Kansas State University students earn degrees, graduation honors

Monday, July 20, 2020

Written by: Taylor Provine, taylorhm@k-state.edu

Students are listed by county or state and hometown. If a student is receiving more than one degree, all degrees to be earned are listed with the student's name. Graduation honors, if earned, are also listed with the student's name. If a Manhattan area address was given as a permanent address, the student will be listed in the permanent address county and also in the county for the high school of record. If a county or state is not listed, there were no graduates from that area. Some cities may be listed outside of the geographical area of their county based on the student's records. If a student’s name is not listed, please contact the appropriate college dean’s office or the Office of the Registrar at 785-532-6254 or registrar@k-state.edu for assistance.

MANHATTAN — More than 3,370 students completed degree requirements from Kansas State University in spring 2020. The graduates are from 102 Kansas counties, 47 states and 47 countries.

The university awarded 2,517 bachelor's degrees, 663 master's degrees, 196 doctorates — 107 of which are Doctor of Veterinary Medicine — and 12 associate degrees. Several students earned multiple degrees.

Nearly 630 students earned graduation honors for outstanding academic performance. Of those, 212 students graduated summa cum laude with a grade point average of 3.95 or above, 199 students graduated magna cum laude with a grade point average of 3.85 to 3.949, and 218 students graduated cum laude with a GPA of 3.75 to 3.849.

A list of students who have earned degrees and, if applicable, graduation honors from Kansas State University:

Kansas Counties

Allen, Anderson, Atchison

Barber, Barton, Bourbon, Brown, Butler

Chase, Chautauqua, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Clay, Cloud, Coffey, Comanche, Cowley, Crawford

Decatur, Dickinson, Doniphan, Douglas

Edwards, Elk, Ellis, Ellsworth

Finney, Ford, Franklin

Geary, Gove, Graham, Grant, Gray, Greeley, Greenwood

Hamilton, Harper, Harvey, Haskell, Hodgeman

Jackson, Jefferson, Jewell, Johnson

Kearny, Kingman, Kiowa

Labette, Lane, Leavenworth, Lincoln, Linn, Logan, Lyon

Marion, Marshall, McPherson, Meade, Miami, Mitchell, Montgomery, Morris

Nemaha, Neosho, Ness, Norton

Osage, Osborne, Ottawa

Pawnee, Phillips, Pottawatomie, Pratt

Rawlins, Reno, Republic, Rice, Riley, Rooks, Rush, Russell

Saline, Scott, Sedgwick, Seward, Shawnee, Sheridan, Sherman, Smith, Stafford, Stanton, Sumner

Thomas, Trego

Wabaunsee, Wallace, Washington, Wichita, Wilson, Woodson, Wyandotte


U.S. Territories

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas

California, Colorado, Connecticut





Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa



Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana

Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota

Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon


South Carolina, South Dakota

Tennessee, Texas



Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming


Kansas Counties


Iola: Caitlin Dreher, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Emily McKarnin, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Clara Wicoff, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Secondary Major, Summa Cum Laude; Colby Works, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Cum Laude

La Harpe: Joseph Dunlap, Bachelor of Fine Arts

Moran: Jessie Hobbs, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Mackenzie Tynon, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude


Colony: Colton Strickler, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Magna Cum Laude

Garnett: Remington Hedges, Bachelor of Science in Human Ecology, Summa Cum Laude; Derrick Nelson, Bachelor of Science in Milling Science and Management

Greeley: Maci Rockers, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Industry, Cum Laude

Richmond: Alexis Pedrow, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude; Grady Schuster, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness

Welda: Cody Pretzer, Bachelor of Science


Atchison: Stone Clark, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Mary Colwell, Bachelor of Science in Education; Clark Cummings, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Ruth Eckert, Bachelor of Science; Jeremy Gray, Bachelor of Science in Milling Science and Management; Lesley Harness, Master of Arts in Teaching; Bret Huntington, Bachelor of Science; Cameron Kilgore, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Emily Rivers, Bachelor of Science; Charles Trotter, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Madeline Wagner, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Cummings: Celina Binkley, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Tyler Nolting, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Effingham: Amber Kelly, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Secondary Major, Cum Laude

Nortonville: Jeremy Lutz, Bachelor of Science


Isabel: Sierra Cargill, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Clayton Fischer, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Andrea Vierthaler, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude


Albert: Brandon Keller, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude

Claflin: Abby Stueder, Master of Accountancy

Ellinwood: Kaitlin Clawson, Master of Arts in Teaching; Michaela Hughes, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Regan Mosier, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles; Mary Thill, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles; Cody Wondra, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Cody Woodruff, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Great Bend: Eric Banda, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Kinzie Behrends, Master of Arts in Teaching; Ryan Broeder, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Quinton Elliott, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Sarah Keller, Bachelor of Science in Education, Cum Laude; Sarah Mauler, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Stevee Nily, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Brianna Schartz, Master of Arts in Teaching; Nikki Taylor, Bachelor of Science; Jack Westhoff, Bachelor of Science in Milling Science and Management; Shade Wondra, Bachelor of Science in Milling Science and Management

Hoisington: Shaelynn Bitter, Bachelor of Science; Landon Harmon, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Kody Lang, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness; Jacob Satterlee, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Jessica Schauf, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Philip Wolf, Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology

Pawnee Rock: Megan Brabb, Bachelor of Science in Education


Fort Scott: Karleigh Arndt, Bachelor of Science, Secondary Major; Ethan Hale, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Meredith Hill, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design; Dacey Simpson, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering; Brody Southwell, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Uniontown: Benjamin Labbe, Bachelor of Science; Charity Walker, Master of Arts in Teaching


Everest: Mikaela Lehew, Master of Arts in Teaching

Hiawatha: Alec Cowley, Bachelor of Music Education; Alexis Schwalm, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Katherine Wist, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Cum Laude

Horton: Izaak Ambler, Bachelor of Science; Derek Richardson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Sabetha: Lillian Brownlee, Bachelor of Arts; Anthony Martin, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering


Andover: Colton Awtrey, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Alec Borger, Bachelor of Science in Bakery Science and Management; Shelby Boso, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Cum Laude; John Buckley, Bachelor of Science; Jeremy Calloway, Bachelor of Science; Kaely Flores, Bachelor of Science in Education; Paige Gabriel, Bachelor of Arts; Kaylee Grant, Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering; Emi Hayashi, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Summa Cum Laude; Adrianne Kruse, Bachelor of Science; Christine Laflin, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering, Magna Cum Laude; Elizabeth Lutz, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Connor Martin, Bachelor of Arts; Gabrielle Phillips, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Secondary Major, Summa Cum Laude; Jacob Schilmoeller, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Logan Shaffer, Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Technology; Kayci Sperry, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Joshua Stock, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Robert Strickland, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Kyle Toom, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Magna Cum Laude; Faith Vautravers, Bachelor of Arts; Grant Willford, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Summa Cum Laude; Morgan Winters, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Augusta: Danielle Estivo, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Brooklyn Flower, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Cum Laude; Jacob Goldenstein, Bachelor of Science; Katherine Goldenstein, Bachelor of Science in Education, Magna Cum Laude; Douglas Pence, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Garrett Robbins, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Owen Shigley, Master of Business Administration; Sage Waltemath, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Taylor Werner, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude; Donna Zerr, Doctor of Education

Benton: Cameron Parr, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Cassoday: Jordan Reinert, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness

Douglass: Lauren Jackson, Bachelor of Science

El Dorado: Madison Hallmark, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Derek Hildreth, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude; Trevor Mccune, Bachelor of Science in Educational Studies; Olivia Peiffer, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Brooke Toedman, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles; Kristyn Utech, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition, Secondary Major; Joshua Wolf, Bachelor of Science in Education

Rose Hill: Hayley Cantrell, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Rylie Wilson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Towanda: Logan Davis, Bachelor of Science; Leah Metzger, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Whitewater: Braden Wiebe, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture


Cedar Point: Jake Wessel, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness, Cum Laude

Cottonwood Falls: Brett Engle, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Colton Haney, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Jessica Pietrowski, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Conner Sigel, Bachelor of Science in Interior Design; Makenna Terrazas, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services

Strong City: Daley Keister, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science


Niotaze: Jacen Clapp, Bachelor of Science; Caitlynn Stevenson, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture


Columbus: Amber Helwig, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture


Bird City: Elizabeth Keltz, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Wheeler: Heidi Yonkey, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine


Clay Center: Alice Davidson, Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude; Victoria Kimbrough, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Mariah Larson, Bachelor of Science in Education, Summa Cum Laude; Lane Liby, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude; Katelyn Pinkston, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Zoe Walsh, Master of Arts in Teaching

Clifton: Michaela Musselman, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude

Longford: Hayden Heigele, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Wakefield: Ethan Hammond, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude


Concordia: Allayna Hanson, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Jose Nava, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Dustin Newlin, Master of Agribusiness; Connor James Reynolds, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Karter Steinle, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Peyton Warner, Bachelor of Arts; Krystin Will, Master of Arts in Teaching

Miltonvale: Anne Pruitt, Bachelor of Science in Education


Burlington: Stephen Samuelson, Master of Regional and Community Planning

Lebo: Derek Davies, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Regan Norton, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude

Le Roy: Lydia Brooks, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles; Ross Gilbert, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

New Strawn: Whitney Croll, Master of Public Administration, Master of Science

Waverly: Nicholas Clarkson, Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology; Suzanne Fehr, Bachelor of Science in Interior Design; Shane Newton, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Westphalia: Camille Shilling, Bachelor of Science in Bakery Science and Management


Protection: Bayler Kelly, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science


Arkansas City: William Martin, Bachelor of Science; Kendal Smith, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

Dexter: Thomas Parsons, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Cum Laude

Udall: Jennifer Harness, Master of Arts in Teaching; Tanner Roberts, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management

Winfield: Addie Clary, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Christopher Conover, Bachelor of Arts; Emily Corle, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Cameron Dennett, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, Cum Laude; Rena Hofmeister, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Lauren Lauffer, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Wyatt Meseke, Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology; Hannah Sultz, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Girard: Faith McClaskey, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Hepler: Ethan George, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Karlea Hyman, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Pittsburg: Abigail Spachek, Bachelor of Science in Education


Oberlin: Rebekah Hitzfeld, Master of Arts in Teaching; Myles Sheaffer, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture


Abilene: Madison Anderes, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Molly Burt, Master of Arts; Elliot Gassman, Master of Accountancy; Garry Parzych, Associate of Technology, Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology, Magna Cum Laude; Samantha Reiff, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Braedon Smith, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Lyndy Tischhauser, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Rogan Tokach, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude; Lisa Turnbull, Bachelor of Science in Human Ecology, Summa Cum Laude; Wyatt Youtsey, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Chapman: Christopher Blatt, Bachelor of Science in Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprise Management; Brandt Blixt, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition; Joseph Frasco, Bachelor of Arts; Zachary Harris, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Kyler Langvardt, Master of Science; Dakota Smith, Bachelor of Music; Laura Witt, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Education

Herington: Whitney Gutsch, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude

Hope: Laura Ediger, Master of Arts in Teaching; Alta Schohr, Bachelor of Science

Solomon: Brieanna Paden, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Colton Shirack, Bachelor of Science in Applied Business and Technology


Troy: Collin Jasper, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Wathena: Nathan King, Bachelor of Science; Madison Marriott, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Colton Munger, Bachelor of Science; Samantha Whitten, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Secondary Major, Magna Cum Laude


Baldwin City: Jackson Barth, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Phillip Carroll, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Magna Cum Laude; Lily Fursman, Bachelor of Science; Justin Hoffman, Master of Arts in Teaching; Grace Mader, Master of Landscape Architecture; Madeline Neufeld, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Nicholas Pattrick, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Eric Peterson, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Fayth Peterson, Bachelor of Science in Education, Cum Laude; Noah Pippert, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Kristen Smith, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Meghan Strobel, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Austin Ward, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology

Berryton: Elizabeth Donaldson, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude

Eudora: Jessalyn Grant, Bachelor of Science; Weston Harder, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering; Molly James, Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude; Matthew Kelso, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; John Lounsbury, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Jacob Pearson, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Cum Laude; Mitchell Slavens, Master of Business Administration

Lawrence: Ashley Ammann, Bachelor of Science; Zachary Arnberger, Master of Arts in Teaching; Josh Atkinson, Master of Arts in Teaching; Isabelle Brucken, Bachelor of Science in Education, Magna Cum Laude; Brianna Burenheide, Bachelor of Science in Education; Amanda Coatney, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Industry; Campbell Drake, Master of Arts in Teaching; Anna Faust, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Jonathon Garrett, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Abigail Gilliland-King, Master of Science; Elaine Harris, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Marissa , Bachelor of Science in Dietetics; Garrett Hodge, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Benjamin Jacobs, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Ethan Kallenberger, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Emilee Kern, Master of Accountancy; Kelsey Kilburn, Master of Software Engineering; Prerona Kundu, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude; Natalie Longhurst, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Alexis Luinstra, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Cum Laude; Bailey McAuley, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Cum Laude; Holly McPeak, Master of Arts in Teaching; Anna Meissbach, Master of Arts in Teaching; Matthew Meseke, Bachelor of Science in Education, Cum Laude; Sidney Miller, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Jessica Minear, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Abigail Murray, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition, Summa Cum Laude; Lynne Oyler, Master of Arts in Teaching; Elizabeth Patton, Bachelor of Arts, Summa Cum Laude; Carmen Seusy, Master of Arts in Teaching; Kelsey Shirey, Master of Business Administration; Ashlyn Shultz, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Kenzie Turner, Bachelor of Science; James Wensel, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Cum Laude; Dalton Wiggins, Bachelor of Science; Regan Zaremba, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Lecompton: Bjorn Funk, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Derrick Janes, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management


Haviland: Elizabeth Penner, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Kinsley: Carley Deege, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics, Magna Cum Laude; Caitlin Herrmann, Bachelor of Science in Personal Financial Planning, Summa Cum Laude; Alex King, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Lewis: Erin Hornbaker, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Offerle: Kate Gleason, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Holly Wilson, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude


Howard: Kylie Hurt, Bachelor of Science in Education


Ellis: Erianna Basgall, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Dylan Haas, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management, Summa Cum Laude; Amy Molstad, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Rylee Torline, Bachelor of Science

Gorham: Samuel Dreiling, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Hays: Annaka Applequist, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Magna Cum Laude; Jacob Balzer, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Jordan Brungardt, Doctor of Philosophy; Emily Buller, Master of Arts in Teaching; Kevin Daniels, Master of Arts in Teaching; Elizabeth Eikenberry, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Taylor Gabel, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Brittany Granger, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Anna Hickert, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Mark Mathis, Master of Science; Caleb Pfeifer, Bachelor of Arts, Summa Cum Laude; Jared Rack, Bachelor of Science; Audra Schmeidler, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Hannah Stecklein, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Jordan Voss, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Victoria: Benjamin Rajewski, Bachelor of Music Education


Brookville: Mika Bolton, Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude; Tristan Ptacek, Associate of Technology, Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology, Cum Laude; Rayne Son, Bachelor of Science

Ellsworth: Isaac Wright, Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering


Cimarron: Hunter Dewey, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Magna Cum Laude

Garden City: Becky Alexander, Master of Science; Isaac Alfaro, Bachelor of Science; Benjamin Anthony, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Caroline Aponte, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Logan Babcock, Bachelor of Science; Will Basham, Master of Agribusiness; Raul Camarillo, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Miguel Chacon Andrade, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Patrick Clifford, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Liliana Delgado-Dominguez, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Zachary Finch, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Kaylee Goss, Master of Science; Christopher Green, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Dursitu Hassen, Bachelor of Science; Omar Hernandez, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering; Hunter Hershey, Bachelor of Science; Jessie Johannes, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Cum Laude; Aaron Lozano, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Erick Martinez-Rosales, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Hannah Mesa, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Emily Nicholas, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition; Judith Ortiz, Master of Arts in Teaching; Baily Partridge, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics, Summa Cum Laude; Tara Perez, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Jose Reyes, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Paxton Rienbolt, Master of Science; Erika Schafer, Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management; Colton Snodgrass, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Reagan Swank, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Cum Laude; Vu Vo, Bachelor of Science

Holcomb: Tanner Mongeau, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness; Margaret Roth, Bachelor of Arts

Pierceville: Hope Beach, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology


Dodge City: Megan Esquibel, Bachelor of Science in Human Ecology, Cum Laude; Cristian Garcia, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering; Adriana Hernandez, Bachelor of Science in Education; Torrey Lonker, Bachelor of Science, Secondary Major; Conner Mccollum, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Magna Cum Laude; Caleb Menjivar, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Marisol Munoz, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Kelan Newton, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Tyson Rodriguez, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Brady Sherraden, Bachelor of Science; Jaqueline Solis, Bachelor of Science in Education; Isaiah Solorzano, Bachelor of Science; Kolby Sonday, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Tanner Tieben, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Victor Valdez-Herrera, Bachelor of Science

Kingsdown: Madison Loschke, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Spearville: Tausha Craft, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Dakota Kreger, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Gage Kuker, Bachelor of Science; Kaden Stein, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Master of Accountancy; Nathan Stein, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Hunter Stephenson, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology

Wright: Ashley Fischer, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine


Osawatomie: Shelby Hollman, Master of Landscape Architecture

Ottawa: Bonni Beery, Bachelor of Science in Education; Magdeline Bowers, Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Technology; Amy Dickinson, Bachelor of Science in Education; Katelyn Doolittle, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Morgan Jilek, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude; Beau Lynch, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Connor Medlen, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Brooke Riedy, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Cum Laude; McKenzie Weien, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles

Pomona: Kara Wray, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Cum Laude

Princeton: Cade Hibdon, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Quenemo: Cody Webb, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Richmond: Erinn Engle, Master of Architecture; Royce Powelson, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture


Fort Riley: Cilayn Alba, Master of Arts; Lena Bates, Bachelor of Science; Chaddrick Beshirs, Master of Science; Ramsey Deheck, Bachelor of Science in Education; Courtney Devot, Master of Arts in Teaching; Molly Houser, Master of Arts; Vicki White, Bachelor of Science in Educational Studies; Sydney Zaldana, Bachelor of Science

