1. Who infected Cam Watanabe with Salmonella paratyphi A?
(pick one) ADAM BROWN, Cam's friend ASTRID, server at Norma Jeans CLINT, cook at Norma Jeans CORD, Cams brother DARLA JONSSEN, cook at Salad Daze DMITRI TUTWEILER, jerky chef GRIZZ TALLJONES, Grapplin' Bear cashier GUSTAV TUTWEILER, jerky chef HAMMETT, cook at the Grapplin Bear KARLY JONSSEN, server at Salad Daze MOIRA TALLJONES, Grapplin' Bear bookkeeper NICK POTRERO, Cams friend NORA, Cams sister VICKI DOLLARHIDE, Brewing Company waitress
2. This person gave Cam the disease by...
(pick one) accidentally infecting a salad accidentally infecting a watermelon accidentally infecting a piece of jerky accidentally infecting a burger accidentally infecting a beer accidentally infecting a quesadilla accidentally infecting his food at home deliberately infecting his food or drink giving him some money giving him a kiss
Bonus question: who infected Nora Watanabe?
(pick one) ADAM BROWN, Cam's friend ASTRID, server at Norma Jeans CAM WATANABE CLINT, cook at Norma Jeans CORD WATANABE DARLA JONSSEN, cook at Salad Daze DMITRI TUTWEILER, jerky chef GRIZZ TALLJONES, Grapplin' Bear cashier GUSTAV TUTWEILER, jerky chef HAMMETT, cook at the Grapplin Bear Dr. JESSIE BOKELO at the Medical Clinic KARLY JONSSEN, server at Salad Daze MOIRA TALLJONES, Grapplin' Bear bookkeeper NICK POTRERO, Cams friend VICKI DOLLARHIDE, Brewing Company waitress
Having trouble solving the mystery?
Created by Ken Eklund, writerguy A Science Mystery originally developed for Access Excellence