
MB Faculty Recognition

Representing one of Mortar Board’s three pillars, our scholarship committee works to promote scholarship among our members and among the student body by engaging students in academic events and activities.

Each year, the chapter selects students who demonstrate exemplary scholarship to receive the Outstanding Student Scholarship. The scholarship committee solicits for applications, reviews the applications, and honors the recipients of the scholarship at a ceremony in the fall.

The scholarship committee also coordinates the annual Faculty Recognition Reception, in which K-State faculty, staff and advisors are honored for outstanding scholarship at K-State. The scholarship committee solicits for nominations from current Mortar Board members and from the K-State student body. The scholarship committee reviews the applications and selects the recipients. A ceremony and reception are held to honor the recipients. .

The outstanding faculty for the 2023-2024 academic year are as follows:

Brandon Savage, Instructor in Management, College of Business

Dr. Vincent Amanor-Boadu, Professor of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture

Dr. Shannon Skelton, Associate Professor of Music, Theater, and Dance, College of Arts and Sciences

Lauren McDaniel, Instructor in Kinesiology, College of Health and Human Sciences