Junction City: Kadella Anderson, Bachelor of Science; Justin Becker, Bachelor of Science in Personal Financial Planning, Summa Cum Laude; Ryan Boland, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Haley Burgett, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Antonio Carter, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Josiah Caspers, Bachelor of Science; Sierra Chase, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles; Brant Crank, Bachelor of Science; Hannah Custer, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles; Paige Dacus, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition; Mitchell Dehoff, Master of Science; Corine Djeuka Nguemfo, Master of Accountancy; Henry Escobar, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Joseph Galvan, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Secondary Major; Alyssa Graben, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Lindsay Gutierrez, Bachelor of Science; Adrianna Hahner, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Rachel Halcumb, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Courtney Hallenbeck, Master of Science; Joshua Haynes, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Jessica Heiman, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness; Robert Khoury, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Calvin King, Master of Business Administration; Jessie Kingrey, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Xavier Magana Deguzman, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Alexander Mitura, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Charles Moore, Bachelor of Science; Christian Otero-Hernandez, Bachelor of Arts; Princess Pabalan, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Jay Patel, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Jordyn Peyla, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Magna Cum Laude; Leslie Reese, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Miranda Saldana-Rodney, Master of Science; Kimberly Sanchez, Bachelor of Science; Amy Scott-Sanjur, Master of Accountancy; Kenyata Simpkins, Master of Science; Daniel Sul, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Dustin Vann, Master of Arts; Meaghan Wagman, Master of Arts in Teaching; Breanna Waterman, Master of Science; Madeline Wheeler, Bachelor of Science; Adrienne Wright, Master of Business Administration

Milford: Emily Burtis, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Grady Salzman, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Cum Laude

Odgen: Suzanne Pohlman, Bachelor of Science


Gove: Faith Tuttle, Bachelor of Arts, Secondary Major, Magna Cum Laude

Quinter: Katelyn Lee, Bachelor of Science in Bakery Science and Management


Hill City: Alexandra McDowell, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Ulysses: Cesar Aparicio-Lopez, Bachelor of Science; Kassandra Dominguez, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Nichole Everett, Master of Arts in Teaching; Kyle Hickok, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Jessica Lattimore, Master of Arts in Teaching; Fernanda Rivera, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Xavier Rodriguez, Master of Arts in Teaching; Valeria Saenz, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Cimarron: Nicholas Ast, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Trenton Busch, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Joseph Hornung, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design; Zoe Nicolet, Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude

Copeland: Brooke Jantz, Master of Arts in Teaching

Ingalls: Kayla Brock, Master of Science; Emily Garcia, Master of Arts in Teaching

Montezuma: Weston Koehn, Doctor of Philosophy; Dusty Watkins, Master of Arts in Teaching


Tribune: Ty Dittmer, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture


Eureka: Nathanael Basham, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Madison: Piper Brandt, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude


Syracuse: Sonia Barrett, Bachelor of Science; Laura Geven, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Megan Larkin, Bachelor of Science; Jake Phillips, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering


Anthony: Roger Clark, Master of Architecture; Shawn Nulik, Master of Arts in Teaching

Harper: Kendra Claflin, Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training; Eric Vogt, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Burrton: Kaci Foraker, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude; Justin Freeman, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Alexis Hoskinson, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude

Halstead: Deaundra Allen, Bachelor of Science; Kinsey Davidson, Bachelor of Arts; Harper Zongker, Bachelor of Science in Milling Science and Management

Hesston: Jordan Bezdek, Master of Architecture; Kylie Brenneman, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Kathlynn Carter, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Brance Kendrick, Bachelor of Science; Madyson Lamb, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Industry; Garrett Roth, Bachelor of Science in Education

Moundridge: Erin Miller, Master of Accountancy

Newton: Trenton Conyers, Master of Arts; Courtney Glassco, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Jared Langley, Bachelor of Science; Jaiden Leighty-Ochoa, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Brityne Rucker, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Brandon Snyder, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness; Maura Thieszen, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design

North Newton: Braeden Busenitz, Master of Architecture

Sedgwick: Nathaniel Becker, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering, Magna Cum Laude; Baylie Francis, Bachelor of Science in Educational Studies; Zachary Giffin, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Grant Hilliard, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Aerin McCoy, Bachelor of Science in Education; Quinn Noone, Bachelor of Fine Arts

Walton: Hunter Lanier, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering


Sublette: Nathan Cearley, Bachelor of Science in Educational Studies


Jetmore: Jacob Ginder, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering; Seth Shriwise, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Adriallen Woods, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness


Circleville: Trey Tanking, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering

Delia: Ashley Swaim, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Cum Laude

Holton: Kaden Brandt, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Eero Halbleib, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Sean Marshall, Bachelor of Arts; William Patterson, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude; Jonathan Reiff, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Brandt Rose, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Sonora Sheldon, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Education, Magna Cum Laude

Hoyt: Cassidy Bailey, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Macy Putnam, Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training; Kylee Simmons, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Maryka Smith, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Mayetta: Jenna Thurman, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Soldier: Lance Coe, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Whiting: Alexandria Bontrager, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude


Grantville: Caleb Daniels, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management

McLouth: Taylor Mortsolf, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Samuel Rainey, Master of Architecture

Meriden: Shanie Adams, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness; Spencer Fortney, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition; Delaney Holthaus, Bachelor of Science; Chord Livingston, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Magna Cum Laude; Gabriel Orndorff, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Mallory Riley, Master of Science

Oskaloosa: Carter Claxton, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Ali Ragan, Bachelor of Science; Noah Scrimsher, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness, Summa Cum Laude

Perry: Jameson Brehm, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Michael Jamison, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Alyssa Nemeth, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Chris Robinson, Bachelor of Science

Valley Falls: Jacob Korb, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Taegan Lund-Winter, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services


Mankato: Josie Wilson, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Secondary Major, Summa Cum Laude

Webber: Jenna Langer, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Magna Cum Laude


Bucyrus: Kiel Johnson, Master of Engineering Management

De Soto: Ethaniel Aubrey-Mitchell, Bachelor of Music Education; Jackson McQuality, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Cum Laude; Rachel Moore, Bachelor of Science; Nicholas Schmidt, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Samuel Seidl, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Jacob Sweatt, Bachelor of Music Education; Adam Wilcox, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Alex Wilcox, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Summa Cum Laude; Bryce Zimmerman, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Gardner: Marcos Aleman, Master of Landscape Architecture; Madeline Ames, Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude; Mikayla Bond, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Jacob Chappell, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Alyson Daniels, Master of Science; Ethan Eccles, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Cum Laude; Macey Elkinton, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering; Hunter Fretz, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness; Jenna Goetzmann, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness, Secondary Major, Magna Cum Laude; Justin Johnson, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Alyssa Koehler, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude; Olivia Rogers, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Nicholas Spiller, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Taylor Stewart, Bachelor of Science, Secondary Major, Magna Cum Laude; Alexa Wilden, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude

Lake Quivira: Ian Boyd, Bachelor of Science; Joseph Pasley, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Hunter Wiercinski, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Leawood: Chloe Alexander, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Secondary Major, Summa Cum Laude; Jaxon Bilski, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Joanna Blackford, Master of Arts in Teaching; Nathan Broadbent, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Amanda Brown, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics, Summa Cum Laude; Cole Christenson, Bachelor of Science; Christia Colquitt, Master of Arts in Teaching; Charles Davis, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Cum Laude; Jack Dunfield, Bachelor of Science; Ariana Dunlap, Bachelor of Arts; Francesca Esposito, Master of Arts in Teaching; Reese Fisher, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Paul Giefer, Bachelor of Science; Aubrey Gilchrist, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Katherine Grasse, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Adam Haines, Bachelor of Arts, Secondary Major; Blake Henning, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Lauren Jacobs, Master of Arts in Teaching; Ian Jolliffe, Master of Business Administration; Christopher Jungk, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Cooper Kinley, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Tyler Kodanaz, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering; Carsten Leimer, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Brityn Like, Master of Arts in Teaching; John Lusker, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Monica Melber, Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude; Margaret Mitchell, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Konner Pendland, Master of Landscape Architecture; Gwen Pitts, Master of Architecture; Michael Rayl, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Katherine Rettmer, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; William Ridge, Bachelor of Science; Garrett Siegman, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Timothy Stamper, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Mackenzie Thornton, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Maggie Yuille, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Lenexa: Gabrielle Albertson, Bachelor of Science; Kathleen Andrews, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Education; Kara Bamberger, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Ethan Bartel, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Cum Laude; Haley Bensel, Master of Engineering Management; Timothy Brill, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Education; Samuel Burdolski, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering, Cum Laude; Brooke Burger, Master of Arts in Teaching; Anna Christenson, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, Magna Cum Laude; Ashley Curran, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Carlos Diaz-Perez, Bachelor of Science; Derek Dinhphan, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Breanna Fox, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude; Isabelle Frankel, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering; Macie Fulton, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition, Secondary Major; Sahiba Grover, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Brian Hayes, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Summa Cum Laude; Addie Hermanson, Master of Arts in Teaching; Tyler Hite, Master of Science; Ryan Horn, Bachelor of Arts; Benjamin Karlin, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Clay Karpowich, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Trevor Keith, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering; Kelsey Klema, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Magna Cum Laude; Margaret Kohlrus, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; John Laskowitz, Master of Business Administration; Christine Lemmon, Master of Arts in Teaching; Hunter Lundquist, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Steven Maloy, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Cade McCoy, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Camryn McDonald, Bachelor of Science; Heather McGee, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Max Meyer, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude; Riley Mitts, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering; Abigaile Molzer, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Gage Oberheu, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Derek Parke, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Lydia Read, Bachelor of Science in Education; Hannah Richey, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles; Sara Rinner, Bachelor of Science; Merani Rivarola-Gragg, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Summa Cum Laude; Nathan Schmidt, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Cum Laude; Ross Siegle, Master of Architecture; Devin Stacy, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Cum Laude; Garrett Suter, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Hannah Sutherland, Bachelor of Arts, Secondary Major, Summa Cum Laude; Madalyn Taylor, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Victoria Thomas, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering, Master of Science, Cum Laude; Alaina Thomsen, Bachelor of Science in Education, Summa Cum Laude; Alissa Towsley, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics; Brinley Weirick, Bachelor of Science; Paige Wiebe, Bachelor of Science; Emma Winkley, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Cum Laude; Bailey Winters, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Natalie Wolf, Bachelor of Arts, Summa Cum Laude; Bradford Worsham, Bachelor of Science

Merriam: Jacob Burkholder, Bachelor of Science in Education; Lakshmi Dandi, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Jaasiel Duarte-Terrazas, Master of Architecture; Clement Lee, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Victoria Loza Ordonez, Master of Arts; Jacob Minet, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Hannah Patterson, Bachelor of Science in Educational Studies, Summa Cum Laude; Marlena Pierce, Bachelor of Fine Arts

Mission: Emma Kohlman, Bachelor of Arts; Rachael Shelton, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Summa Cum Laude

