K-Staters in the news — February 2016

The top stories mentioning Kansas State University are posted below. Download an Excel file with all of this month's news stories.

Monday, Feb. 29, 2016

*7 self-care tips for the recovering workaholic
2/28/16 KSL.com (Salt Lake City)
Unfortunately, working overtime is a bit of a double-edged sword. According to research from Kansas State University, employees who clock in more than 50 hours per week are more likely to suffer physical and mental health challenges than those working more moderate hours. And those kinds of personal health issues can then affect your ability to do good work — completely undermining your original goal to establish yourself as a force to be reckoned with.

*Costa Rican president to give Landon Lecture at K-State
2/27/16 Topeka Capital Journal
Costa Rican President Luis Guillermo Solís will present a Landon Lecture this spring at Kansas State University.

*Parents outraged after mold discovered on popular sippy-cups
2/27/16 WBTV (North Carolina)
Londa Nwadike, a food and safety specialist at Kansas State University and the University of Missouri, said to simplify your sippy cups in order to make them easier to clean.

Friday, Feb. 26, 2016

* Report Suggests Zika's Effect on Fetus May Be Even Deadlier Than Thought
02/25/16 WebMD News
Anecdotal reports of Zika causing birth defects other than microcephaly have surfaced, but "this is the first clearly documented case with an obvious link to Zika infection that has been well-documented in a peer-reviewed journal," Stephen Higgs, director of the Biosecurity Research Institute at Kansas State University, said of the PLOS study.

'Once I opened it, I was mortified': Moldy sippy cups outrage parents
02/25/16 Today
Londa Nwadike, state extension food safety specialist at Kansas State University and the University of Missouri, explains that sippy cups with fewer parts are easier to clean properly.

Kansas State researchers develop 3-D printed device that quickly detect anemia from blood
02/26/16 News-Medical Net
Identifying a blood disorder may be as easy as running a blood sample from a finger prick under a smartphone. That is the concept behind a new biomedical device being developed by Kansas State University researchers.

Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016

Engineers Develop Sleep Technology For Children with Special Needs
2/25/16 Advance Healthcare Network
A Kansas State University engineering team is developing a technology collection that can make a big difference in the lives of children with developmental disabilities.

A New Recipe for Biofuel
2/23/16 Manhattan Mercury
"The experiment was managed just as a farmer would manage a hayfield," said Geoff Morris, assistant professor of crop genetics at Kansas State University and lead author of the Global Change Biology – Bioenergy paper. "Our goal was to make the results as transferable as possible to a real production system."

Food System Biosecurity Featured at NIAA Annual Conference, Species by Species
2/23/16 KTIC Agriculture Information
Dr. Glynn Tonsor, Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University, will be addressing the economic risk of animal disease spread and the investment into biosecurity. Tonsor will approach the subject from the regulatory side of food safety and animal health, as well as the practices, choices and incentives which drive decision making on biosecurity.

Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016

A new recipe for biofuel: Genetic diversity can lead to more productive growth
2/23/16 Phys.org
"The experiment was managed just as a farmer would manage a hayfield," said Geoff Morris, assistant professor of crop genetics at Kansas State University and lead author of the GCB-Bioenergy paper. "Our goal was to make the results as transferable as possible to a real production system."

Did Harper Lee and Truman Capote spend a summer here?
2/23/16 Manhattan Mercury
This is the second paragraph of a 1963 letter from Truman Capote to K-State President James McCain.

Warm Temperatures Prompt Early Wakeup in Winter Wheat
2/23/16 Agriculture.com
Unfortunately, early green-up could also set the stage for a spring freeze to wreak havoc on the crop, says Romulo Lollato, wheat and forage specialist at Kansas State University. Lots of spring growth followed by a freeze could cause severe damage to the 2016 winter wheat crop.

Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2016

Beyond dissecting frogs: Baldwin High School students study cellular transformation
2/22/16 Lawrence Journal-World
That was true, Ising said, but added that he — unlike the high school students in his class — wasn’t introduced to the tool until he was taking 400-level biology courses at Kansas State University.

*K-State physicist contributes to discovery of gravitational waves
2/22/16 Manhattan Mercury
Kansas State University researcher Manasadevi Thirugnanasambandam, a research associate in physics, helped put the laser in the Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory that recently confirmed the collision of two black holes.

Swallowing the frog
2/22/16 High Plains Journal
Grain sorghum has a ways to go when it comes to research and investment but Lust did have some good news on this front. Lust announced at the Kansas Commodity Classic that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has given its approval for registration of the active ingredient nicosulfuron that will complement the non-GMO DuPont Inzen herbicide trait for sorghum. Nicosulfuron is the active ingredient in Zest herbicide. This will give sorghum producers an over-the-top grass control for the first time ever. This process to develop this technology began 10 years ago in a lab at Kansas State University.

