of hazardous waste, hazardous materials and general safety programs.
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OPPORTUNITIES CLASSIFIED A recording of classified job opportunities is available 24 hours a day on the Employment Information Line, 785-532-6271. A list of employment opportunities is posted at www.k-state.edu/hr/ For additional information, call 785-532-6277 or come to the Division of Human Resources in 103 Edwards Hall. Applications are accepted 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. weekdays. UNCLASSIFIED A complete listing of vacancies can be seen at www.k-state.edu/affact/ For additional information, call the office of affirmative action at 785-532-6220 or come by 214 Anderson Hall. |
Interim editor: Greg Tammen
Coordinator: Julie Fosberg
Phone: 785-532-2535
Fax: 785-532-6418
E-mail: media@k-state.edu