Olathe: Alexis Abadayan, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Magna Cum Laude; Elshaddai Abamegal, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Lynsey Akin, Bachelor of Arts, Summa Cum Laude; Michael Alemayehu, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering; Katrina Aleuy, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Sallem Ambessie, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Jacob Anderson, Bachelor of Science in Education; Trent Arnold, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Kathryn Baker, Bachelor of Science; Hayley Boden, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Cum Laude; Abigail Boyd, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles; Ashton Boyd, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Saraya Bragg, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Ryleigh Briner, Bachelor of Science; Logan Brockschmidt, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Cum Laude; Elizabeth Burg, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Wesley Burris, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Madison Byrd, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Harrison Carney, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Adeline Chang, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Aaron Chrisco, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Piper Coen, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Alice Collins, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; McKenzie Combes, Master of Arts in Teaching; Lauren Cooper, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles, Cum Laude; Colin Cope, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Paige Crocker, Bachelor of Science in Education; Kendra Dancinger, Bachelor of Arts; Zackary Darpinian, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering; Brianna Davis, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Riley Davis, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Zandt Durham, Bachelor of Science; Hannah Eckenroth, Bachelor of Science; Avery Enzbrenner, Master of Science; Dylan Evans, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; James Evans, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Summa Cum Laude; Emily Everhart, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Braden Fain, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Summa Cum Laude; Daniel Faust, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Margaret Fitzgerald, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Kahler Fontaine, Bachelor of Science, Secondary Major; Lillian Fulton, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Summa Cum Laude; Sarah Gabel, Bachelor of Science in Interior Design, Magna Cum Laude; Kristin Gaddis, Bachelor of Science; Alyssa Garcia, Bachelor of Science in Interior Design; Alyssa Goehri, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Kelsey Gooden, Bachelor of Science; Jamie Gray, Bachelor of Science; Jordan Green, Master of Regional and Community Planning; Sarah Green, Bachelor of Arts; Kennedy Griffin, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Natalie Haas, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Logan Hanerhoff, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Andrew Haney, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Cum Laude; Nicole Hansen, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Michael Hanson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude; Adam Harter, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Benjamin Hartman, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Ian Hayes, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Nathaniel Helgeson, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Magna Cum Laude; Abbey Heller, Bachelor of Science in Education, Magna Cum Laude; Emily Heller, Bachelor of Science; Katey Hinds, Bachelor of Science in Education, Summa Cum Laude; Alaina Hiteshew, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Matthew Hockersmith, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Brooke Hogan, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Secondary Major, Cum Laude; Mitchell Holsinger, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Elizabeth Hughes, Bachelor of Science in Education; Ethan Hunt, Master of Business Administration; Nicole Ioerger, Master of Science; Clayton Jarrard, Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude; Lindsey Jost, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness; Griffin Karr, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Elena Kassa, Bachelor of Science; Rebecca Kelley, Bachelor of Science in Educational Studies, Cum Laude; Thomas King, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude; David Kohl, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Jerard Kotnour, Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude; Andrew Krause, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Samantha Krump, Bachelor of Science in Feed Science and Management; Jonathan Kuruc, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Tallin La Rue, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Ryan Ladd, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Brianna Lambert, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Kayleigh Large, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Michael Laughlin, Bachelor of Science; Ashley Lee, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Jessica Lickteig, Bachelor of Science in Personal Financial Planning; Mitchell Liermann, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Olivia Mangual, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Cole Marsee, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Danielle Martin, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude; William McBride, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Kellie McCubbins, Master of Arts in Teaching; Emily McDonald, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition; Ryan McIlvaine, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude; Jamie Mcintosh, Master of Arts in Teaching; Kaleb Mekonnen, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering; Ryan Mersmann, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Andrea Metzger, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles; Angelica Mitchell, Bachelor of Science; Mikaela Moore, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Samantha Moore, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Jeremy Morris, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Cum Laude; Jonathan Morris, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering; Morgan Morris, Bachelor of Science; Gergely Motolai, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Magna Cum Laude; Sarah Myers, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Cum Laude; John Nehrbass, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Emili Neubauer, Master of Arts; Emily Newson, Bachelor of Science in Interior Design; Molly Neyens, Bachelor of Science; Jacobe Nguyen, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering; Vincent Nguyen, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Mathew Orzechowski, Bachelor of Science; Jacob Ostertag, Bachelor of Science in Milling Science and Management, Cum Laude; Colton Owens, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, Cum Laude; Elijah Pardue, Bachelor of Science; Cathryn Passman, Bachelor of Science in Education; Aswini Patro, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering; Jeffrey Payne, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Jack Perkins, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Cum Laude; Haley Petersen, Bachelor of Arts, Summa Cum Laude; Ayanna Phillips, Bachelor of Arts; Logan Prough, Master of Science; Thomas Pyle, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Brandon Rathburn, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Madison Rebel, Bachelor of Science; Jessica Richards, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Dane Rigby, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Summa Cum Laude; Conner Robinson, Bachelor of Arts; Sarah Rogg, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Cum Laude; Colin Ryan, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Jack Ryan, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, Master of Science; Cody Sader, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Brett Sanford, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Sarah Saunders, Bachelor of Science; Sydney Saunders, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Angela Sawyer, Bachelor of Arts; Patrick Schilly, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Ryley Schools, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Maggie Schroeder, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Connor Seacat, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude; Jake Seurer, Bachelor of Science in Education; Brandon Shaver, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Reagan Sheffield, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science in Education, Magna Cum Laude; Erin Smee, Bachelor of Arts, Summa Cum Laude; Kylee Smith, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design; Andrea Sosa-Fonseca, Master of Architecture; Jacob Spannagel, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering; Sera Sperke, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition; Kayla Staley, Bachelor of Science in Education, Summa Cum Laude; Nicolas Stebar, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Robert Steele, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition, Secondary Major, Summa Cum Laude; Matthew Stone, Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering, Cum Laude; Morgan Strader, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Rachel-Anne Stupp, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Brooke Sullivan, Bachelor of Science; Savannah Swenson, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Christian Tatham, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Tyler Trammell, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Magna Cum Laude; Sarah Traylor, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Kristin Vaughn, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Cum Laude; Ryan Walker, Master of Architecture; Elizabeth Ward, Bachelor of Science in Education; Joseph Weakland, Master of Arts; Camille Whiteside, Master of Science; Matthew Wilkinson, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Jenna Wilks, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Timothy Williams, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Brant Wilson, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness; Ethan Wood, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Kirt Yoder, Master of Science; Kassidy Zeiler, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Overland Park: Alexandra Allen, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Cum Laude; Erik Anderson, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Dominic Arnone, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Michael , Bachelor of Science in Education; Adriana Athon, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Emily Ball, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude; Kyle Ball, Master of Science; Cali Banker, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Patrick Banning, Bachelor of Science; Madeline Barger, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Abbey Bart, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Alex Bartlett, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Cum Laude; Kevin Beahm, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Cum Laude; Nicole Becker, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Sydney Behrndt, Bachelor of Science in Education; Tim Bernard, Master of Arts in Teaching; Griffin Berrigan, Bachelor of Science; Anna Biggins, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics, Secondary Major, Magna Cum Laude; Elizabeth Birkenmeier, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Yoav Bittan, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Christian Bognanno, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Simon Bondank, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Emery Braun, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Cum Laude; Aiden Brennan, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Rachel Cannon, Bachelor of Science; Laila Carter, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Industry; Seth Castinado, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Master of Accountancy; Rachel Chall, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Kendra Christman, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Magna Cum Laude; Samuel Clark, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude; Sabrina Cline, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science in Education, Magna Cum Laude; Joseph Coleman, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Tyler Cook, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Magna Cum Laude; Paige Cote, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Kaleb Cox, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Jeffrey Cullins, Master of Arts in Teaching; Bailey Current, Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude; Jared Daniel, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Alex DeMarea, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Gabrielle Denzel, Bachelor of Science in Education; Madison Dombrowski, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Tara Dorsch, Bachelor of Science; Samuel Douglas, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; John Doyle, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Magna Cum Laude; Andrew Easterday, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Madeline Ebling, Bachelor of Science in Education, Summa Cum Laude; Logan Evans, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Katelyn Faubion, Bachelor of Science in Education; Paul Feighner, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Cum Laude; Lisa Fiori, Master of Arts; Teresa Fortino, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design; Nicholas Fowler, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Cum Laude; Dane Freberg, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Courtney Frock, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering; Kaela Fuchs, Bachelor of Science; Blaise Gammon, Master of Business Administration; Grace Geist, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Alexander Gianino, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Kirsten Gordon, Bachelor of Science in Bakery Science and Management, Secondary Major; Jasmine Gray, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Michael Greco, Bachelor of Science in Milling Science and Management, Cum Laude; Tyler Greene, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Andrew Gregory, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Hannah Grosko, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Taylor Hagge, Bachelor of Science in Education; Elizabeth Hale, Master of Science; Melanie Harrell, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Summa Cum Laude; Haley Hartman, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design; Elizabeth Heit, Bachelor of Science in Education, Magna Cum Laude; Heath Helmick, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Emily Hilderhof, Bachelor of Arts; Lucas Hill, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Trevor Hill, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Noah Holliger, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Matthew Hollingsworth, Master of Architecture; Skylar Holsinger, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Abigail Hopfinger, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Patrick Hopfinger, Bachelor of Science; Rachel Hunt, Bachelor of Science; Hailey Hunter, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Secondary Major; Garrhett Hurst, Bachelor of Science; Ashlyn Imel, Bachelor of Science in Interior Design, Cum Laude; Madison Imel, Bachelor of Science in Interior Design, Cum Laude; Noah Imel, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Alex Jaeger, Master of Business Administration; Chikayo Jett, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Corey Johns, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Scott Johns, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Mackenzie Johnson, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Jennifer Jones, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Industry; Anna Kastendick, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Mary Kaster, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Sarah Keegan, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Cum Laude; Ryan Kelly, Bachelor of Arts; Trenton Kempker, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Magna Cum Laude; Morgan Killmar, Bachelor of Science in Education; Eunji Kim, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Samuel King, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Benjamin Kohl, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Heather Kolb, Bachelor of Science in Education, Magna Cum Laude; Jenna Kor, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering, Cum Laude; Thomas Kropf, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Jordan Kubicki, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Cum Laude; Alix Kunkle, Master of Science; Brady Kurtz, Master of Science; Hope Lancaster, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Cum Laude; Katherine Laxson, Bachelor of Science in Educational Studies; Josie Lewin, Bachelor of Science in Education; Ashton Love, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering; Michael Mabry, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Summa Cum Laude; Eshwarsai Marre, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Cum Laude; Tanner Maupin, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Preston Maurer, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Elle McAlister, Master of Science; Nathan McClain, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Summa Cum Laude; Jacob McCrary, Master of Science; Daniel McReynolds, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Maxwell Mcvicker, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Blake Meyer, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Justin Miller, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Cum Laude; Abigail Mitchell, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Secondary Major; Carter Moravek, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; George Muller, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Irving Muller, Master of Arts in Teaching; Rachel Murphy, Bachelor of Science in Education; Polina Nations, Bachelor of Arts; Jackson Newkirk, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Abigail O'Grady, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude; Kirsten O'Leary, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; John Ochsner, Bachelor of Science; Emily Oltjen, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Cooper Patterson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Noah Patterson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude; Daniel Peacock, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Adam Pelfrey, Master of Architecture; Peyton Pericola, Bachelor of Science in Education, Cum Laude; Keaton Petite, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Zachary Petty, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Mallory Pittman, Bachelor of Science; Samuel , Bachelor of Science; Anna Radetic, Bachelor of Science in Education; Erin Rambo, Bachelor of Science, Secondary Major; Sydney Rathjen, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Andrada Redmond, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles; Celestia Rich, Master of Arts in Teaching; Cole Richenburg, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Timothy Roberts, Bachelor of Music Education; Darryl Robinson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Ryan Rysavy, Bachelor of Science in Education, Cum Laude; Spandan Samanta, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Jonathan Sands, Bachelor of Science; Collin Schmidt, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering; Jacob Schmidt, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Meredith Schmidt, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Steven Schmoll, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude; Eli Schoeman, Master of Science; Dalton Schoen, Master of Science; Mason , Master of Business Administration; Matthew Schwabauer, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering, Master of Science, Cum Laude; Jennifer Sexton, Master of Arts in Teaching; Kindall Shenefield, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Michael Shoemaker, Master of Arts in Teaching; Brian Shrum, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Frankie Skinner, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Austin Smith, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Kelsey Smith, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Meredith Smith, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Jacob Springer, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Katherine Stachowiak, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, Master of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Daniel Staudenmaier, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Gabrielle Stein, Bachelor of Science; Rachel Stetson, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition, Summa Cum Laude; Katelyn Struckle, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Jon Talbert, Master of Arts in Teaching; Anna Taylor, Master of Science; Simon Tekeste, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Jacob Thibaudeau, Bachelor of Science; Gregory Thome, Master of Science; Charles Thomeczek, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Emily Tozier, Bachelor of Science in Interior Design; Carly Tracz, Master of Science; Sarah Travis, Master of Arts in Teaching; Benjamin Trickey, Bachelor of Arts; Courtney Turner, Bachelor of Science in Education; Macey Uhrig, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Michael Varhola, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Allison Vermillion, Bachelor of Science in Education, Cum Laude; Alexander Von Bevern, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Jamie Waechter, Bachelor of Science in Education; Alexander Waggoner, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Mitchell Walden, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Cum Laude; Allison Walker, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Science in Education; Amara Washington, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Sarah Watts, Master of Arts in Teaching; Landen Wenneker, Bachelor of Science; Corey White, Master of Science; Hannah Wiesner, Master of Accountancy; Piper Wiley, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Summa Cum Laude; Rachel Wilkins, Master of Science; Samuel Williams, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Jake Willson, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Michael Wilson, Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude; Matthew Wise, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Emily Wollard, Bachelor of Science in Education; Abigail Yi, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Nicholas Young, Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering; Isaac Zahner, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Summa Cum Laude

Prairie Village: Avery Bolar, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Cum Laude; Reid Bunde, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics; Kane Case, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Katherine Donaldson, Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude; Michael Falk, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering, Master of Science, Summa Cum Laude; George Fischer, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Cum Laude; John Freshnock, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Hannah Gaddis, Bachelor of Science in Education, Cum Laude; Adeleine Griffith, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Rachel Haskell, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Cum Laude; Alexander Hulsing, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Kittipong Hunnell, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Anna Maloy, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Dalila Miller, Bachelor of Science; Sara Nestler, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Secondary Major; Emma Olander, Bachelor of Science in Education; Samantha Pilcher, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Education; Olivia Redelsheimer, Master of Arts in Teaching; Paige Reed, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Breanna Rowe, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Conner Tobkin, Master of Arts in Teaching

Roeland Park: David Zahner, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management

Shawnee: Isabelle Acree, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Theodore Adams, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Jonathan Altamirano, Bachelor of Science; Camryn Backes, Bachelor of Science; Devon Bandad, Master of Science; James Briggs, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Carole Brown, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles; Elizabeth Bures, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Jack Casburn, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Michael Colwell, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Hunter Corneliusen, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Kylie Corneliusen, Bachelor of Science in Education; Jordan Cox, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Master of Accountancy, Summa Cum Laude; Emilie Crutchfield, Bachelor of Science in Education, Summa Cum Laude; Madison Cunningham, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Gina D'Amato, Master of Arts; Annabelle Dillon, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Elizabeth Eber, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Doyle Ervin, Master of Science; Christina Faber, Master of Arts in Teaching; Joshua Fink, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Andrew Flack, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Brennan Flanagan, Bachelor of Science in Education; Patrick Gambill, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Caroline Geither, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Samantha Goetting, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Molly Hackett, Bachelor of Science; Clayton Hancock, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Andrew Hare, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Aniseto Herrera, Master of Arts in Teaching; Taylor Herron, Master of Accountancy; Faith Horton, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Adam Huber, Bachelor of Science; Abigail Hughes, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics, Magna Cum Laude; Courtney Johnson, Bachelor of Science; Connor Julian, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Jacob Karlin, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Kaitlyn Kuhl, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Summa Cum Laude; Sera Kuruvila, Master of Science; Jesse Laning, Bachelor of Science; Lucas Leininger, Bachelor of Science; Austin Mackey, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Abigail McCormick, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Elizabeth Miller, Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude; Alexis Minkler, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Jacob Mischlich, Bachelor of Science in Education; Ryan Munk, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering; Kiara O'Dea, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science in Education, Secondary Major; Samuel Oberbroeckling, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Ricardo Ochoa, Master of Science; Carolyn Osbern, Bachelor of Arts, Summa Cum Laude; Jacob Otten, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; John Raines, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Madison Remijio, Bachelor of Science in Education, Cum Laude; Victoria Robinson, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Magna Cum Laude; Ryan Schamberger, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude; Carson Serzyski, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Katlyn Seyb, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Jessica Stanton, Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering, Master of Science, Cum Laude; Marta Stetsiv, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Brendan Tener, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Clive Thompson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Edgar Trevizo, Bachelor of Science; Benjamin Van Pelt, Bachelor of Science; Samantha Vielhauer, Bachelor of Science; Gerit Wagner, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics, Magna Cum Laude; Caden Waters, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Elisabeth Watson, Bachelor of Science; Trevor Whitlow, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude; Kyle Wicker, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Jaison Widmer, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Nina Williams, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Megan Wood, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Autumn Wranosky, Bachelor of Science; Brandon Wright, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Steven Yeoman, Doctor of Philosophy

Spring Hill: Emily Clapp, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Nathan Enserro, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Jamie Hoffman, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles, Cum Laude; Ian Holman, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Heather Holmes, Master of Arts in Teaching; Lauren Oberkrom, Bachelor of Science; Jacob Oswald, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness; Kali Ricke, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Elizabeth Tillery, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Secondary Major

Stilwell: Rylee Bergh, Bachelor of Science; Sarah Borisky, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics; Lisa Cason, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Randal Chushuk, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Chaney Courtney, Doctor of Philosophy; Hunter Dancer, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Alexis Fenton, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Lauren Foley, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Education; Brandon Fordiani, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Tyler Howard, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Meghan King, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Madison Newell, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Secondary Major; Tom Overman, Bachelor of Arts; William Sanders, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Catherine Stinson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Chante Thompson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Christopher Walker, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude; Madison Wilkins, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Lakin: Guadalupe Arreola, Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering; Kenia Chavez Perea, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Nicole Fuss, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Molly Hendrix, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Summa Cum Laude


Cheney: Kristina Zerger, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Cunningham: Joseph Govert, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Kingman: Allison Deweese, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Elijah McAdam, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering


Greensburg: McKenzie Heft, Bachelor of Science in Education, Cum Laude

Haviland: Marcus Collick, Master of Arts in Teaching


Altamont: Kayden Nickles, Bachelor of Music Education; Renae Weaver, Bachelor of Science

Chetopa: Sara Buckley, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Parsons: Jenna Bogner, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine


Dighton: Ieasha Gray, Bachelor of Science; Amie Mumma, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Basehor: Taylor Barry, Bachelor of Science; Madison Bowers, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Magna Cum Laude; Reba Donovan, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Melanie Johnson, Bachelor of Arts; Cullen Povilonis, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

Bonner Springs: Deanne Yates, Doctor of Philosophy

Easton: Julia Maddock, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude; Graham Wood, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Gabriel Younger, Bachelor of Science in Education

Fort Leavenworth: Hannah Brewster, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; John Cameron, Master of Science; Christopher Perrone, Master of Arts; Stephen Sorrells, Master of Science

Lansing: Erick Balish, Master of Science; Audrey Belko, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Andrew Holland, Bachelor of Arts; Maxwell Hubbert, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Clover Jensen, Master of Arts in Teaching; Savannah Langley, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Jesse Peterson, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Emily Schwinn, Bachelor of Arts; Claudia Tedoni, Master of Science; Jonathan Zappa, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology

Leavenworth: Meagan Brucker, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Magna Cum Laude; Jason Burgess, Master of Science; Robert Campbell, Bachelor of Science; Michael Chavez, Master of Science; Charles Evans, Master of Arts; Austin Foley, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Matthew Gillespie, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Robert Grosdidier, Bachelor of Science; Jason Hinds, Master of Science; Emily Johnson, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Matthew Krivensky, Master of Arts; Samuel Linder, Bachelor of Science; Stephen Nelson, Master of Arts; Aaron Overstake, Master of Science; Maggie Schwartz, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Montezia Shakespear, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Victoria Thompson, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; David Turpin, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Vanessa-Rose Turpin, Master of Science; Eric Venditti, Master of Arts; Trevor Young, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

Linwood: Kennedy Morey, Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training, Summa Cum Laude

Tonganoxie: Nathan Anderson, Bachelor of Science; Noah Arthaud, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Rodger Black, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Zachary Callaghan, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Secondary Major, Summa Cum Laude; Aidan Javier, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Joshua Lingo, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Patrick Muldoon, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Dylan Staatz, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Summa Cum Laude


Hunter: Greta Wehrman, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Secondary Major

Lincoln: Kathryn Patee, Master of Arts in Teaching; Ashley Wollesen, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering


La Cygne: Taylor McAtee, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Magna Cum Laude; Jackson Thayer, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Rodney Wagner, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness

Mound City: Shyla Coffel, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Jordan Robinson, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Allison Wakefield, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Magna Cum Laude;


Oakley: Jace Shirley, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Winona: Ryan Gfeller, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management, Magna Cum Laude; Amy Lorenzen, Master of Arts in Teaching


Allen: Riley Houston, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services

Americus: Ana Grother, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering; Kaitlin Houck, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Emporia: Brady Brooks, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Cum Laude; David Coria, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Kieran Forsythe, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Technology; Lora Kirmer, Master of Arts; Madelyn Madrigal, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Mamona Nasrulaha, Master of Arts in Teaching; Orlando Nunez, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Hayden Perry, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Angela Rosen, Master of Arts in Teaching; Nicholas Schoeck, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Allison Smith, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Hayley Spellman, Bachelor of Science; Lucas Tabares, Master of Accountancy; Gavin Youngberg, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, Magna Cum Laude

Olpe: Ryker Schmidt, Bachelor of Science in Education


Hillsboro: Matthew Denholm, Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology, Summa Cum Laude; Ciara Jones, Bachelor of Science; Kennedy Klein, Bachelor of Science in Education, Summa Cum Laude; Jesse Meier, Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering; Evan Ollenburger, Master of Architecture; SaRae Roberts, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Lincolnville: Carissa Shields, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Kristin Vinduska, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Secondary Major, Magna Cum Laude

Marion: Griffin Case, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; James Corona, Bachelor of Science; Samantha Davies, Master of Architecture; Jared Hague, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; James Jones, Master of Architecture; Tyler Neufeld, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Nicholas Stuchlik, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Kaylie Waner, Bachelor of Science

Peabody: Brandon Entz, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Lily Harris, Bachelor of Science

Tampa: Reece Berens, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Magna Cum Laude; Elizabeth Meyer, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture


Axtell: Paige Werner, Master of Arts in Teaching

Blue Rapids: Taylor Doner, Bachelor of Science; Anthony Edwards, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Jarrett Whitson, Bachelor of Science; Joseph Zimmerman, Master of Arts in Teaching

Frankfort: Madison Brandt, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Maura Kennedy, Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training, Cum Laude

Home: Morgan Ruhkamp, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Marysville: Kylee Fink, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude; Tanner Gustin, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Jayce Harmer, Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management, Cum Laude; Allison Manley, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Emily Meinhardt, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Cum Laude; Sterling Oliver, Bachelor of Science; Hadley Schotte, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Cum Laude

Vermillion: Sadie Polson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Waterville: Katlynn Treff, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Secondary Major

Winifred: Kendra Foley, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services


Galva: Trey Moddelmog, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Trenton Olson, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness; Jordan Unruh, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Inman: John Balzer, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Wyatt Regehr, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Lindsborg: Caden Byers, Bachelor of Science in Education; Dylan Goodell, Bachelor of Science in Education; Makaela Hedberg, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

McPherson: Anna Bahr, Bachelor of Science; Jeffrey Bohnenblust, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Cum Laude; Casey Cheek, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Kellsie Corrigan, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Elizabeth Farney, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Audrey Fox, Master of Arts in Teaching; Sarah Houston, Bachelor of Science; Joel Johnson, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Secondary Major; Janae McKinney, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Magna Cum Laude; Griffin Myers, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Jacob Nikkel, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Katlyn Ruth, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition; Adrianna Simon, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Grant Tuttle, Master of Arts in Teaching; Katherine Wurm, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Secondary Major

Windom: Kristin Ekholm, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Secondary Major, Cum Laude


Meade: Ryan Koons, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Derrick Kraft, Master of Arts in Teaching


Louisburg: Cody Latham, Bachelor of Arts; Tyler Olson, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Makenzie Richardson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Rachael Tearney, Master of Accountancy; Lucas Turner, Bachelor of Science

