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Sabbatical leave granted to 47 Kansas State University faculty members

Thursday, March 6, 2014



MANHATTAN — Kansas State University is granting sabbatical leave to 47 faculty members during the 2014-2015 school year. The purpose and length of each leave varies, with some faculty members using the time for research projects in the U.S. or internationally, to teach at other institutions or for other academic pursuits.

Faculty members being granted sabbatical leave include:

Raylene Alexander, aviation, K-State Salina; Chardie Baird, sociology; Blake Belanger, landscape architecture/regional & community planning; Barry Bradford, animal sciences and industry; John Briggs, biology; Viktor Chikan, chemistry; Raymond Cloyd, entomology; Douglas Dow, art; David Dzewaltowski, kinesiology; Keith Hohn, chemical engineering; Duy Hua, chemistry; Rhonda Janke, horticulture, forestry and recreation resources; Anthony Joern, biology; Loretta Johnson, biology; Kim Kirkpatrick, psychological sciences; Bruce Law, physics; Bonnie Lynn-Sherow, history; Richard Marston, geography; Alexander Mathews, civil engineering; Wendy Matlock, English; Mary Meck-Higgins, human nutrition; Phil Nel, English; Jesse Nippert, biology.

Wendy Ornelas, associate dean, College of Architecture, Planning & Design; Elisabeth Pankl, faculty and graduate services at K-State Libraries; Julie Pentz, dance; Bruce Prince, management; Harald Prins, anthropology; Natalia Rojkovskaia, mathematics; James Sherow, history; Chwen Sheu, management; Susanne Siepl-Coates, architecture; Lee Skabelund, landscape architecture/regional & community planning; Jeffrey Smith, geography; Sid Stevenson, horticulture, forestry and recreation resources; Raymond Streeter, architecture; Esther Swilley, marketing; Uwe Thumm, physics; Praveen Vadlani, grain science and industry; Donghai Wang, biological and agricultural engineering; Bradley White, clinical sciences; Kimberly Williams, horticulture, forestry and recreation resources; Melinda Wilkerson, diagnostic medicine and pathobiology; Spencer Wood, sociology; Weixin Yao, statistics; Han Yu, English; and Ilia Zharkov, mathematics.


Susana L. Valdovinos

News tip

Manhattan and Salina

Written by

Stephanie Jacques

At a glance

Kansas State University is granting sabbatical leave to 47 faculty members during the 2014-2015 school year.