Monday, Feb. 22, 2016

Educational Attainment
2/19/16 Ingram's magazine
Highlights from the 2016 Icons of Education Awards Luncheon: April Mason, provost at Kansas State University, recounted her journey from instructor to administrator.

Concerns with concealed carry on Kansas college campuses
2/19/16 KMUW
Kansas State University President Kirk Schulz says his primary concern is safety and the fact that no basic gun safety training is required for those wishing to carry concealed weapons.

Nicodemus anniversary
2/21/16 Salina Journal
Nicodemus historical politician re-enactors gathered for a toast to kick off the event. Russell Hull described his painting, now used as the 20th anniversary logo. It exemplifies the anniversary slogan “Up from the free soils of Kansas, still we rise.” LaBarbara Wigfall presented Holmes and Angela Bates with special printed hard copies of K-State’s Redesigning the Park Competition book.

Friday, Feb. 19, 2016

How Safe Is Your Tap Water? A Post-Flint Primer on How to Protect Yourself
02/18/16 Vogue
Aging distribution systems in older cities like Atlanta, Detroit, New York, and San Francisco must be monitored, warns Saugata Datta, associate professor of geology specializing in water quality at Kansas State University’s Urban Water Institute.

Teams from Missouri, Kansas win EPA grants
02/18/16 San Francisco Gate
The regional office of the Environmental Protection Agency said Wednesday in a release student teams from the University of Kansas, Kansas State University, and the University of Missouri are among the 38 university teams to receive $15,000 grants from the agency's People, Prosperity and the Planet program.

Costa Rican president to give Landon Lecture
02/18/16 Kansas City Star
Costa Rica's president is scheduled to give a Landon Lecture at Kansas State University.

Thursday, Feb. 18, 2016

Sorghum growers excited about EPA OK of herbicide
2/17/15 Politico
EPA has approved the registration of nicosulfuron, the active ingredient in DuPont’s Zest herbicide, moving grain sorghum growers a step closer to having an over-the-top grass control product. EPA has yet to publish a formal notification of its approval. The product, the only herbicide technology focused solely on sorghum, is the result of a 10-year partnership between Kansas State University and DuPont Crop Protection with support from the Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission, the Sorghum Checkoff and National Sorghum Producers. It will complement DuPont’s non-GMO Inzen herbicide-tolerance sorghum trait, according to the National Sorghum Producers, which first reported the news late last week. Tim Lust, CEO of the National Sorghum Producers, predicts limited quantities of the new technology will be in the field for trials this year. Read more from NSP about the development here. Listen to an interview with Justin Weinheimer, the Sorghum Checkoff’s crop improvement director, by Brownfield Ag News here.

Teams from Missouri, Kansas win EPA grants
2/18/16 San Fransisco Gate
The regional office of the Environmental Protection Agency said Wednesday in a release student teams from the University of Kansas, Kansas State University, and the University of Missouri are among the 38 university teams to receive $15,000 grants from the agency's People, Prosperity and the Planet program.

*Costa Rican president to give Landon Lecture
2/18/16 KMBC TV in Kansas City
Costa Rica's president is scheduled to give a Landon Lecture at Kansas State University.

Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2016

*Costa Rican president to give Landon Lecture
2/16/15 The Manhattan Mercury
A world leader is joining K-State’s Landon Lecture series this spring. Luis Guillermo Solis, president of Costa Rica, will speak May 19 in Forum Hall at the K-State Student Union. The time of the lecture will be announced later.

*Genetics Help Fish Thrive in Toxic Environments
2/15/16 Kansas City infoZine
A 10-year collaborative project led by biologists from Kansas State University and Washington State University has discovered how the fish can survive.

*K-State Olathe researchers utilize emojis to study feelings about food
2/15/16 Topeka Capital Journal
At face value, emojis — the icons used in text messaging — may seem like a trivial or silly way to express oneself. But sensory analysis researchers at Kansas State University Olathe are conducting studies to see if emojis can help kids articulate feelings about food, in hopes of finding a way to reduce school lunch waste.

Monday, Feb. 15, 2016

*Food Availability a Problem in Smaller Urban Cities, a Kansas State University Study Finds
2/12/14 Science News Online
Average neighborhood income may play a role in creating food deserts in cities of all sizes, according to a Kansas State University study.