Osawatomie: Brandon Hall, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering; Zane Phelps, Bachelor of Science; Madison Quincke, Master of Landscape Architecture

Paola: Madison Armbruster, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design; Noah Beets, Bachelor of Science in Milling Science and Management; Matthew Bensen, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Salvador De La Torre- Cortez, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Frank Hatcher, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Chase Holub, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Adrienne Maxwell, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Alexandria Rogers, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Delaney Taylor, Bachelor of Science in Education, Summa Cum Laude

Spring Hill: Rebekah Anderson, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Collin Graves, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude; Rachel Letellier, Bachelor of Science in Education, Summa Cum Laude; Casey Meyer, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Trenton Smedley, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Magna Cum Laude; Abigail Tucker, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Miles Updike, Master of Landscape Architecture; Parker Yust, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Cum Laude

Wellsville: Kathryn Dowling, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering


Beloit: Bryce Nichols, Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology; Karsen Odle, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design; Michaela Pingel, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Colson Riemann, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Aaron Shamburg, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Cum Laude


Caney: Tyler Frontzak, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Cherryvale: Jordan Carinder, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition, Cum Laude; Joseph Hammer, Bachelor of Science; Shane Hammer, Doctor of Philosophy

Coffeyville: Kristin Isle, Bachelor of Science

Independence: Dominic Barker, Bachelor of Science; Eric Parker, Bachelor of Science, Secondary Major; Alex Wesselowski, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Thomas Woods, Bachelor of Science in Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprise Management


Council Grove: Evan Cunningham, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Natasha Johnson, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Jessica Maxwell, Bachelor of Fine Arts

Herington: Falon Kickhaefer, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

White City: Megan Baseley, Bachelor of Science in Education

Wilsey: Madison Tischhauser, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering


Baileyville: Theresa Koch, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition, Secondary Major, Cum Laude; Katelyn Larkin, Master of Landscape Architecture; Jenna Macke, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Bern: Joshua Haverkamp, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Megan Haverkamp, Doctor of Philosophy; Jacob Leuthold, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Micah Meyer, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude

Centralia: Hunter Little, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Corning: Braden Deters, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Drew Kramer, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Kori McNally, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Karrie Van Winkle, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness

Sabetha: Broderick Frey, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Elsie McCoy, Doctor of Philosophy; Jonah Montgomery, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Lauren Payne, Bachelor of Arts; Blake Plattner, Bachelor of Science in Feed Science and Management, Magna Cum Laude; Courtney Plattner, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Lexi Wenger, Bachelor of Science in Interior Design

Seneca: Amanda Enneking, Master of Science; Kyle Hunninghake, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Winston Meyer, Bachelor of Science in Personal Financial Planning; Colby Rottinghaus, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Hannah Stallbaumer, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Blake Uphaus, Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training, Summa Cum Laude; Matthew Winkler, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture


Chanute: Daniel Benavides, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Abbegale Funk, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Zachary McCoy, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Talia Ramsey, Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management, Summa Cum Laude

Erie: Riley Angleton, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness

Galesburg: Brian Brungardt, Bachelor of Science


Ness City: Griffin Kepple, Master of Accountancy; Tanner McMillen, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management

Utica: Morgan Flax, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Summa Cum Laude


Logan: Kinzie Alexander, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness

Norton: Casey Ambrosier, Bachelor of Science in Interior Design; Teal Stewart, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude


Carbondale: Brenna Kaff, Master of Science; Caleb Snyder, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Lyndon: Alexis Mcgonigle, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition

Osage City: Kingham Johnson, Bachelor of Science in Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprise Management; Bailey Winkel, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Overbrook: Seth Coltrane, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology

Quenemo: Macy Flory, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services

Vassar: Logan Collingham, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture


Downs: Erin Brown, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering

Natoma: Dean Masters, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude

Osborne: Nicholas Cady, Master of Arts; Camila Faundez Inostroza, Bachelor of Science; Eric McDaneld, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture


Delphos: Alyssa Smith, Master of Arts in Teaching

Minneapolis: Justin Zamecnik, Associate of Technology, Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology


Larned: Tyler Stelter, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Rozel: Brittany Blattner, Master of Public Health


Agra: Clay Ward, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Kirwin: Emmaline Wyrill, Master of Science

Long Island: Shayna Vincent, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Summa Cum Laude

Phillipsburg: Suzanne Huntley, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness, Summa Cum Laude


Blaine: Misty Looper, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Manhattan: Arobelle Andrews, Master of Science; Jori Bellas, Master of Arts in Teaching; Emma Brase, Bachelor of Science; Kristen Caldwell, Bachelor of Science in Education, Magna Cum Laude; Joshua Chapman, Bachelor of Science in Personal Financial Planning; Makinzi Collins, Bachelor of Science in Interior Design; Jordan Johnson, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Magna Cum Laude; Paul Karr, Master of Science; Anna Keeley, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Caleb Parks, Bachelor of Science; Jacey Reid, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Summa Cum Laude; Taylor Schalles, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design; Elaine Snowden, Bachelor of Music Education, Magna Cum Laude; Taylor Todd, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Abby Vest, Master of Arts in Teaching; Haydan Vosburgh, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Dustin Weiszbrod, Master of Public Administration

Olsburg: Michael Olson, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Callie Webster, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology

Onaga: Cheyenne Brunkow, Bachelor of Science

St. George: Nathan Berard, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Hailey Heptig, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Tayler Johnson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Amanda Mack, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Tana Pearson, Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training, Magna Cum Laude; Kaitlyn Porter, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Summa Cum Laude; Mikaleigh Woodward, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Sydney Zafran, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Summa Cum Laude

St. Marys: Allison Aubert, Master of Science; Rosemarie Ewers, Bachelor of Science; Carley Herrington, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Stephen Jordan, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering; Lorraine Lillis, Bachelor of Science in Education; Regan Steele, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Wamego: Brandan Boeckman, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Kentin Brummett, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering; Isaac Brunkow, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Trace Campbell, Bachelor of Science; Kiel Ditto, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Hannah Duncan, Bachelor of Science; Jesse Figge, Bachelor of Science; Caroline Goodson, Bachelor of Music Education; Briana Haga, Bachelor of Science; Colton Hitch, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Master of Accountancy; Jenny Hupe, Bachelor of Science; Ellen Kenworthy, Bachelor of Science; Shannon Leitch, Master of Arts in Teaching; Samuel Long, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Ally Lonker, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles; Margaret Miksch, Bachelor of Science in Bakery Science and Management, Secondary Major; Abbey Myers, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Kyndall Norris, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Cum Laude; Aaron Pachta, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Matthew Plummer, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Trey Schmidt, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Brett Schwarz, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Cannon Woodward, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management

Westmoreland: Justin Moser, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Cum Laude; Allissa Snapp, Bachelor of Science in Education, Magna Cum Laude


Pratt: Arica Alexander, Bachelor of Science in Education; Katie Buhler, Bachelor of Science in Education, Summa Cum Laude; Hannah Coates, Bachelor of Science; Liam Kahmeyer, Master of Science

Preston: Julia Jorns, Bachelor of Science


McDonald: Reece Leonard, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Cum Laude


Abbyville: Dalton Dunn, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Buhler: Jordan Knight, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Zach Rose, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Hutchinson: Jennifer Ast, Bachelor of Science in Interior Design; Michael Becker, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Luke Berning, Bachelor of Science in Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprise Management; Kyler Blank, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Cum Laude; Nicole Bolte, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Catherine Boudreaux, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Carly Butts, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Morgan Caywood, Bachelor of Science in Education, Cum Laude; David Colburn, Bachelor of Science; Maclain Crawford, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition; Dakiree Depew, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Lauren Ewing, Bachelor of Science; Rebecca Fallon, Bachelor of Science in Milling Science and Management; Robyn Galliher, Bachelor of Science in Education; Jacob Grinstead, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Sarah Hansen, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Odalis Herrera, Bachelor of Science; Kasey Hogan, Bachelor of Science; Anastasia Hoover, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Sidney Kiser, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering, Master of Science; Catherine Laclair, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; John Lanham, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Mya Masterson, Bachelor of Science; Brady McFadden, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Kevin Nolde, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Kyle Oldham, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Jason Paine, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Chloe Reiss, Bachelor of Science in Education; Dylan Schmitt, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Daelyn Smith, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Peyton Strobel, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude; Dakota Troyer, Bachelor of Science in Educational Studies; Zoe Unruh, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Mason Voth, Bachelor of Science; Patience Westby, Bachelor of Science in Interior Design; Brandon Yutzy, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Inman: Nathaniel Dick, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude

Nickerson: Tyler Smith, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Tanner Sneed, Bachelor of Science

Pretty Prairie: Jacob Claycomb, Bachelor of Science in Education; Tanner Ray, Bachelor of Science in Education


Belleville: Lanessa Aurand, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Cum Laude; Grace Rieke, Bachelor of Arts, Summa Cum Laude


Geneseo: Clayton Bettenbrock, Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology

Lyons: Cody Clarke, Bachelor of Science; Kelsie Johnston, Master of Arts; Macy Menges, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles

Sterling: Jestina Miles, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Jessica Ricker, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude


Leonardville: Amanda Causey, Bachelor of Fine Arts

Manhattan: Joshua Abitz, Bachelor of Science; Maggie Adamson, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Ahmed Akacha, Master of Architecture; Arica Alexander, Bachelor of Science in Education; Morgan Allen, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design; Yesenia Anderson, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Mir Anwar, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Cesar Aparicio-Lopez, Bachelor of Science; Bryan Armbrust, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, Cum Laude; Colton Awtrey, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Tory Bach, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Industry; Alison Bailes, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Ryan Baker, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Industry; Brandon Baldwin, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness; Jacob Balzer, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Ralph Barnes, Master of Business Administration; Sonia Barrett, Bachelor of Science; Erianna Basgall, Bachelor of Science; Judith Bautista Gomez, Doctor of Philosophy; Marilina Bedros, Master of Architecture; Audrey Belko, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; John Benfer, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Katherine Benton, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering, Master of Science; Larry Bergeron, Master of Science; Anna Beyer, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Master of Accountancy, Summa Cum Laude; Alexis Bieker, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Mackenzie Blakeslee, Master of Science; Christopher Blatt, Bachelor of Science in Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprise Management; Brittany Blattner, Master of Public Health; Madison Boller, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Audra Braaten, Master of Arts; Raeann Bramwell, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Colin Bravi, Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology; Janae Brown, Bachelor of Science in Bakery Science and Management; Keri Brown, Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering; Melissa Brown, Master of Science; Emily Brummett, Bachelor of Science in Human Ecology, Cum Laude; Amanda Buckwalter, Master of Business Administration; Matt Buel, Master of Business Administration; Gloria Burgert, Master of Business Administration; Leeanna Burton, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Trenton Busch, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Michelle Busk, Doctor of Philosophy; Gabriel Caldas, Bachelor of Arts; Trace Campbell, Bachelor of Science; Maricela Cardona, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Brynn Carlson, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Summa Cum Laude; Rebekah Carnes, Doctor of Philosophy; Griffin Case, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Drew Casper, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Rachel Chall, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Sierra Chase, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles; Lindsay Chassay, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Kenia Chavez Perea, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Alexis Cherry, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude; Brena Childs, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Peter Cho, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Nicholas Clark, Bachelor of Arts; Addie Clary, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Derek Clements, Master of Science; Blake Clifton, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design; David Colburn, Bachelor of Science; Janelle Collado, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Robert Connell, Doctor of Philosophy; Clayton Couchman, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, Master of Science; Ashley Craig, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Adlyn Crockett, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Magna Cum Laude; Sarah Crouse, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition; Zachary Crumpton, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Evan Curl, Master of Business Administration; Hunter Dancer, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Kendra Dancinger, Bachelor of Arts; Krista Danielson, Master of Arts; Jeremy Davidson, Master of Arts in Teaching; Logan Davis, Bachelor of Science; Nicholas Davis, Bachelor of Science; Jacklyn Dawson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Chandler Day, Master of Science; Dominic Deleon, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Lorenzo Delgado, Bachelor of Science in Education; Casey Destasio, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Emmalee Devane, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Trever Dillon, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Taylor Doner, Bachelor of Science; Reba Donovan, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Katelyn Doolittle, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Jillian Drake, Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering; Michael Duff, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Hannah Duncan, Bachelor of Science; Johnathan Durham, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Catherine Elijah, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Rachel Ellis, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Emily Eppler, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude; Brigid Ernst, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Vanessa Escobar, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Cum Laude; Christalina Estrella, Master of Science; Dylan Evans, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Alyssa Farran, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Frank Felber, Bachelor of Arts, Secondary Major; Alex Feldkamp, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Heidi Fergel, Master of Science; Madison Fief, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition, Cum Laude; Harry Flory, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Brandon Fordiani, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Rachel Fountain, Bachelor of Science; Piper Fowler, Master of Accountancy; Joseph Frasco, Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude; Logan Frost, Bachelor of Science, Secondary Major; Olivia Fugarino, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Holly Fujan, Master of Science; Lily Fursman, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Nicole Fuss, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Emma Galitzer, Bachelor of Arts, Summa Cum Laude; Neel Ganta, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Suzanna Gevock, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Cum Laude; Havilah Ginsburg, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Justin Gittle, Bachelor of Music Education; Jacob Goldenstein, Bachelor of Science; Katherine Goldenstein, Bachelor of Science in Education; Kelton Good, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Caroline Goodson, Bachelor of Music Education; Luke Grieger, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Kelly Grogan, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles, Magna Cum Laude; William Grogan, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Mackenzie Gwinner, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition, Summa Cum Laude; Jacob Hagenbuch, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Taylor Hagge, Bachelor of Science in Education, Summa Cum Laude; Rachel Halcumb, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Brandon Hall, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Courtney Hallenbeck, Master of Science; Jackson Harms, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Anna Hasler, Master of Arts; Samuel Hatcliff, Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude; Alec Hathaway, Bachelor of Science; Emma Hawkins, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude; Benjamin Heath, Master of Accountancy; Deborah Hedrick, Master of Science; Evan Heger, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Industry; Mariza Hernandez, Bachelor of Science; Rebekah Hitzfeld, Master of Arts in Teaching; Alexis Hoffmeier, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Brooke Hogan, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Secondary Major, Cum Laude; Delaney Holthaus, Bachelor of Science; Jacob Honas, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Kaylyn Hruska, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Jennifer Hudson, Master of Fine Arts; Dalton Huey, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Meagan Huffman, Bachelor of Science; Sammuel Hummer, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Rachel Hunt, Master of Music; Sarah Inskeep, Bachelor of Arts, Summa Cum Laude; Kristin Isle, Bachelor of Science; Felix Jimenez, Bachelor of Science; Emily Johnson, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Kingham Johnson, Bachelor of Science in Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprise Management; Malinda Johnson, Bachelor of Arts; Natasha Johnson, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Ciara Jones, Bachelor of Science; Colton Jones, Bachelor of Music; Kristen Jones, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Marissa Jones-Flaget, Master of Public Administration; Stephen Jordan, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering; Aaron Jueschke, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Haja Kamara, Bachelor of Science; Griffin Karr, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Ian Keen, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Ellen Kenworthy, Bachelor of Science; Griffin Kepple, Master of Accountancy; Alex King, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Haley Kirkendoll, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Secondary Major; Hailie Klocke, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics; Jordan Knight, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Siim Koppel, Doctor of Philosophy; Brittany Kovar, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Cum Laude; Cynthia Kraus, Master of Science; Madyson Lamb, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Industry; Sara Lange, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Kayla Lansing, Master of Arts; Joshua Laughlin, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Robert Lee, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Ethan Levin, Bachelor of Arts, Secondary Major, Cum Laude; Lorraine Lillis, Bachelor of Science in Education, Magna Cum Laude; Whitney Linders, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Marisa Lock, Master of Arts; Lindsey Logan, Master of Regional and Community Planning; Steven Lowe, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering; Dominick Lucito, Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training; Austin Mackey, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; George Macko, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Julie Majka, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Timothy Manges, Master of Public Health; Abbey Marcotte, Master of Arts; Lilly Marshall, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Connor Martin, Bachelor of Arts; Danielle Martin, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude; Marq Martinez, Bachelor of Science; Mariah Matthews, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Ryan Maurer, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Jessica Maxwell, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Elsie McCoy, Doctor of Philosophy; Mursadeez McCray, Bachelor of Science; Chester McDowell, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Keaton McGuire, Bachelor of Science in Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprise Management; Kamisha McKnight, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Marie Mencher, Master of Music; Sarah Middendorf, Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude; Sean Miller, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Thomas Miller, Bachelor of Science; Alexander Mills, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Lauren Minter, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Philip Mitchell, Master of Accountancy; Charles Moore, Bachelor of Science; Preston Morgan, Doctor of Philosophy; Dale Mulderrig, Master of Arts in Teaching; Amie Mumma, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Abbey Myers, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Tack Neely, Bachelor of Science; Walter Neil, Bachelor of Science; Carter Nelson, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Cum Laude; Taylor Nikkel, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude; Andrew Noonan, Bachelor of Arts; Taylor Ochs, Doctor of Philosophy; Mark Ogren, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Evan Ollenburger, Master of Architecture; Ashlyn Onstad, Bachelor of Science; Ron Orchard, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Cum Laude; Iulia Osipova, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Troy Ostmeyer, Master of Science; Emily Park, Bachelor of Science in Education, Summa Cum Laude; Justin Patterson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Jessica Pederson, Bachelor of Science; Penny Peirce, Master of Arts in Teaching; Nicole Peters, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Ashley Petr, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Amanda Petroski, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude; Jackson Phillips, Bachelor of Science in Milling Science and Management; Katelyn Pinkston, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude; Mary Post, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Kassandra Procopio, Bachelor of Science; Victoria Quichocho, Bachelor of Science; Madison Quincke, Master of Landscape Architecture; Philip Randall, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Madison Rebel, Bachelor of Science; Kellen Reever, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Jonathan Reiff, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Derek Richardson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Luke Rijfkogel, Master of Science; Maria Rivarola Marin, Bachelor of Arts; Fernanda Rivera, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Chris Robinson, Bachelor of Science; Darryl Robinson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Virginia Rodriguez, Master of Public Administration; Nathan Rosario, Bachelor of Science; Angela Rose, Master of Science; Wilford Rose, Master of Public Administration; Zach Rose, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Margaret Roth, Bachelor of Arts; Ty Ruckert, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Kaitlyn Ruiz, Bachelor of Science, Secondary Major; Joseph Rundquist, Master of Science; Jessica Salas, Master of Science; Jonathan Sapaugh, Bachelor of Science; Jason Sartor, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Abby Sarvis, Bachelor of Arts; Jacob Satterlee, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Abigail Satzler, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics, Summa Cum Laude; Josiah Satzler, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Jacob Sayler, Bachelor of Arts; Denise Schiattarella, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Michael Schmidt, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Eli Schoeman, Master of Science; Paige Schoonveld, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude; Alexis Schulte, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Corbin Sedlacek, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Aaron Shamburg, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Cum Laude; Mikayla Sharpless, Master of Arts; Brandon Shaver, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Conner Sigel, Bachelor of Science in Interior Design; Kristen Sikorsky, Master of Science; Zach Skimbo, Bachelor of Science; Carly Smith, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Kylee Smith, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design; Ryan Smith, Bachelor of Science in Educational Studies; Tyler Smith, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Victorene Smith, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Jaqueline Solis, Bachelor of Science in Education; Kayci Sperry, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Alexander Steinert, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Karter Steinle, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Sarah Stewart, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Teal Stewart, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Darien Stokes, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude; Meghan Strobel, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Chloe Swanson-Lhuillier, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Jennifer Switzer, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Charles Tappen, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; DreVel Taylor, Master of Public Administration; Claudia Tedoni, Master of Science; Raegan Terrill, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Secondary Major, Cum Laude; Savannah Thaemert, Bachelor of Science; Jackson Thayer, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Nahshon Thomas, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Kyle Thompson, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition, Secondary Major; Rylee Thompson, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Secondary Major; Skylar Thompson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Isis Thornton-Saunders, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Mark Tillberg, Bachelor of Science; Michael Toy, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Jennifer Trapp, Bachelor of Science; Charles Trotter, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Levi Tucker, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Cum Laude; Alissa Turner, Master of Science; Vanessa-Rose Turpin, Master of Science; Grant Urban, Master of Architecture; Dustin Vann, Master of Arts; Christopher Vitols, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Carrianne Volk, Master of Arts in Teaching; Matthew Von, Bachelor of Science; Peter Voth, Master of Science; James Walters, Bachelor of Arts; Gerald Walton, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Amara Washington, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Tinaris Watson, Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management; Stuart Watts, Master of Science; Megan Weathers, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Industry, Cum Laude; Angelica Webster, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Tyler Weis, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Earl Werth, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Samantha Wessel, Bachelor of Science; Blake Wewer, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Anthony White, Master of Architecture; Elena White, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Wesley Whitney, Bachelor of Science in Education; Sarah Wike, Bachelor of Science in Education; Jenna Wilks, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Jason Willbrant, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness; Hayden Williams, Doctor of Philosophy; William Willox, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition; Christina Wilson, Master of Science; Cole Wilson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Sarah Wilson, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Landon Wingerson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Cody Woodruff, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Gregory Woods, Bachelor of Arts; Brittany Wynne, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Katrina Yau, Bachelor of Science in Education; Shaoxiang Zeng, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Jingting Zhou, Master of Accountancy; Adam Zolkiewski, Bachelor of Science

