Note to editors: Students are listed by county and hometown. If a student is receiving more than one degree, all degrees to be earned are listed with the student's name, as are any graduation honors. If a Manhattan area address was given as a permanent address, the student will be listed in the permanent address county and also in the county for the high school of record. If a county or state is not listed, there were no graduates from that area.
News release prepared by: Stephanie Jacques, 785-532-3452,

Monday, Sept. 10, 2012

Summer graduates: More than 580 students earn degrees

MANHATTAN -- More than 580 students completed degree requirements from Kansas State University this summer. The graduates hail from 68 Kansas counties, 37 states and 25 countries. Of K-State's newest graduates, 35 also earned graduation honors for their outstanding academic work.

Degrees earned include more than 335 bachelor's, more than 200 master's, 45 doctorates and five associate degrees. Some students earned multiple degrees.

For outstanding academic work, 10 students graduated summa cum laude, K-State's top graduation honor. Eleven students graduated magna cum laude and 14 graduated cum laude. Summa cum laude graduates earned a 3.95 or higher cumulative academic average at K-State. Students qualify for magna cum laude with an average of 3.85 to 3.949, and students with averages of 3.75 to 3.849 graduate cum laude.

Summer 2012 graduates had the option of participating in K-State's spring or fall 2012 commencement ceremonies.

K-State students earning degrees and students earning graduation honors include:


Clarksville: Yvonne Roehr, Bachelor of Science in Dietetics

Signal Mountain: Sarah Burns Bernard, Master of Agribusiness


Edinburg: Bernardo de la Garza, Doctor of Philosophy

Flower Mound: George David Ammerman, Bachelor of Arts

Fort Worth: Katie Elizabeth Bradley, Master of Engineering Management

Fredericksburg: Katrina Marie Troppy, magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Grand Prairie: Rita Ann Marie Lunsford, Master of Science

Irving: Juan Francisco Guardado Reyes, Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Technology

Plano: Brittany Ann Loppatto, Bachelor of Science

Rosenburg: Mykalynn Alene Vickery, Bachelor of Fine Arts

San Antonio: Julio Nelson Manso, Master of Science; Christel D. Woods, Master of Arts