When Can I Audition?

Choral Placement Auditions for Concert Choir and Collegiate Chorale for the fall semester are held the first two days of the Fall semester with callback auditions the second half of the week. Auditions for the spring are held at the end of the fall semester. Signup forms for auditions will be available within a couple of weeks before each audition period. If you are unable to audition at the designated times or have other questions, please email choirs@ksu.edu.

Please watch for a sign up form here and on our homepage in the week or two leading up to each fall semester.

What is the Audition Like?

At your audition, you will be asked to sing a short excerpt of song of your choosing in a style you feel most comfortable. You are welcome to bring sheet music for , or you may choose to sing unaccompanied. If you do not have song prepared, the directors may ask you to sing a few scales or other simple vocal exercises.

Callback auditions are held for Concert Choir only. If you are selected for a callback audition, you will be sent short selections to learn in advance and perform as part of small and large groups. Callbacks are held Wednesday and Thursday of the first week of class with Choir rosters will be announced the Thursday evening.

To find out about our various non-auditioned ensemble opportunites, please visit the Ensembles page.


Please visit the In-A-Chord page to learn more about auditions for K-State's premier pop acappella ensemble. You will prepare two 30 second segments of contemporary/pop music, preferably two different styles.

Madrigal & Motet Ensemble

To audition for the Madrigal & Motet Ensemble, please email davidwood@ksu.edu to set up an audition.


K-State Choirs offers a number of scholarships for singers. Music majors and non-majors are eligbile to receive scholarship. For more information about scholarship opportunities, please visit the Choral Scholarships & Financial Aid page or submit the Future Student Form.

Future Student Form

Applied voice lessons and scholarship consideration information