Music Theory Instruction
The following materials are available for your consideration in planning music theory instruction.
You may organize music theory instruction as independent study or as a class setting. When I ran the class in my high school, I taught it as an after school credited class one or two days per week. At one time I often had three different levels of theory classes, but more often there were two (the upper level class working with advanced compositional techniques or jazz theory, the lower with basic fundamentals). Although I was not this lucky, some schools have Music Theory as a registered class during the day. The other possibility may be to assign the work as an independent study for credit and meet when needed.
Suggested Sequence of Student Learning Expectations:
Content | |
Year One Student Learning Expectations |
Treble, Bass, & C clefs |
Year Two Student Learning Expectations |
Year Three Student Learning Expectations |
The following free websites are recommended for preparation of collegiate music study. These are listed in order of recommendation.
- lessons = text (as in a book) that explains the material.
- trainers = interactive exercises to practice material learned in the lesson. Remember to explore all possibilities for each trainer exercise. You can control how easy/difficult the questions will be.
2. Theory on the Web:
3. Jazz Theory
4. Jazz Class
5: A Passion for Jazz! Music History and Education History of Jazz music, styles and musicians featuring timeline, festivals, photos, guitar & piano chords, scales, glossary & online lessons.
6: A collection of sites:
7: Music Resources for Kids
8: teoria
9: eMusicTheory
10: G Major Music Theory
11: MuseScore: Free music composition and notation software
12: Crescendo Music Notation Software: Free music score writing and composing software (search for Crescendo)
13: NoteFlight: online music notation software
14: SonicFit: web-based tool to develop aural and sight singing skills and drill fundamentals and theory.
This link leads you to the AP Music Theory Exam from the College Boards:
Lesson Tutor : Index of Music lesson plans, worksheets, puzzles ...Interactive puzzles, music notation notes and lesson plans with ... Music and Music History ... ABC of Music : A Short Practical Guide to the Basics
The following programmed theory books may also be used for preparation of collegiate music study. These are listed in order of recommendation. As a reference point, these prices were recently found on
- Manoff, Tom. The Music Kit. 4th edition. New York: W.W. Norton, 2000. Includes CD and computer software (with interactive exercises that return personal feedback and scores). ($67.75) The software is Macintosh and Windows compatible.
- Clough, John and Joyce Conley. Scales, Intervals, Keys, Triads, Rhythm, and Meter. 3rd edition. New York: W.W. Norton, 1999. Includes CD. ($49.75)
- Steinke, Greg and Paul Harder. Basic Materials in Music Theory: A Programmed Course. 10th edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference, 2002. ($72.00)
- Feldstein, Sandy. Practical Theory Complete: A Self-Instruction Music Theory Course. New York: Alfred Publishing Co. Inc., 1997. ($9.95, which is quite inexpensive!)
- Surmani, Andrew, Morton Manus, and Karen Farnum Surmani. Alfred’s Essentials of Music Theory: Complete. New York: Alfred Publishing Co. Inc., 2000. ($12.50)
- Surmani, Andrew, Morton Manus, and Karen Farnum Surmani. Alfred’s Essentials of Music Theory, Teacher’s Answer Key Book. New York: Alfred Publishing Co., Inc., 2000. ($18.50)