Ogden: Courtney Thompson, Master of Arts

Randolph: Abigail Compton, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Tara Fountain, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Jessie Piper, Doctor of Philosophy; Austin Roe, Bachelor of Science

Riley: Brittany Beard, Master of Arts in Teaching; James Manning, Master of Arts in Teaching; Kayla Nutsch, Master of Science; Megan Saunders, Master of Arts; Michaella Wahl, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Magna Cum Laude


Plainville: Hadley Gillum, Master of Business Administration

Stockton: Allison Dix, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Cum Laude; Dene Dryden, Bachelor of Arts, Summa Cum Laude; Laura Moffet, Master of Arts in Teaching; Donald Riffel, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Woodston: Bonnie Rubottom, Master of Arts in Teaching


La Crosse: Rachael Gros, Master of Music

Otis: Nicholas Higgason, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Timken: Dorothy Leidig, Master of Arts in Teaching


Gorham: Taylor Corley, Bachelor of Science

Russell: Andrea Berry, Master of Arts in Teaching; Deanna Gray, Bachelor of Science; Lydia Holland, Bachelor of Science in Educational Studies, Cum Laude; Taylor Ochs, Doctor of Philosophy; Kyle Rourke, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering, Magna Cum Laude; Samantha Wedel, Bachelor of Music


Assaria: Wyatt Rutherford, Bachelor of Science in Education

Brookville: Zachary Farrell, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Emilee Holloway, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles

Falun: Elizabeth Motter, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Secondary Major, Cum Laude

Gypsum: Kelsey Kohlmeier, Master of Architecture; Keylee Kohlmeier, Master of Architecture; Morgan Thompson, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Mary Winship, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Summa Cum Laude

Salina: Seth Allen, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering; Ashley Arnold, Bachelor of Science; Cortney Berndt, Bachelor of Science in Education; Matthew Berneking, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Travis Bigler, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Reilly Brin, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Bryan Bruckner, Master of Architecture; Dakota Came, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude; Casey Campbell, Bachelor of Science; Makenzi Carlgren, Bachelor of Science in Education, Summa Cum Laude; Alexis Carraway, Bachelor of Science in Education; Kailee Carter, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Magna Cum Laude; Jonathan Coleman, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Summa Cum Laude; Beronica Cruz, Associate of Science; Marcelle , Associate of Science; Trey Cullins, Bachelor of Science in Education, Magna Cum Laude; Logan Frost, Bachelor of Science, Secondary Major; John Garfolo, Associate of Technology, Bachelor of Science in Technology Management; Jordan Hansel, Bachelor of Science in Education, Magna Cum Laude; Marshall Hanson, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Parker Harris, Bachelor of Science in Education; Zachary Hilbig, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Lisa Hoffman, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Magna Cum Laude; Lydia Hoffman, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Westley Jennings, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Magna Cum Laude; Luis Jimenez, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Nash Johnson, Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training; Amanda Jones, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Makenzie Kack, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Secondary Major, Magna Cum Laude; Joshua Kavanagh, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Maxwell Kuhn, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Tanji Lewis, Bachelor of Science; Jacob Matney, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Colton Maxwell, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude; Morgan McCabe, Bachelor of Music Education; Ethan McCary, Bachelor of Science; Brooklyn McElderry, Master of Accountancy; Joseph McMahon, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Zachary Montgomery, Master of Accountancy; Reagan Montre, Bachelor of Science; Danielle Morton, Bachelor of Science; Wes Nelson, Associate of Technology; Ryan Ostenberg, Master of Arts; Brittany Ostmeyer, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Industry; Noah Parks, Associate of Technology; Ryan Peterson, Master of Arts in Teaching; Luke Pfannenstiel, Bachelor of Science; Tristan Piper, Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology; Samantha Prester, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Isabella Pullos, Bachelor of Science in Education; Chloe Reed, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Jackson Reilly, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Catelyn Richards, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition, Secondary Major, Cum Laude; RaeLynn Roe, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Anthony Russ, Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology; Ashley Sankey, Bachelor of Science, Secondary Major, Cum Laude; Jackson Shetlar, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Hayley Sydow, Bachelor of Science in Education; Viet Ta, Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology, Magna Cum Laude; Joshua Walters, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Cum Laude; Sarah Weis, Master of Arts in Teaching; Lacy Wiechman, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Thomas Williams, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Logan Wilson, Bachelor of Science; Jacob Yarochowicz, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Scott City: Shiloh Ballard, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Christy Briggs, Master of Arts in Teaching; Asher Huck, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness; Abram Wiebe, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture


Andale: Jack Norris, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Victoria Orth, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Summa Cum Laude

Andover: Rylie Evenson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Cum Laude

Bel Aire: Nissi Costello, Bachelor of Science; Paige Olsen, Master of Arts in Teaching

Cheney: Bailie Busher, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Parker Gehrer, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Kristen Jones, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Jessica Seiler, Master of Arts in Teaching; Austin Wheelock, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness

Clearwater: Joseph Daniels, Bachelor of Science in Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprise Management; Marissa Komp, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Katelin Woods, Bachelor of Arts

Colwich: Chase Brand, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Kelly Bruna, Master of Science; Mason Bryant, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design; Mckenna Dome, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude; Rachel Hand, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Ryan Hemmen, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Caleb Jones, Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Kaylee Konda, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Magna Cum Laude; Samuel Lubbers, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Anna Spexarth, Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude; Courtney Strunk, Master of Accountancy

Conway Springs: Brandon Bates, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Derby: Rachel Anderson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Rachael Brewer, Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering; Kaylea Brokering, Bachelor of Science; Maricela Cardona, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Blake Clifton, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design; Zoe Cosgrove, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude; Christina Craig, Bachelor of Science in Human Ecology; Dalton Denton, Bachelor of Science; Micah Dunn, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Shelby Foster, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Amie Harris, Master of Arts in Teaching; Alexis Hoffmeier, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Makenzie Holcomb, Master of Business Administration; Chandler Lamm, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Haley Marshall, Bachelor of Science, Secondary Major, Summa Cum Laude; Jacob Moeder, Bachelor of Science in Personal Financial Planning; Avery Noel, Bachelor of Arts; Sydney Pater, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Secondary Major, Summa Cum Laude; Benjamin Priebe, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude; Conner Rundell, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude; Jenna Slaven, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics; Hannah Steinert, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition, Secondary Major, Magna Cum Laude; Briana Vaughan, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Miles Vincent, Master of Accountancy; Samantha Waddell, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Cum Laude; Sara Wallace, Bachelor of Arts; Angelica Webster, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Mariah White, Bachelor of Science; William Wright, Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude

Eastborough: Vanessa Kehr, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude

Garden Plain: Kimberly Gonzalez, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics, Cum Laude; Makenzie Snyder, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Georgeanna Stockemer, Bachelor of Science in Bakery Science and Management, Summa Cum Laude

Goddard: Richard Aguilera, Bachelor of Science; Katie Cramer, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Magna Cum Laude; Hunter Jobbins, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Cum Laude; Seth Peery, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Shayne Rose, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Shelbie Stuckey, Bachelor of Fine Arts

Haysville: Toni Goodvin, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics; Robert Jones, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Cum Laude; Rachel Kingsley, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Andrew Marsh, Master of Business Administration; Emma Milan, Bachelor of Science in Personal Financial Planning; Caleb Parker, Master of Landscape Architecture; Lucas Payant, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Kechi: Johnnie Harker, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Addison Hungate, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Alyssa Packer-Melliand, Bachelor of Science

Maize: Brandon Baldwin, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness; Drake Bliss, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness, Summa Cum Laude; Keaton McGuire, Bachelor of Science in Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprise Management; Jordan Urban, Bachelor of Science

Mount Hope: Abigale Austin, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Summa Cum Laude; Samuel Weninger, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Kurt Winter, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

Mulvane: Douglas Chace, Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training; Kinzley Cornwell, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Jordan Pulliam, Bachelor of Science in Education, Magna Cum Laude

Park City: Hannah Erdman, Master of Arts; Josephine Zurschmiede, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Peck: Natalie May, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Cum Laude

Valley Center: Steven Binau, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Gunnar Bohm, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering; Brena Childs, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Christopher Clemons, Bachelor of Science; Jordon Feltes, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Bryanna Hite, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness; Jesse Mazelli, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Cum Laude; Tyler Richey, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering; Savannah Stewart, Master of Science

Viola: Jessica Gudenkauf, Bachelor of Science in Education, Summa Cum Laude; Zachary Pauly, Bachelor of Science in Milling Science and Management

Wichita: Jamil Alkhoury, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Brynn Alloway, Bachelor of Science in Interior Design; Cameron Amos, Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering; Ike Anderson, Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Technology; Ethan Barney, Bachelor of Science; Kamille Barragree, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design; Olivia Barrett, Bachelor of Arts, Secondary Major; Precious-Edna Bassey, Bachelor of Science; Dalton Beard, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Cum Laude; Josephine Beaver, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Noah Bohannon, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Jace Bothner, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude; Taylor Brandenberger, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Secondary Major; Caleb Breese, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Science in Technology Management; Jenna Brockel, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition, Magna Cum Laude; Kale Bulloch, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude; Ellen Carp, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics, Summa Cum Laude; Alison Chan, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Alan Clark, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness; Emma Claybrook, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Industry; Christian Coker, Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Technology; Alyssa Cole, Master of Arts in Teaching; Aubrey Cole, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Education, Magna Cum Laude; Mijail Corimanya, Bachelor of Science; Julia Corrieri, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Rebecca Costello, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Cierra Cowley, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude; Adlyn Crockett, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Magna Cum Laude; Christian Csencsits, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Chase Cunningham, Bachelor of Science; Christopher Cunningham, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Patrick Daily, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Andrew Daly, Bachelor of Science in Technology Management; Derek Darr, Bachelor of Science; Drew Darr, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Andrew Davis, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Kyle Demel, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Magna Cum Laude; Paige Doebele, Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training, Summa Cum Laude; Lauren Dwyer, Bachelor of Science; Benjamin Emerson, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Cum Laude; Colin Esworthy, Master of Architecture; Eric Ewers, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, Cum Laude; Cassie Fernandez, Bachelor of Science; Nathan Flesher, Bachelor of Science; Austin Freed, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Landon Fry, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Olivia Fugarino, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Sophia Gilliam, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Denzel Goolsby, Master of Business Administration; Kennedy Hackerott, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Daria Hagan, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude; Emma Hahn, Bachelor of Science in Personal Financial Planning, Magna Cum Laude; Bryan Haist, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Braden Hansard, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering; Erik Hansen, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Samuel Hatchett, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Alec Hathaway, Bachelor of Science; Josephine Hesse, Bachelor of Arts; Logan Hickok, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Mackenzie Hirschler, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Jacob Honas, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Jarod Honas, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Deborah Howard, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Molly Jaax, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Seth Jennings, Bachelor of Science in Milling Science and Management; Andrew Johnson, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering; Josi Johnson, Bachelor of Science in Bakery Science and Management, Magna Cum Laude; Jameson Jones, Master of Architecture; Rylan Kasitz, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Cum Laude; Kristen Keene, Bachelor of Science in Education; Margaret Ketcherside, Master of Arts in Teaching; Kala Keusler, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Jacob Khoury, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Kyrstyn Kinzie, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Max Kubik, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Garrett Kuhn, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Jacob Leatherman, Bachelor of Science; Grant Leonard, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Samuel Lett, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Megan Lickteig, Bachelor of Science in Education, Cum Laude; Matthew Link, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Magna Cum Laude; Steven Lowe, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering; Erik Loya, Master of Architecture; Jared Luebbe, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Khen Luong, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Addyson Maples, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Jack Marino, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Bailey Martin, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering; Madelyn Mash, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Megan Maska, Bachelor of Science in Education; Dajon McGill, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering; Kendal McGuire, Bachelor of Science in Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprise Management; Joseph Medina, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Jacob Meyerhoff, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Paul Migwi, Master of Engineering Management; Maxie Mikle, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Zoe Miller, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Magna Cum Laude; Alexander Mills, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Jacob Mills, Bachelor of Science; Gehric Milton, Master of Arts; Lauren Minter, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Alaysha Monk, Bachelor of Science; Logan Mormando, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Cole Moses, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Jamison Mousley, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Peter Moyer, Bachelor of Science; Kirk Murphy, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Nicholas Nece, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Peter Nguyen, Master of Architecture; Kaylor Nordhus, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles, Magna Cum Laude; Stephanie Nutt, Bachelor of Science; Damilola Ogun, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Olivia Oneslager, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Kyle Oneth, Master of Regional and Community Planning; Veronica Osorio-Cortes, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Ore-Ofe Osunsanmi, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Zane Parks, Master of Architecture; Trent Paske, Master of Accountancy; Bradie Peeples, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science in Education; Alec Pendergrass, Bachelor of Science; Jessica Pennington, Bachelor of Science in Interior Design, Magna Cum Laude; Mika Perez, Master of Science; Abigail Phelps, Bachelor of Science; Rebekka Poole, Master of Architecture; Nickalas Porsch, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Cum Laude; Briana Priddle, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Summa Cum Laude; Brett Purnell, Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training; Takoda Ray, Master of Architecture; Idan Reed, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Zachary Reynolds, Bachelor of Science; Allison Rood, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Fredrick Rosas, Master of Arts in Teaching; Michael Schmidt, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Jacob Schultz, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Garrett Scott, Master of Architecture; Jason Searl, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Kelsey Shorter, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Lauren Simmons, Master of Arts in Teaching; Spencer Slane, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Jared Sleppy, Bachelor of Science; Colton Slusser, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Kassidy Smith, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Sidney Smith, Bachelor of Science; Steven Smoll, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Alexander Steinert, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Skylar Stephens, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness; Nathaniel Strifler, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Chase Swenson, Bachelor of Science; Mia Taylor, Master of Science; Sarah Teufel, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Mackenzie Thrush, Master of Science; Francisco Trevizo, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Jackson Troutman, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; David Vigilius, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Anthony Vitale, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering; Rachel Walker, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles; Jordyn Walock, Bachelor of Science in Education; Caleb Warner, Bachelor of Science in Milling Science and Management; Bethany Weddle, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Magna Cum Laude; Madison Weinman, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, Secondary Major, Summa Cum Laude; Grant Wells, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Nicholas Werne, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Elijah West, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Christopher Whittit, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Sara Wilkes, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Cum Laude; Jessica Wilkus, Master of Public Administration; Kim Wong, Bachelor of Arts; Colton Woodard, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering; Zachary Woods, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Summa Cum Laude; Zachary Wright, Bachelor of Science in Education, Cum Laude; Ashley Zane, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology


