The deputy puts the car in gear, and plows cautiously through the rain.

"So let’s have it," you say to Nick. "Where did you and Cam go?"

"And what did you eat?" Nora adds.

Nick looks uncomfortable. "Tha- that’s a lot to remember."


Nick closes his eyes and scrunches up his face. "First, we went to Salad Daze. Adam and Cam and me." He opens his eyes but can’t quite meet Nora’s gaze. "You told him to eat healthy." She nods, frowning.

"Then we got some jerky at Tutweiler’s." She nods again.

"Then we grabbed some sandwiches at Norma Jean’s. And garlic fries." She nods a third time.

"Then we went over to the Grapplin’ Bear - "

"Really." Nora is frowning again.

"- but just for a minute. Then we came home." He catches Nora’s look. "We didn’t stay there long, I swear."


Created by Ken Eklund, writerguy
A Science Mystery originally developed for Access Excellence

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