Year 1 Excerpts

Links to Year 1 All-State Excerpt Recordings and PDF's are located below. Don't hesitate to contact Dr. Dirks or Dr. Cooper to schedule an All-State Excerpt coaching with your students.

Violin and Viola

KMEA Violin and Violin Excerpts
Edited by Dr. Cora Cooper, Kansas State University

Violin excerpts

Year 1 (2013, 2016) (pdf)

Viola excerpts

Year 1 (2013, 2016) (pdf)

Violin audio excerpts

Performed by Dr. Cora Cooper

in mp3 format

Year 1 (2016, 2019)

In the Brahms violin excerpt, the last eighth note in m. 13 should correctly be played as a B, as printed. The recording contains an A here, as the recording was made before a misprint in the excerpt was found.

Viola audio excerpts

in mp3 format

Year 1 (2016, 2019)

Performed by Roxy Gehring, Manhattan High School Student

Cello and Bass

KMEA Cello and Bass Excerpts
Edited and Performed by Dr. David Littrell, Kansas State University

Cello sheet music excerpts

Year 1 (2016, 2019) (pdf)

Bass sheet music excerpts

Year 1 (2016, 2019) (pdf)

Cello audio excerpts

in mp3 format

Year 1 (2016, 2019)


Bass audio excerpts

in mp3 format

Year 1 (2016, 2019)

Beethoven 5
• Saint-Saëns
(several recordings of The Elephant are available on YouTube)