Kansas State University Symphony Orchestra
2024-25 Fall Placement Auditions
Welcome to the Kansas State University Symphony Orchestra! Membership in the KSUSO is contingent upon a successful placement audition each season.
Placement Auditions
Placement auditions for the 2024-2025 KSUSO season will take place August 17-19, 2024. Audition excerpts for all musicians are found below.
The KSUSO will be holding string section auditions the weekend of Aug. 17-18. String players should use the following STRING AUDITION SIGN-UP link and to reserve your specific audition time.
Audition procedures for winds, brass, and percussion are as follows...
The KSUSO will be holding fall placement auditions for woodwinds and brass at the same time as the K-State Bands audition process on Monday, Aug. 19 at 3:30 p.m. Prior to your audition, woodwind and brass musicians should fill out the WOODWIND & BRASS KSUSO AUDITION FORM. Specific audition criteria for the orchestra will be as follows:
All woodwinds and brass will perform only one audition, whether auditioning for orchestra, band, or both. Students wishing to audition for the orchestra should prepare the Beethoven, Brahms, and/or Shostakovich orchestra excerpt(s) as posted below as well as all band scales and excerpts (BAND AUDITION MATERIALS).
- Percussionists should attend percussion studio auditions on Monday, Aug. 19. Please visit the PERCUSSION AUDITION link for more information and to sign up for your audition. A PDF with the percussion repertoire list and music may be found here:
All woodwind and brass musicians auditioning for the KSUSO and/or K-State Bands should plan to attend a mandatory meeting on Monday, Aug. 19 at 3:30 p.m. in room 201. For more information about this meeting, please visit the K-State Bands website.
If you are unable to attend the audition process on Monday, Aug. 19, please contact Dr. Rachel Dirks (rdirks@ksu.edu) prior to Aug. 19 to schedule an alternate audition time.
Sometimes students have unavoidable conflicts with one or more of the rehearsals. Don't let that stop you from auditioning...we have a plan for that!
String Audition Excerpts
Make sure to prepare all audition requirements (Scales & Excerpts). All audition excerpts have been gathered from the following works:
Preferred recordings of these works may be accessed by clicking on the titles above. Click on your instrument link below to access a pdf of your fall KSUSO audition excerpts.
Violin Excerpts
Viola Excerpts
Cello Excerpts
Bass Excerpts
Wind and Brass Audition Excerpts
Make sure to prepare all audition requirements (Orchestra & Band Excerpts). All orchestra audition excerpts have been gathered from the following works:
Shostakovich - Festive Overture
Preferred recordings of these works may be accessed by clicking on the titles above. Click on your instrument link below to access a pdf of your fall orchestra audition excerpts. Band excerpts and scales may be accessed HERE.
Flute Excerpts
Oboe Excerpts
Clarinet Excerpts
Bassoon Excerpts
Horn Excerpts
Trumpet Excerpts
Trombone Excerpts
Bass Trombone Excerpts
Tuba Excerpts
We look forward to hearing you play. If you have any concerns about how to prepare for your audition, please visit the link below. And, if you have any questions, please reach out to the Director of Orchestral Studies, Dr. Rachel Dirks (rdirks@ksu.edu). Good luck in your preparations and see you soon!