Kismet: Tyler Roehr, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Liberal: Caleb Brond, Bachelor of Science in Personal Financial Planning; Kassaandra Castillo, Bachelor of Science; Alexander Chance, Bachelor of Science; Zane Chance, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Jamie Chermak, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Kaleigh Cobb, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Blanca DeLaTorre, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Nathan Dowell, Bachelor of Arts, Summa Cum Laude; Cristian Erives, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; George Mendoza, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Azriel Minjarez-Almeida, Bachelor of Science; Noe Nunez, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Kyler Thompson, Bachelor of Science


Auburn: Gregory Copp, Master of Architecture; Scott Fritton, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Berryton: Conner Dillard, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Andrew Haverkamp, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Braydn Monhollon, Bachelor of Science; Ashlyn Pitman, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Derek Selk, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Kamrin Wells, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles, Summa Cum Laude

Roeland Park: Mark Lopez, Bachelor of Science

Rossville: Rachel Day, Bachelor of Science in Education; Danielle Glotzbach, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Stephen Goldade, Bachelor of Science in Applied Business and Technology; Nola Miller, Master of Science; Spencer Rieschick, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Shana Wood, Master of Arts in Teaching

Silver Lake: Kenzie Kriss, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Blake Matzke, Bachelor of Science in Personal Financial Planning; Brianna Womack, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude

Tecumseh: Brooke Bailey, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Amanda Budden, Master of Arts in Teaching

Topeka: Jensen May, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Ahmed Akacha, Master of Architecture; Morgan Allen, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design; Marcy Anderson, Bachelor of Science; Michelle Anderson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Summa Cum Laude; Jesse Barnes, Bachelor of Arts; Holly Bergeman, Master of Science; Wolf Blaser, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Bradley Buhler, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Cum Laude; Kohl Case, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Ian Clarke, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Britany Coffman, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Connor Cogswell, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Emily Cox, Bachelor of Science; Andrea Crimmins, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Cum Laude; Natalie Crimmins, Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management, Magna Cum Laude; Tyler Dallam, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Shelby Day, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Magna Cum Laude; Jonathan Deneault, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Mason Diederich, Bachelor of Science in Education, Magna Cum Laude; Tanner Driggers, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Lindsay Dunekack, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Neal Eller, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Summa Cum Laude; Brenden Feldt, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Samuel Figgs, Bachelor of Science; Kristin Fisher, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Harry Flory, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Aaron Gallaway, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Cruz Gallegos, Master of Arts in Teaching; Jennifer Gamblian, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Nathan Gurera, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Janetta Haines, Bachelor of Science in Human Ecology; Eric Harms, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering; Benjamin Heath, Master of Accountancy; Joshua Heit, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Kiley Hernandez, Bachelor of Science; Rebecca Herring, Bachelor of Science; Abigail Hess, Bachelor of Science; Timber Hinson, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude; Katie Hoytal, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Caleb Huss, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Matthew Iles, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Brianna Jackson, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Emily Jacobson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Emily Kamler, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Ian Keen, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Katelyn Kluge, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Megan Lehman, Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering; Laken Letourneau, Bachelor of Science; Justin Logan, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude; Carley Lux, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Eric Martin, Master of Arts in Teaching; Mike McCoy, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Da'Maris Meadows, Bachelor of Science in Education; Blake Medley, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Thomas Meek, Bachelor of Science in Personal Financial Planning, Summa Cum Laude; Colton Moranz, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Jordan Mryyan, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Elizabeth Mugler, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Molly Mulqueen, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Summa Cum Laude; Zachary Mumford, Bachelor of Science; Kevin Munoz Hernandez, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Bradley Piel, Master of Science; Christian Powell, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Michael Prekopy, Bachelor of Science; Sydney Pretsch, Master of Accountancy; Orion Razo, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition; Boman Redd, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Elizabeth Roach, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Kasey Robinson, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Jennifer Rodriguez, Bachelor of Science in Education; Kaitlyn Ruiz, Bachelor of Science, Secondary Major; Madison Sawyer, Bachelor of Science in Education; Gabriel Schmitz, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Alexander Schneider, Master of Arts in Teaching; Karaline Schreiner, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Cum Laude; Colton Seamans, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Kaitlynn Simms, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Bakery Science and Management; Marissa Spangler, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Alexandra Squyres, Master of Arts in Teaching; Summer Stanley, Master of Arts in Teaching; Presley Stevens, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Michelle Styrpejko, Master of Arts; Olivia Taylor, Bachelor of Science in Interior Design; Chase Vander Hart, Bachelor of Science in Personal Financial Planning; Antonio Vega, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Jordan Vigola, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Michelle Villagrana, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Shanna Walker, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Science in Technology Management; Karsen Webber, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Bethany Weber, Master of Arts in Teaching; Gabriel Wells, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Nicole Welshans, Master of Public Health; Peyton Williams, Bachelor of Arts, Secondary Major, Summa Cum Laude; Joseph Wilmes, Bachelor of Science; Austen Witte, Master of Arts in Teaching; Holli Woodyard, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition, Secondary Major, Magna Cum Laude; Colton Wright, Bachelor of Science

Wakarusa: John Garrett, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness, Summa Cum Laude


Hoxie: Kelsey Geerdes, Bachelor of Science in Education, Cum Laude; Troy Ostmeyer, Master of Science


Goodland: Grace Cole, Bachelor of Science; Lorenzo Delgado, Bachelor of Science in Education; Andrew House, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture


Athol: Jayden Meyer, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude; Michael Wagenblast, Bachelor of Science

Smith Center: Jordan Gering, Bachelor of Science; Landon Wingerson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


St. John: Rachel Carpenter, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles, Cum Laude; Timothy Easley, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Miranda Gleason, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude; Samantha Harrison, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering; Preston Miller, Master of Arts in Teaching

Turon: Josie Zink, Bachelor of Science in Education, Magna Cum Laude


Johnson: Reilly Erskin, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Manter: Boone Steimel, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering


Hugoton: Abigail Crawford, Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training, Secondary Major, Summa Cum Laude; Victor Romo, Bachelor of Arts


Belle Plaine: Evan Crenshaw, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Case McAdam, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Gavin Neises, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Summa Cum Laude

Caldwell: Ross Kuehny, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness

Conway Springs: John Andra, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Wesley Hullinger, Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training; Stacy Tuxhorn, Bachelor of Science

Mayfield: Allyssa Davis, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Mulvane: Christopher Ternes, Bachelor of Science

Oxford: Timothy Kennedy, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Bethany Metz, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness; Kelsey Metz, Bachelor of Science

Wellington: Mikala Bradbury, Bachelor of Arts; Shanlyn Hefley, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Caden Rusk, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Elizabeth Zimmerman, Bachelor of Arts


Colby: Bryce Arnberger, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Summa Cum Laude; Andrea Browne, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Rachel Browne, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Christian Calliham, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness; Alexandra Finley, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Allison Friesen, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Education, Summa Cum Laude; Brady Holzmeister, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Robert Lee, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Joshua Matchell, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Master of Accountancy; Elissa Zerr, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Summa Cum Laude


WaKeeney: Jessica Howard, Master of Arts in Teaching


Alma: Tristan Anderson, Bachelor of Arts; Alison Herren, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Taylor Nikkel, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude; Allison Terrapin, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Maple Hill: Brock Brethour, Bachelor of Science

McFarland: Kolten Johnson, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management

Paxico: Alexander Boiteau, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Weskan: Alivia McKinney, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Summa Cum Laude; Spencer Medina, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture


Greenleaf: Jiahao He, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Master of Accountancy, Cum Laude; Kyle McGatlin, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude

Haddam: Nathan Welch, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Hanover: Mandi Allerheiligen, Bachelor of Science; Paul Kruse, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Matthew White, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Morganne Zabokrtsky, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Morrowville: Brooke Tuma, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Cum Laude

Washington: Courtney Bekemeyer, Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training; Taylor Metz, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness; Dylan Nelson, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness


Leoti: Mackenzie Blakeslee, Master of Science; Abraham Padilla, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Evan Ridder, Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering, Magna Cum Laude


Neodesha: Emily Wohaska, Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude


Yates Center: Jacob Hagenbuch, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Cassidy Lutz, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Industry; Ashley Pringle, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Secondary Major, Magna Cum Laude; Hayden Splechter, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude


Bonner Springs: Lucy Florez, Bachelor of Science; Alexis Schulte, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Edwardsville: Jacob Dobbs, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Kendall Ellis, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science in Education; Sarah Mikesic, Bachelor of Science in Education

Kansas City: Silvana Alcantara, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Shannon Bingley, Bachelor of Science in Education, Cum Laude; Kyria Ann Boman, Bachelor of Science; Lillyann Bruington, Bachelor of Science; Denesha Burton, Master of Arts in Teaching; Francisco Cardoza, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Lindsay Chassay, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Shayla Curren, Master of Architecture; Darius Drew, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Jorge Fernandez, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Ryan Finazzo, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Andrea Forde, Bachelor of Science; Rachel Fountain, Bachelor of Science; Emily Hankinson, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Sara Hast, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Erin Henderson, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Tom Her, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Mariza Hernandez, Bachelor of Science; David Hoffman, Doctor of Philosophy; Courtney Jackson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; T-Ying Lin, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude; Luis Lopez, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Nicholas Lor, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Muhjaazee Love, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Marie Lumley, Bachelor of Science; Diego Marrufo, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering; Mursadeez McCray, Bachelor of Science; Haley Meyers, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Del'Sha Roberts, Bachelor of Science; Dawson Schroeder, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Ingrid Silva, Bachelor of Science in Feed Science and Management; Dariyan Springfield, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Joshua Talkin, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Nahshon Thomas, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Seth Throckmorton, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Chelsea Turner, Bachelor of Arts; Isabelle Ulloa, Bachelor of Science; Priscilla Valenzuela, Master of Architecture; Luis Villarreal, Bachelor of Arts; Tinaris Watson, Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management; Krystal Willis, Master of Arts in Teaching


U.S. territories

Armed Forces Europe: Aaron Korff, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

Puerto Rico: Diana Yacob, Master of Science


Auburn: Sandra Contreras Gomez, Doctor of Philosophy

Huntsville: Charles Hoffman, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Jacksonville: Katherine Cline, Master of Arts


Anchorage: Kyle Helie, Bachelor of Science; Rebecca Land, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, Cum Laude

Palmer: Rhowe Stefanski, Master of Science

Wasilla: Hattan Mollnow, Bachelor of Science


Bullhead City: Ivaree Baugh, Master of Arts in Teaching

Mesa: Myles Alucard, Master of Science; Kristen Williamson, Bachelor of Science in Education

Phoenix: Cydney Cox, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Industry; Krystal Drysdale, Doctor of Philosophy; Daniela Salhuana, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Queen Creek: Nichole Arbona, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Scottsdale: Matthew Mizuta, Master of Science; Samantha Riley, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition; Megan Stoa, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Katherine Trupp, Bachelor of Science

Sun City West: Matthew St Germain, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude

Tucson: Matthew Milholm, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture


Fayetteville: Candice Adams, Master of Science; Noah Christiansen, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Rogers: John Augustine, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, Master of Science, Magna Cum Laude; William Moore, Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude

Springdale: Alexandra Hollenbeck, Bachelor of Science in Education, Magna Cum Laude


Alta Loma: Sarah Dixon, Master of Arts in Teaching

Arbuckle: Mary Marsh, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Secondary Major

Canyon Country: Bryce Shea, Master of Science

Canyon Lake: Dillan Smith, Master of Science

Carlsbad: Ellie Holtaway, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude; Kassady Smith, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude

Carpinteria: Danielle Pickering, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Chino Hills: Christopher Ceballos, Bachelor of Science

Clovis: Samantha Hogan, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Crockett: Brooke Davis, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

El Centro: Sarajessica Ochoa, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

El Dorado: Michael Molloy, Master of Arts

Elk Grove: Jacob Carlson, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Granada Hills: Michael Stancic, Master of Science

Hillsborough: Lauren Corey, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Huntington Beach: Alyssa Rocha, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services

Irvine: Cailey McCabe, Master of Arts

Lafayette: Jenna Headley, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Laguna Beach: Becky Black, Doctor of Education

Laguna Niguel: Joshua Lawless, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition

Lemoore: Breyana Briggs, Bachelor of Science in Education, Cum Laude

Long Beach: Jennifer Afana, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics

Mission Viejo: Amy Smith, Doctor of Education

Oakland: Emma Bishop-Moser, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Oakley: Carlos Hurtado, Bachelor of Science

Orange: Justin Yuen, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Palmdale: Samuel Fruth, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

Redwood City: Minda Newhouse, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Ripon: Kassidi Hofman, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Riverside: Tara Doman, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering

San Clemente: Robert Rasooli, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

San Diego: Melinda Rodenbaugh, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services

San Jose: Tyler Moore, Master of Accountancy

Santa Barbara: Sarah Jepkes, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Cum Laude

Santa Clarita: Kristin Deegan, Master of Arts in Teaching

Santa Rosa: James Del Curto, Master of Science

Stockton: Ashley Imeson, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Magna Cum Laude

Studio City: Henry Okupa, Master of Agribusiness

Walnut Creek: Stephanie Brooks, Master of Science

Westminster: Emma Malsy, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude


Boulder: Ty Dowdy, Master of Arts; Cassidy Winsor, Bachelor of Fine Arts

Castle Rock: Donald Billings, Master of Science; Brendan Smith, Bachelor of Science

Colorado Springs: Madeline Barber, Master of Arts in Teaching; Samantha Clark, Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training; Cody Cumro, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Brittany Dalecke, Master of Science; Delaney Keeler, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Rachel Lo, Master of Science; Andre Ogren, Bachelor of Science in Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprise Management; Ethan Powell, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Conner Sandoval, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Secondary Major

Conifer: Alexandra Apgar-Arpin, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Magna Cum Laude

Denver: Danielle Hodgson, Master of Landscape Architecture; Devin Radosevich, Master of Science

Elizabeth: Courtney Moore, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Estes Park: Alexandria Herb, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition

Evergreen: Benjamin Hakes, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Fort Collins: Paige Becker, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Kathryn Littell, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Paige Rome, Bachelor of Science; Lydia Supe, Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management, Magna Cum Laude

Fountain: Sandra Williams, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics

Greeley: Ellery Sedlacek, Bachelor of Arts, Secondary Major, Magna Cum Laude

Highlands Ranch: Caleigh Hellmer, Bachelor of Science in Education; Morgan Krusoe, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Christina Sanchez, Master of Architecture; Rylee Walker, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude

Holly: Grant Thompson, Bachelor of Arts

Idalia: Jason Dutton, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Kit Carson: Alexandra Hornung, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services

Lakewood: Marcus Vesely, Master of Architecture

Littleton: Isabelle Stieg, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design

Longmont: Tyler Meek, Bachelor of Science

Northglenn: Jack Schierling, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management

Olathe: Trent Rose, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

Parker: Elena Brookover, Master of Science

Pueblo West: Gregory Habermann, Master of Science

Rush: Jessica Anderson, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering

Vilas: Tyler Meyeres, Master of Science

Westminster: Alicia Malet, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Wiggins: Kaeson Risner, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Yuma: Austin Traphagan, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine


Danbury: Julia Reisert, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology

East Granby: Alana Bouchard, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Magna Cum Laude

Enfield: Rachel Van Gilder, Master of Public Health

Griswold: Katie Griswold, Master of Arts in Teaching

Storrs Mansfield: Danielle Brazeau, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude

Windsor: Rebecca Nelson, Master of Arts


Georgetown: Madeline Davis, Bachelor of Science

Wilmington: Casey Ackley, Master of Science


Boca Raton: John Iglesias, Master of Science

Bonita Springs: Abigail Wineinger, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Coral Gables: Lauren Broce, Bachelor of Arts

Fern Park: Kevin Mcgrew, Master of Arts

Havana: Andrew Peavy, Master of Arts

Lake Worth: Anastacia Veneziano, Bachelor of Science in Education

Land O' Lakes: Bridgette Sampeck, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Maitland: Anum Ahmed, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Melbourne: Sarah Mankowski, Master of Science

Miramar: James Love, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services

Niceville: Matthew Larson, Bachelor of Science in Technology Management

Opa Locka: Bricelis Jimenez, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Orlando: Aaron Erdman, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics; Rachel Genovese, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Pinellas Park: Sarah Sudduth, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics

Safety Harbor: Erin Macadam, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Cum Laude

Sanford: Silvina Aznar-Mojica, Doctor of Philosophy

Sarasota: Susannah Kaufman, Bachelor of Science in Education, Cum Laude

Seminole: Eun-Jeong Scott, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics

St. Petersburg: Victor Cimino, Master of Science

Tampa: Megan Devine, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Ashlee Skinner, Master of Science


Chatsworth: Michael Loughridge, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Cum Laude

Colquitt: Mindi Merritt, Master of Agribusiness

Dacula: Alec Shea, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Eatonton: Katie Johnson, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Fort Benning: Sharon Perdue, Master of Arts in Teaching

Leesburg: David Wright, Master of Science

Ludowici: Mikela Melton, Bachelor of Science

Marietta: Rebekah Jackson, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science in Education, Summa Cum Laude

Midland: Karen Wiesen, Master of Arts in Teaching

Richmond Hill: Amy Jump, Master of Arts in Teaching

Roswell: Sarah Swan, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

St. Simons Island: Kyle Kuderewski, Master of Engineering Management


Aiea: Colin Chun, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Ewa Beach: Karina Brady, Master of Science

Honolulu: Samson Souza, Doctor of Philosophy; Mia Vercruyssen, Master of Arts in Teaching

Pearl City: Christopher Campbell, Master of Science


Boise: Rebecca Byerly, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition

Idaho Falls: Nicholas Forshee, Master of Science

Nampa: Kevin Mokhtarian, Doctor of Philosophy


Barrington: Andrew Wenzel, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design

