Shannon Blake Skelton

Shannon SkeltonAssociate Professor
Advisor for Theatre
Office: 141 Nichols Hall

Shannon Blake Skelton is an educator, scholar and playwright. He earned his PhD at The University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has contributed reviews to Theatre Journal, The Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts, Choice and The Journal of Popular Culture. He has also published on topics ranging from American culture to punk subcultures and graphic novels. His plays have been performed in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Wisconsin. He founded and directed the Madison Young Playwrights program in Madison, Wisconsin in which he and other teaching artists worked with more than 100 middle and high school dramatists to create 10 minute plays. His book The Late Sam Shepard is forthcoming (2015). Research interests include: Critical Theory, Popular Culture, Humanities, Late 20th Century American Drama, Contemporary Adaptations of Greek Tragedy, Circus, Re-Enactments, and Horror Cinema.

Visit Prof. Skelton's personal website


Ph.D.,The University of Wisconsin-Madison; M.A., The University of Oklahoma; B.A., The University of Kansas

Courses taught

Script Analysis, History of Theatre 1, History of Theatre 2.

Favorite quote

"Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe." ― H.G. Wells

Recent publication

Albee and Influence New Perspectives in Edward Albee Studies, Volume: 4
Wes Craven Interviews edited by Shannon Blake Skelton
The Late Work of Sam Shepard by Shannon Blake Skelton