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Three faculty members tapped for major College of Human Ecology awards

Thursday, April 3, 2014



MANHATTAN — Three College of Human Ecology faculty members at Kansas State University are receiving the college's top awards, announced Dean John Buckwalter.

Craig A. Harms, Kim Y. Hiller Connell and Jared Durtschi will be honored Thursday at an all-college meeting in Justin Hall.

Harms, professor and associate department head of kinesiology, was tapped for the Myers-Alford Outstanding Teaching Award. He has a national and international reputation for his research in the field of cardiopulmonary exercise physiology and, among faculty and his students, is known as an outstanding teacher. He has "contagious enthusiasm for experimental investigation and the training of students," one said.

A director of the Human Exercise Physiology Lab, he received a doctorate from Indiana University in exercise physiology and was a postdoctoral fellow in cardiopulmonary physiology at the University of Wisconsin.

Hiller Connell, assistant professor of apparel, textiles and interior design, received the Faculty Research Excellence Award. Her work involves investigating and understanding the scientific processes driving the environmental issues in the apparel textiles industry. Her research and leadership in sustainability is at the forefront in helping an entire industry change its practices to reduce negative environmental and social consequences.

She received her doctorate in human environment-design and management at Michigan State University with a specialization in international development and environmental science.

Durtschi, assistant professor of marriage and family therapy, received the Dawley-Scholer Award for Faculty Excellence in Student Development. "I love challenging and supporting our students, and helping to lift them to places they never dreamed possible," he says about teaching graduate students. He teaches advance statistics, clinical theory, clinical supervision and advanced research methods in marriage and family therapy.

Durtschi received his doctorate in marriage and family therapy from Florida State University.

Written by

Jane P. Marshall

At a glance

Three Kansas State University College of Human Ecology faculty members — Craig Harms, Kim Y. Hiller Connell and Jared Durtschi, are recipients of the college's top awards.