Calumet City: Raquelle Anderson, Bachelor of Arts

Canton: Justin Nelson, Master of Arts in Teaching

Carterville: Jacob Eklund, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Champaign: Monica Clapp, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Chatham: Alan Lovekamp, Master of Architecture

Chicago: Taylor Bjerke, Master of Science; Michael Partipilo, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics; Yasmine Ramos, Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training

Collinsville: Joanna Bean, Master of Arts in Teaching

DeKalb: Sarah Stuebing-Keith, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Cum Laude

Freeport: Megan Hayunga, Bachelor of Science in Bakery Science and Management

Fulton: Jonathan Daniel Oldaker-Bahnsen, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics

Genoa: Nicole Campbell, Master of Arts in Teaching

Glenarm: Katelyn Eike, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Glencoe: Peyton South, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Godfrey: Madeleine Stobbs, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Hampshire: Mary Carr, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Summa Cum Laude

Homewood: Miriam Chamberlain, Bachelor of Arts

Jacksonville: Michael Huffman, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Kansas: Dakotah Shelton, Master of Arts in Teaching

Kewanee: Lillian Feeney, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Koxville: Alec Lester, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Lake Forest: Katie Condon, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Cum Laude; Catherine Perino, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Cum Laude

Lewistown: Maggie Smith, Master of Science

Loves Park: Joshua Welte, Master of Arts

Morris: Kelly Hitt, Master of Arts in Teaching

Morton: Courtney Byrne, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude

Mount Vernon: Adrian Austin, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Magna Cum Laude

Naperville: Alex Galey, Bachelor of Science

Nauvoo: Benjamin Moberly, Bachelor of Arts

Normal: Justin DePauw, Bachelor of Science

North Aurora: Bornell Nicholson, Doctor of Philosophy

Ohio: Kaitlyn Hildebrand, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Palatine: Amanda Hendricks, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Palos Park: Elsa Stoffel, Master of Landscape Architecture

Peotone: Zane Lonard, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Plainfield: Jenna Henderson, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Cum Laude

Princeville: Jesse Feucht, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Quincy: Michael McKinley, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Saybrook: Olivia Harrison, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude

Shiloh: Jocelyn Pavelschak, Bachelor of Science in Education

Springfield: Kayla Wood, Master of Architecture

Tampico: Matthew Nielsen, Master of Science

Troy: Ashley Stark, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design

Villa Park: Victoria Gardner, Master of Science

Waterloo: Amanda Hartman, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Watson: Anna Wines, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Witt: Dominic Ruppert, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Woodstock: Paige Moritz, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine


Avilla: Samuel Lawrence, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Bristol: Naomi Smith, Master of Arts in Teaching

Carthage: William Friesen, Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering

Chesterton: Casey Richards, Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering

Greenwood: Taylor Bauer, Master of Science

Hammond: Theresia Moyo, Master of Science

Indianapolis: Kaitlin Goldsby, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Nicholas Mitchell, Master of Science

Kirklin: Mackenzie Padgett, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Lafayette: Sam Schmalzried, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Lawrenceburg: Keri Nickoson, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Cum Laude

Morgantown: Morgan Witt, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Munster: Aaron Kamke, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Magna Cum Laude

Noblesville: Korrine Keller, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Industry, Cum Laude

North Vernon: Adrianna Gasper, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Valparaiso: Abrams Maxwell, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

West Terre Haute: Megan Marion, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Westfield: Justin Bloxom, Bachelor of Science

Zionsville: Kimberly Coussens, Bachelor of Science


Altoona: Holly Unruh, Master of Arts in Teaching

Ankeny: Jessica Asberry, Master of Science

Cedar Rapids: Benjamin Charipar, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness

Des Moines: Stephen Lauer, Doctor of Philosophy

Dubuque: Samantha Echaves, Master of Business Administration

Ely: Jordan Uthoff, Master of Agribusiness

Glenwood: Mariah Moore, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Grimes: Faith Traver, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude

Harlan: Megan Owens, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Secondary Major

Sidney: Nathan Lechtenberg, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

Sioux Center: McKayla Kerkaert, Master of Science

Spencer: Sarah Jackson, Master of Arts in Teaching


Alexandria: Morgan Dunay, Master of Regional and Community Planning

Elizabethtown: Adrian Kleinjan, Master of Science

La Grange: Chelsea Whittle, Master of Science

Louisville: Jordan Woody, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition

Mayfield: Joshua Drouin, Master of Science

Southgate: Danica Smith, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude


Lake Charles: Scott Hazelton, Master of Regional and Community Planning

Leesville: Jessica Lee, Master of Arts in Teaching

Metairie: Amy Poirier, Master of Science

New Orleans: Levon LeBan, Master of Science


Lyman: Jessica Murray, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services


California: Madelyn Oosterink, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology

Columbia: Alyssa Burnett, Master of Science

Fallston: Rhonda Davis, Master of Science

Jefferson: Katherine Cicmanec, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Upper Marlboro: Mayra Perez-Fajardo, Master of Science

Whiteford: Kimberly Doran, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture


Hanscom Air Force Base: Charity Garland, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics

Medford: Anthony Correnti, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Northfield: James Bridges, Doctor of Philosophy

Revere: Kathryn Latshaw, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine


Byron: Emmitt Forbush, Master of Science

Cedar Springs: Jordan Gebhardt, Doctor of Philosophy

China: Rebecca Tomasek, Master of Public Health

Clarkston: Benjamin Reedy, Master of Business Administration

Coldwater: Jordan Blair, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Detroit: Nefertta Tyner, Master of Science

Fenton: Martha Barnes, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics

Flint: Clyde Martin, Bachelor of Science

Galesburg: Jasmen Eddings, Bachelor of Science

Grand Haven: Josie Hendrickson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Midland: Brandon Fisher, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Summa Cum Laude

Northville: Dave Rogers, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Parma: Madison Wensley, Master of Science

Tekonsha: Noah Winans, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Cum Laude

Warren: Brandie Hodges, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Industry


Big Lake: Kendal Janousek, Bachelor of Science, Secondary Major

Delano: Anton Smith, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

Eagan: Blake Holman, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Eagle Bend: Joshua Larson, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology

Edina: James Gilligan, Master of Arts

Lake Elmo: Brooke McCullough, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics

Little Falls: Patrick Schmitz, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Minnetrista: Andrew Neddermeyer, Master of Science

Red Wing: Kaitlin Foley, Bachelor of Science in Interior Design; Elliott Sahli, Master of Science

Scandia: Benjamin Matykiewicz, Master of Science

Slayton: Sydney Koch, Bachelor of Science

St. Paul: Hannah Krieg, Master of Science

Worthington: Sunny Patel, Master of Science


Gulfport: David Jayne, Doctor of Philosophy


Agency: Kendall Scott, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering

Ballwin: Mackenzie Yeager, Master of Landscape Architecture

Belton: Spencer Lind, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Calistro Reyes, Master of Architecture; Tim Rodden, Master of Architecture

Blue Springs: Alexander Burroughs, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Victoria Dorman, Bachelor of Science; Kevin Hicks, Master of Arts in Teaching; Lillian Kerber, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Steven Luu, Master of Business Administration; Gavin Mcentire, Master of Architecture; Alexandra McKinley, Bachelor of Science; Tyrice McLaren, Bachelor of Science; Bryce Parker, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Sarah Pritchard, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Natalie Rice, Bachelor of Science; Aleka Soifua, Master of Architecture

Bonne Terre: Allyssa Gray, Master of Landscape Architecture

Branson: Samantha Williams, Bachelor of Music, Magna Cum Laude

Bucklin: Joel Martin, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Magna Cum Laude

Butler: Rose Bentley, Bachelor of Music Education; Reba Colin, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Mary Massey, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Cum Laude

Centertown: Amber Berg, Master of Regional and Community Planning

Chesterfield: Hannah Otto, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Industry; Jacob Schulte, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Samuel Schulte, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Columbia: Ashley Parkinson, Master of Science; Ian Scott Perkins, Master of Architecture; Kelsey Roy, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Jeremiah Vick, Master of Architecture; Kelly Wilkerson, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Magna Cum Laude

Cosby: Courtney Hill, Bachelor of Science

Drexel: Sara Gammon, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Secondary Major, Summa Cum Laude

Festus: Annie Wilkerson, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design

Florissant: Xavier Sneed, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Grain Valley: Samantha Davis, Master of Architecture

Greenwood: Jordan Wheeler, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Harrisonville: Kristen Kimbrell, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Secondary Major, Cum Laude; Jameson Knox, Master of Arts in Teaching

Higginsville: Carolgene Romans, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Magna Cum Laude

Holt: Johnathan Weidmaier, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

Houstonia: Danielle Funk, Bachelor of Science in Feed Science and Management

Independence: Francesca Ferrara, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Karly Kinsey, Bachelor of Science in Education, Magna Cum Laude; Heidi Lohmann-Schrader, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics

Jefferson City: Domenique Arcobasso, Master of Architecture

Joplin: Allyson Miller, Bachelor of Science in Education

Kansas City: Victor Armstrong-Tharp, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology; Zachary Bair, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Daniel Becker, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Zachary Billings, Master of Architecture; Casey Cabela, Master of Arts in Teaching; Tristin Chandler, Bachelor of Science; Leah Collins, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering, Master of Science; Emily Davich, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Abigail Dercher, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Kristina Eichhorst, Master of Science; Ciara Factor, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Kaylee Farmer, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Ian Franson, Bachelor of Science in Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprise Management; Lindsey Gercken, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Industry, Cum Laude; Ashley Gorman, Master of Arts in Teaching; Jourdyn Grant, Bachelor of Science; Lydia Gutierrez, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Cassandra Hamilton, Master of Arts in Teaching; Travis Hamilton, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Adam Hayakawa, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Paul Henton, Bachelor of Science; McKenna Hutchinson, Bachelor of Science; Jennifer Jennings, Bachelor of Science; Jubilee Kao, Master of Architecture; Benjamin Knoll, Bachelor of Science; Katlyn Lovekamp, Master of Architecture; Derek Marshall, Master of Arts in Teaching; Kolin Maxwell, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Chloe Mccart, Master of Arts in Teaching; Shannon McDonald, Bachelor of Arts; Colten Miller, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Lucy Mohler, Bachelor of Science in Education, Summa Cum Laude; Catherine Myers, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Tayvia Navy, Master of Architecture; Chloe Nelson, Master of Arts; Jacquelyn Pitzen, Master of Science; Leslie Ramirez, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science in Education; Dee Roof, Master of Fine Arts; Rachel Serrano, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Leah Smith, Master of Business Administration; Margaret Sweeny, Bachelor of Science; Julia Switlik, Master of Architecture; Maya Visesio, Bachelor of Science; Alexis Whaley, Bachelor of Science

Kearney: Kooper Holbrook, Master of Architecture; Erin Leon, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Jordan Wolf, Master of Science; Rachel Wright, Bachelor of Music Education, Magna Cum Laude

Lake Winnebago: Abigail Valentine, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Hannah Valentine, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Cum Laude

Lathrop: Brooklyn Adam, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Brianna Pilloni, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Lee's Summit: Adam Baerg, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Christopher Dewitt, Master of Science; Zachary Dubois, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Preston Horsch, Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology; Jason Ingram, Master of Architecture; Stephanie Jenkins, Master of Arts in Teaching; Andrew Loenen, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Sophia Piatczyc, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Jansynn Radford, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude; Madison Rao, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Alison Renner, Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering; Robert Schott, Professional Master of Technology; Vilune Sestokaite, Master of Arts; Samantha Specht, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design; Paige Suholaski, Bachelor of Science in Education

Lexington: Kennedy Lynn, Master of Science

Liberty: Peter Boos, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Brandon Cole, Master of Architecture; Hannah Milks, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design; Kathryn Prendergast, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Cum Laude; Caitlin Seal, Master of Architecture

Marshall: Jesse Burton, Master of Architecture

Martinsburg: Lindsey Gastler, Master of Science

Mexico: Abigail Dick, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design

Moberly: Alyssa Arnsperger, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

North Kansas City: Shelbie Mora, Bachelor of Arts; Gina Reeves, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics

O'Fallon: Brooke Barrett, Bachelor of Science in Education, Summa Cum Laude; Mackenzie Buysse, Bachelor of Science in Personal Financial Planning

Parkville: Rachel Hardin, Bachelor of Science in Interior Design; Jessica Hayes, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Alyx Kemp, Bachelor of Arts; Katherine Mediavilla, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Hannah Turner, Master of Arts in Teaching

Peculiar: Yuvrajsinh Dodiya, Master of Architecture

Platte City: Christopher Salisbury, Master of Science

Pleasant Hill: Logan Baker, Master of Landscape Architecture; Kendra Pryor, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Raymore: David Engel, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Madison Howard, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Republic: Eleanor Selanders, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Rich Hill: Ryan Malone, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Rogersville: Kathleen McFarland, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Rushville: Colby Crockett, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness, Cum Laude

Sedalia: Sharmaine Quilala, Master of Architecture

Sheldon: Rachel Cross, Master of Landscape Architecture

Smithville: Sydney Cantrell, Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering, Summa Cum Laude; Abby Harmeyer, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles; Rebecca Jenkins, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude; Kylee Knott, Bachelor of Science; Erin Murphy, Master of Architecture

Springfield: Mikaela Bennett, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition, Cum Laude; Amanda Schmidtke, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

St. Charles: Dustin Aherin, Doctor of Philosophy; Garrett Klingaman, Master of Architecture; Meghan McInnes, Master of Science

St. Joseph: Domenico DePastino, Bachelor of Science; Trevor Dunn, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Abigail Larson, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

St. Louis: Teresa Bowen, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition; Bryna Federspiel, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Darrell Johnson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Isabelle Liuzza, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Cassidy Quinn, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Cum Laude; Allyson Sanders, Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training

St. Paul: Courtney Van Deven, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services

Stewartsville: Jason Mink, Bachelor of Science in Milling Science and Management

Sugar Creek: Alexandria Salva, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Taylor: Philip Wegman, Bachelor of Science in Personal Financial Planning, Magna Cum Laude

Town and Country: Virginia Pearson, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics

Trimble: Cooper Cargill, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering

Troy: Emily Hudson, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Wildwood: Katherine Coulter, Bachelor of Science; Jacob Frazier, Master of Architecture; Alexis Nouhan, Bachelor of Science in Education


Great Falls: Sydnee Pachek, Bachelor of Science

Kalispell: Stephen VanKrevelen, Doctor of Philosophy


Arapahoe: Kylie Perez, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Cedar Bluffs: Alyssa Strong, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Crete: Kyle Weide, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Elkhorn: Matthew Voigt, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management

Fairbury: Halle Knigge, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services, Cum Laude; Nathaniel Stapaules, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management

Geneva: Bailey Yates, Bachelor of Science

Gresham: Hannah Miller, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Gretna: Elyse Barna, Bachelor of Science

Herman: Katheryn Gregerson, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Secondary Major, Summa Cum Laude

Kearney: Michaela Warnke, Bachelor of Science in Bakery Science and Management

Lincoln: Taylor Headley, Bachelor of Science; Sarah Kerrigan, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Erin Lee, Bachelor of Science, Secondary Major; Nicholas Lenners, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Jena Lynn, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Christopher Simerl, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering, Magna Cum Laude; Madeline Whitehead, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Loup City: Brady Rasmussen, Bachelor of Science in Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprise Management

North Platte: Donna Henne, Master of Arts in Teaching

Omaha: Nicholas Askew, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Camille Brown, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, Master of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Harrison Dirks, Master of Landscape Architecture; Bridget Hake, Master of Landscape Architecture; Isaac Henson, Bachelor of Science; Carli Jacobsen, Master of Science; Brian James, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Master of Accountancy; Maximillian Jenkins, Bachelor of Science; Alyssa Johnson, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude; Marena Modica, Bachelor of Science in Interior Design; Benjamin Polacek, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Kaitlyn Rief, Bachelor of Science; Laura Rouw, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Jared Schuler, Bachelor of Science

Papillion: Sean Alumbaugh, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Ryan Plourde, Master of Science

Plattsmouth: Michelle Thiessen, Bachelor of Science in Education

Seward: Adam Holtorf, Master of Business Administration; Cara Wolverton, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Magna Cum Laude

Stockville: Hannah Hosick, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

West Point: Luke Gnad, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Wolbach: Madeline Roth, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

York: Letitia Phan, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Cum Laude


Henderson: Ethan Hughes, Bachelor of Science

Las Vegas: Jessica Garcia, Bachelor of Science

New Hampshire

Hudson: Katelyn Guill-Sanchez, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

New Jersey

Allentown: Gabrielle Nevins, Master of Arts in Teaching

Asbury Park: Holly Pate, Master of Science

Forked River: Christine Repetti, Master of Science

Galloway: Justin Deissler, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Hampton: Rebecca Kuderka, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Master of Accountancy

Riverside: Kimberly Snow, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Cum Laude

Rockaway: Genevieve Blewett, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Education, Magna Cum Laude

Voorhees: Long Cheong, Master of Science

Wanaque: Ninette Warner, Master of Science

Westwood: Megan Ceplo, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Industry

New Mexico

Raton: Katherine Little, Master of Architecture

Roswell: Susan Scott, Master of Science

New York

Amherst: Elizabeth Cumbo, Master of Science

Ballston Lake: Lindsay Heflin, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Summa Cum Laude

Elmira: Nichola Ostrander, Master of Science

Esopus: Rudy Weitze, Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness

Fairport: Laura Fowler, Master of Science

Flushing: Xuebo Liu, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Magna Cum Laude

Hauppauge: William Adams, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

LaGrangeville: Zachary St.Clair, Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude

Long Eddy: Megan Andersen, Master of Agribusiness

New York: Alison Boodie, Master of Science; Christine Harris, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles; Stephan Koenigsberger, Master of Science; Nicolas Stanley, Master of Science

North Babylon: Emily Ragusa, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Oceanside: Eric Grossman, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Shoreham: Elizabeth Stietzle, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Magna Cum Laude

Syracuse: Zachary Van Ornam, Master of Science

Valatie: Jason Nichols, Master of Science

Westgate: Kofi Nimako, Master of Science

North Carolina

Charlotte: Jordan Johnson, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Chantal Small, Bachelor of Science

