"Oh, right. Okay, good, on to the specifics.

"Case 1, young male, reported to health professionals at Montana State University on June 8. Diagnosis: enteric fever caused by S. paratyphi A. They administered ampicillin, and the patient recovered."

"Which patient is this?" Karly is puzzled.

"Cord Watanabe," Moira says.

"Cord? Cord was sick?" People look at each other.

Dr. Humbers goes on. "Case 2, young male, reported to health professionals here on July 18..."

"Cam." People nod their heads.


"Diagnosis: well-advanced infection by S. paratyphi A. Treatment: immediate course of ampicillin. Patient is recovering.

"Case 3." A stir goes through the room.

"Young female, found in early stages of enteric fever. Agent is also S. paratyphi A. Probably infected on July 8 or 9. Treatment pending."

"Who is that?" Grizz asks. "Who?"

"Nora Watanabe," you say.

Created by Ken Eklund, writerguy
A Science Mystery originally developed for Access Excellence

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