"Cam is doing much better," she tells Nora. "He’s responding nicely to the antibiotic. We were worried there for a while." The woman then turns to you. "Hi, I’m Dr. Jessie, the clinic’s internist."

Nora introduces you. Dr. Jessie continues, "Glad to have an investigator with us. Sorry to mess up your vacation."

"It happens," you say.

"Here’s what we know so far. Cam was infected about two weeks ago with salmonella - S. paratyphi A, to be precise."


"Which is what Cord Watanabe had, right?"

"Right. Back about a month ago. Not a common strain here in the States. You typically see it in Africa, Asia, underdeveloped countries."

"Adam said that there was a doctor here from Split River," Nora interrupts. "And that everyone was getting tested."

Created by Ken Eklund, writerguy
A Science Mystery originally developed for Access Excellence

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