Garner: Nathaniel Anderson, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Salisbury: Madison Hines, Bachelor of Music Education, Magna Cum Laude

Sanford: Amy Lawson, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics

Washington: Kaitlyn Banks, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Winston Salem: Joseph Edgerton, Master of Science

North Dakota

Fargo: Carter Brasel, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering


Chesterland: Haley Blazek, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Magna Cum Laude

Dennison: Willard Liggett, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Hamilton: Andrye Denny, Bachelor of Arts, Secondary Major

Huron: Rebecca Cherry, Master of Science

Lewis Center: Michael Bower, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Rushville: Madison Stewart, Master of Arts in Teaching

Sidney: Owen Michael, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Wauseon: Justin Nofziger, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture


Bartlesville: Reagan Anderson, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Nicole Boulanger, Bachelor of Science in Education; Arlando Parker, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology

Bixby: Spencer Sanders, Master of Landscape Architecture

Edmond: Coleman Bushey, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Justin Marcha, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering; Alec Wiltse, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

Guymon: Amanda Silva, Bachelor of Science in Education

Norman: Cobey Bean, Master of Science; Madison Denison, Bachelor of Science in Interior Design; Emma Hochman, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude; Caleb Littlejim, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology

Oklahoma City: Laramie Hall, Bachelor of Science, Cum Laude

Sperry: Joshua Wichers, Master of Science

Stillwater: Jacob Walters, Master of Science

Tulsa: Bailey Base, Bachelor of Science; Caroline Lassman, Bachelor of Science in Apparel and Textiles; DeAnna Scheffler, Bachelor of Science; Dillon Schroeder, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Christian Tucci, Master of Science

Turpin: Chraty Jimenez, Bachelor of Science

Waukomis: Brandt Skinner, Master of Science

Wyandotte: William Johnson, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture


Baker City: Rory Scilacci, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Beaverton: Precious Echeonwu, Bachelor of Science in Technology Management

Medford: Jacqueline Harden, Master of Science

North Plains: Jonathan Frantz, Master of Science

Philomath: Kiah Gourley, Doctor of Philosophy

Portland: Ashley Smith, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Industry; Emma Wren, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering

West Linn: Alena Oliver, Master of Science


Berwick: Lora Welliver, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Industry

Butler: Matthew Powers, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Downingtown: Stephen Pomanti, Master of Science

Lancaster: Madison Ludewig, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude

New Paris: Brianna Berkey, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Valencia: Mackenzie Sleigh, Master of Science

York: Sean Callahan, Bachelor of Arts

Rhode Island

Cranston: Marissa Johnson, Master of Arts in Teaching

South Carolina

Florence: Cartier Diarra, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Heidi Wylie, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition

Summerville: Lauren Gatanas, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Sumter: Galyn Iloka, Master of Arts in Teaching

South Dakota

Elkton: Lexy Lynn, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Rapid City: Simonne Johnson, Master of Arts in Teaching

Sioux Falls: Kara Whitaker, Bachelor of Music Education

Sisseton: Chelsea Werdel, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration


Clarksville: Joshua Pugh, Master of Science; Elizabeth Reynolds, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Joshua Williams, Bachelor of Science

Cookeville: Margaret Cody, Master of Arts

Gallatin: Brett Neelly, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Knoxville: Summer Johnston, Master of Science

Murfreesboro: Dominque Pierce, Master of Arts in Teaching

Newport: David Baker, Bachelor of Science

Ooltewah: Stacy Kramer, Master of Science


Addison: Shannon Keane, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Amarillo: Brooklyn Burnett, Bachelor of Science in Interior Design; Ryan Ramsey, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Anna: Bayley Clark, Bachelor of Science

Argyle: Gabriel Serrano, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Arlington: Nicholas Albus, Bachelor of Science in Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprise Management; Anthony Le, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Austin: Reid Claassen, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering; Nicholas Goss, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management; Nathanael Hood, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Elizabeth Saindon, Master of Science; Sara Thomas, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Azle: Robert Hawley, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Elexis Rice, Bachelor of Science in Construction Science and Management

Canyon: Sara Gabel, Bachelor of Science in Education

College Station: Valerie Wilson, Master of Science

Colleyville: Gage Horton, Bachelor of Science

Converse: Kristen Myers, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics

Corpus Christi: Natalie Villarreal, Doctor of Education

Cypress: Tyler Huschka, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Dalhart: Dana Heidrick, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services

Dallas: Lopamudra De, Doctor of Philosophy; Kayla Florian, Master of Science; Kenedi Kelley, Bachelor of Science; Caden Niemtschk, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

El Paso: Kimberly Turner, Master of Science

Fort Worth: Brent Dunkel, Master of Business Administration; Michael Elder, Master of Science; Matthew Olcha, Doctor of Philosophy

Frisco: Monica Diaz, Bachelor of Arts; Blake Ellis, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design; David Tenerelli, Master of Science

Garden Ridge: John Evans, Bachelor of Science

Grand Prairie: John Slattery, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude

Helotes: Isabel Lewis, Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude

Houston: Ryan Herrick, Master of Engineering Management; Shelitha Smodic, Master of Science

Katy: Sefenyiwe Manthata, Master of Science

Lancaster: Ashley Flowers, Bachelor of Science, Professional Master of Technology

Lufkin: Bronson Massie, Bachelor of Science

Magnolia: Hannah Kley, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering

Mansfield: Brock Carpani, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Magna Cum Laude

Montgomery: Ivan Gallegos, Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Technology

Murphy: Sierra Marstall, Bachelor of Arts, Summa Cum Laude

New Braunfels: Daniel Winslow, Master of Public Health

Nordheim: Kassie Thompson, Master of Science

Plano: Darrell Reese, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Porter: Megan Baudry, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Rockwall: Nicholas Winegard, Bachelor of Science

Ropesville: Cooper Carlisle, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Magna Cum Laude

Rosenberg: Ashley Anderson, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Cum Laude

Rowlett: Russell Pearson, Bachelor of Fine Arts

San Antonio: Elizabeth Apolinar, Bachelor of Arts; Steven Goetsch, Master of Science; Catherine Leavitt, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Nautika Sauceda, Bachelor of Science; Jacqueline Walker, Master of Science

Spring: Sierra Lamza, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Sugar Land: Alexis Kenney, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Cum Laude

Temple: Ernesto Delbosque, Master of Business Administration; Jacob Woolworth, Bachelor of Arts

The Colony: Jordon Robertson, Bachelor of Science

Van Alstyne: Denny Graham, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering

Wellington: Caleb Baumgardner, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine


Draper: Hailey Moore, Master of Science

Lake Point: Casey Ballard, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Lehi: Linda Fleming, Master of Science; Tyson Long, Master of Science

Logan: Lindsey Bruckerhoff, Doctor of Philosophy

Park City: Luke Gildea, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Salt Lake City: Kirsten Cadden, Master of Science

Sandy: Tanner Hawes, Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Technology

South Jordan: Scott Randall, Master of Landscape Architecture

St. George: Rachel Harris, Master of Science

West Valley: Makol Mawien, Bachelor of Science


Alexandria: Michele Benevento, Master of Public Administration

Blacksburg: DeAnna Reid, Master of Science

Doswell: Rachel Waggie, Master of Science

Fairfax: Cassandra Shevlin, Master of Arts in Teaching

Gainesville: Robert Eavenson, Master of Science

Herndon: Blake Conrad, Master of Science; Emily Purdon, Master of Science

Leesburg: David Radke, Master of Science

Louisa: Blake Hopkins, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Pearisburg: Sarah Greenway, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Spotsylvania: Carly Estes, Master of Science

Triangle: Katherine Glenn, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Vienna: Katherine Dombrowski, Master of Arts in Teaching; Jeffrey Mullins, Doctor of Philosophy

Virginia Beach: Joel Strong, Master of Science


Bellevue: Hayden Larson, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Bellingham: Rebecca Wellan, Master of Arts in Teaching

Ellensburg: Emma Wyllys, Bachelor of Science in Personal Financial Planning

Eltopia: Marlo Lovejoy, Bachelor of Science

Everett: Keaton Lind, Bachelor of Science in Education

Fairchild Air Force Base: Jake Masters, Professional Master of Technology

Lake Tapps: Margaret Macklin, Master of Arts in Teaching

Redmond: Harini Gupta, Master of Software Engineering

Seattle: Kayla Papuga, Master of Science

Silverdale: Barbara Mirano, Master of Music

Tacoma: Cheri Paillet, Master of Science

Touchet: Trevor Clemens, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Tumwater: Donya Karimi, Doctor of Philosophy

West Virginia

Charleston: Rowan Zoeller, Master of Science

Morgantown: Donald Lawrence, Bachelor of Science

Vienna: Bryce Sayre, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition


Appleton: Christopher Trave, Master of Science

Brookfield: Kristin Reichert, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Summa Cum Laude

Germantown: Margaret Grady, Master of Science

Grafton: Benjamin Lampereur, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Green Bay: Kasi Bardouche, Master of Public Health

Iron Ridge: Emily Schulz, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Janesville: Sarah Oberdeck, Master of Science

Menomonie: Catherine Gutman, Master of Architecture

New Berlin: Kaitlyn Ford, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Pleasant Prairie: Joy Clady, Doctor of Philosophy

Superior: Rachel McNemee, Bachelor of Science

Thiensville: Olivia Carter, Bachelor of Science; William Carter, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Magna Cum Laude

Tomah: Bradley Lindberg, Master of Arts in Teaching

Wauwatosa: Nathan Cera, Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude


Douglas: Colter Haman, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Saratoga: Cruz Escobedo Arredondo, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture


Afghanistan: Ariana Achakzai, Master of Public Health; Abdul Halim, Doctor of Philosophy

Angola: Gabriel Lubongo, Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Technology

Argentina: Nelson Ramallo, Doctor of Philosophy

Australia: Brody Sherar, Master of Science

Bangladesh: Mirza Ahammad Sharif, Doctor of Philosophy; Iffat Azmi, Master of Science; Md Mahruf Kabir, Master of Science; Nure Makbul, Master of Arts; Md Rakibul Mowla, Doctor of Philosophy; Nazmun Akter Pia, Master of Science; Kazi Tamim Rahman, Doctor of Philosophy; Mohammad Rahman, Master of Arts; Dipta Sarkar, Doctor of Philosophy; Nusrat Shobnam, Master of Science

Barbados: Asha Cave, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Belarus: Serguei Kouzmenko, Master of Science

Brazil: Caio Aranha Gamarra, Master of Science; Gabriel Blair Fontinelle, Master of Science; Giovana Cruppe, Doctor of Philosophy; Vanessa De Aguiar Veloso, Master of Science

Cambodia: Chansambath Bong, Master of Arts

Canada: Herman Coceancigh, Doctor of Philosophy; Jia Ying Li, Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Technology

China: Lu Bai, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design; Kaiming Bi, Doctor of Philosophy; Xinjie Chen, Master of Science; Tianchen Fu, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering; Yu He, Master of Architecture; Xianxin Hong, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Jintao Hu, Master of Business Administration; Tianbo Huang, Bachelor of Science; Jianxiong Li, Doctor of Philosophy; Jun Li, Doctor of Philosophy; Zhengrui Li, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Zhuoya Li, Bachelor of Science; Changmin Liao, Master of Science; Zhixian Lin, Master of Science; Jiawei Liu, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition; Yanjun Liu, Bachelor of Science in Educational Studies; Lei Luo, Master of Science; Chuan Qin, Master of Architecture; Jie Ren, Doctor of Philosophy; Zewen Shan, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Magna Cum Laude; Binglei Shao, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design; Nan Shen, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Mowen Sun, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Ruowei, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Yanjun, Master of Architecture; Peng Wang, Master of Science; Xinyao Wang, Master of Architecture; Yao Wang, Master of Architecture; Ye Wang, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Zixian Wang, Master of Science; Wangyi Wei, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Industry; Diqing Wu, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering; Peng Xie, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Heqing Xu, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Industry; Zhihao Xu, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Gongshun Yang, Master of Science; Fangfang Yao, Doctor of Philosophy; Jing Ye, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Magna Cum Laude; Sixiang Zhang, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Cum Laude; Tingrui Zhang, Bachelor of Science; Wenhao Zhang, Doctor of Philosophy; Yizhi Zhang, Master of Architecture; Yingyi Zhong, Master of Landscape Architecture; Yiping Zhu, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Cum Laude; Yaxing Zi, Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management

Colombia: Monica Navia Urrutia, Doctor of Philosophy

Egypt: Omar Abdelsalam, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Ahmed Awad, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering

Ethiopia: Samrawit Ayana, Bachelor of Science

France: Aurelio Cabezas Murillo, Doctor of Philosophy

Germany: Holly Du Plessis, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics; Lars Quincke, Bachelor of Music, Cum Laude

Ghana: Abigail Ampomah Adaku, Doctor of Philosophy; Kwasi Ndjokunla Ketchore, Master of Arts; Catherine Obiribea Ofori-Bah, Master of Science

Honduras: Cristina Duron Tabora, Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Technology; David Alejandro Leiva Lanza, Master of Business Administration

India: Aditi Arun, Bachelor of Science; Smreeti Dahariya, Doctor of Philosophy; Haripriya Naidu, Doctor of Philosophy; Vatsal Patel, Master of Architecture; Nandini Sarkar, Doctor of Philosophy; Anish Sinha, Master of Science; Priyamvada Thorakkattu, Master of Science; Mohana Yoganandan, Master of Science

Indonesia: Theodora Arthauli, Bachelor of Science in Interior Design; Rinaldi Alvin Yonathan, Master of Music

Iran: Dorna Eshrati, Doctor of Philosophy; Hojjatollah Fallahi, Doctor of Philosophy; Hamed Goharipour, Doctor of Philosophy; Arash Goligerdian, Master of Science; Zeinab Harandizadeh, Doctor of Philosophy; Mohammadali Masigol, Doctor of Philosophy; Zhila Pezeshkpoor, Master of Regional and Community Planning; Ameneh Tavakol, Doctor of Philosophy; Aram Vajdi, Doctor of Philosophy; Dina Zohrabi Alaee, Doctor of Philosophy

Italy: Simone Fassina, Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Industry, Magna Cum Laude; Ernest Francis Jones, Master of Science

Jamaica: Shardia Lawrence, Bachelor of Science in Family Studies and Human Services; Ranae McKenzie, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition; Shanae McKenzie, Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition

Japan: Takayuki Kijima, Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training

Jordan: Raiya Ebini, Doctor of Philosophy; Shant Haik, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Kuwait: Abdullah Abdulkarim, Master of Science; Abdullah Aldhabib, Master of Science; Musaeb Alenezi, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Fares Alfares, Bachelor of Arts; Khaled W KH M Naser, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

Lebanon: Rayan Cheikh, Master of Architecture; Karim Majed, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Malaysia: Walson Liew, Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology, Magna Cum Laude; Joshua Radaha, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

Mexico: Daniela Castro Trejo, Master of Arts

Nepal: Gaurav Neupane, Master of Architecture; Bimal Pandit, Master of Science; Meghnath Pokharel, Doctor of Philosophy

Nigeria: Kehinde Osho, Master of Fine Arts

Norway: Magnus Stroemnes, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Pakistan: Muhammad Junaid Aftab, Master of Science

Paraguay: Alexandra Aranda, Master of Business Administration; Maria Leticia Blanco Montorfano, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Luis Bobadilla Dias, Master of Science; Celia Bogarin Azuaga, Bachelor of Arts; Cecilia Maria Caceres Etheridge, Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude; Lucia Duarte Mercado, Bachelor of Arts; Mateo Nunes, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Jazmin Royg Quevedo, Bachelor of Arts, Summa Cum Laude; Gustavo Vaccaro Ferreira, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Cum Laude

Philippines: Sylvester Badua, Doctor of Philosophy; Faith Eunice Lalunio, Bachelor of Science, Summa Cum Laude

Romania: Ana Stoian, Doctor of Philosophy

Russian Federation: Vikenty Mikheev, Doctor of Philosophy

Saudi Arabia: Nadyah Abdulshakour A Abdullah, Doctor of Philosophy; Rida Ahmed, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Summa Cum Laude; Fatimah Al Ibrahim, Bachelor of Science; Dalal Alalwane, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Alanud Alanazi, Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering; Abdulkareem Alghamdi, Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering; Ali Alhamadah, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Mohammad Alibrahim, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering; Abdullah Alkharisi, Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Technology; Maha Alkhraissi, Bachelor of Science; Mohammad Almuslem, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering; Mutlaq Alqahtani, Bachelor of Science; Mohammed Alruways, Bachelor of Fine Arts; Abdullah Alsaif, Bachelor of Science; Abdulrhman Altamimi, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration; Talal Alyami, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering; Khamis Alzahrani, Master of Business Administration; Sahar Ejeimi, Doctor of Philosophy; Abdullah Masmali, Doctor of Philosophy

South Africa: Frank Magwegwe, Doctor of Philosophy

South Korea: Minyoung Jun, Doctor of Philosophy; Jongseok Kang, Bachelor of Science; Juhyun Kang, Doctor of Philosophy; Munsu Kang, Doctor of Philosophy; Misun Kim, Master of Science; Juhee Lee, Doctor of Philosophy; Kyu Seok Lee, Master of Science; Taehee Lee, Master of Science; Donghyun Moon, Doctor of Philosophy; Minjung Nam, Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design; Changin Oh, Doctor of Philosophy; So Lee Park, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Magna Cum Laude

Sri Lanka: Palamandadige Fernando, Doctor of Philosophy; Chathurangani Wasundara Hulangamuwa, Doctor of Philosophy; Irosha Wanithunga, Master of Science

Taiwan: Yu Ping Chang, Doctor of Philosophy

Thailand: Pailyn Schroeder, Bachelor of Science in Interior Design

Uganda: Florence Lwiza, Doctor of Philosophy

United Kingdom: Chloe Weir, Secondary Major

Vietnam: Quan Tao, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Zambia: Agness Mzyece, Doctor of Philosophy