"So you think one of the people out there is a Typhoid Mary?" Adam asks.
The doctor hesitates. "Yes... although typically we would be seeing a lot of people falling sick. I mean, Typhoid Mary infected whole households."

"And you think Cam got it from some food he ate?"

"Yes. It would be food that wasn’t properly cooked, or food that wasn’t cooked at all. Or food that gets touched by hands after it’s been cooked. That’s why we’re especially interested in people who served food or drink to Cam."

"Like Vicki Dollarhide," Adam says.

Dr. Jessie snorts. "That was Dr. Humbers’s idea. Personally, I doubt it. People don't usually touch beer with their hands, do they! Salads, yes."

"How about jerky?"

"Hmmm. I don't see why not."

Created by Ken Eklund, writerguy
A Science Mystery originally developed for Access Excellence

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