*Millennial Love And Money: 8 Tips For A 'Happily Ever After'
2/13/16 Forbes
How do you marry your sweetheart and help ensure that your storybook relationship doesn’t end in divorce? According to research conducted at Kansas State University, you must be on the same page financially. This doesn’t mean you must bring in the same salary, but rather that you need to have a sound financial plan and similar philosophies about money, spending and debt.

*K-State hosts monthlong exhibition of Shakespeare's First Folio
2/13/16 Topeka Capital Journal
President Abraham Lincoln "was a huge fan" of William Shakespeare's plays, according to Don Hedrick, professor of English at Kansas State University.

Friday, Feb. 12, 2016

* KSU researchers staying ahead of wheat blast disease
02/11/16 World News Report
Kansas State University researchers, led by Barbara Valent, university distinguished professor of plant pathology, are working hard to keep wheat blast disease from devastating the US wheat crop.

* Small Fish That Survive in Toxic Environment
02/11/16 Nature World News
"In these habitats, the natural pollutants give us a glimpse into the future and help us think about what happens in ecosystems that suffer from human-induced changes or pollution," Michael Tobler, a co-author and assistant professor at Kansas State University, said in the release. "We can learn how an ecosystem changes when pollutants are added and how organisms cope with that."

* Study: Growing produce in high tunnels reduces losses, extends shelf life
02/11/16 High Plains Journal
Kansas State University researchers are nearly halfway through a four-year project to learn more about improving the freshness and shelf life of locally-grown produce.

Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016

New study claims playing with tablet can hurt kids' development
2/9/16 AOL.com
Researchers at K-State agree in early childhood, interaction between you and your child is essential for their development.
"We're teaching children how to use the tablet but the information that's on the tablet, the children aren't really retaining," K State assistant professor Bradford Wiles said.

Water Management a Global Opportunity
2/9/16 Yahoo Finance
In a 2013 study published by Kansas State University, it was estimated that, between 1960 and 2010, nearly 30 percent of the total volume of the Ogallala Aquifer had been depleted. If the use of water continues at a similar rate, the projection is that, by 2060, nearly 70 percent of the aquifer's total available water will be tapped.

*Millennials say one thing but do another when choosing chocolate
2/8/16 Science Daily
The majority of millennials may not be putting their money where their mouths are when selecting chocolate, according to a Kansas State University expert in psychological sciences.

Monday, Feb. 8, 2016

2 Kansas universities give campus sex-offender lists online
2/7/16 San Francisco Chronicle
Of the state's six state universities, only Kansas State and the University of Kansas make the information readily accessible online, according to their websites. Only Kansas State includes the mugshots with the list.

K-State veterinary students reduce Topeka's stray cat problem with spay and neuter program
2/7/16 Topeka Capital Journal
A Topeka nonprofit working to spay and neuter cats that roam the capital city has team with Kansas State University's Mobile Surgery Unit in a partnership that lets veterinary students get surgery experience.

*Shakespeare takes Manhattan
2/7/16 KSAL
“The Bard” is a big deal in the Little Apple. The spirit of William Shakespeare is alive and well on the campus of Kansas State University in Manhattan.

Friday, Feb. 5, 2016

Zika Is the Next Front in the Mosquito Wars
02/03/16 MSN
“Mosquito-borne diseases are among the most preventable and yet the most expensive,” says Lawrence Gostin, a professor of global health law at Georgetown Law. He estimates that the costs of responding to the Zika epidemic will reach “well into the billions,” counting money spent on a vaccine. The pattern of other mosquito-borne illnesses suggests Zika will be costly in a variety of ways. The number of years lost due to ill health, disability, or early death, “not to mention the huge cost to health-care systems, is very substantial,” says Stephen Higgs, president of the American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene and the director of the Biosecurity Research Institute at Kansas State University.

Dead and forgotten": 88-year-old note found at Kansas college stadium
02/04/16 CBS News
The Manhattan Mercury reports that the mason found the note in a tobacco can he encountered in December while restoring and replacing stones at Kansas State University's East Memorial Stadium in Manhattan, nearly 60 miles west of Topeka.

88-Year-Old Note Written By Laborers Found In Historic Kansas Building
02/04/16 BuzzFeed
A mason refurbishing an historic Kansas State University building found a note left behind by a group of laborers in 1928 who expressed hope that working conditions would improve by the time it was found encased in a tobacco can.

Thursday, Feb. 4, 2016

What's their beef? US meat to lose country labels
2/3/16 Bloomberg Business
Wilson said that there is no documentation showing that COOL incentivised the purchase of US beef, and points to a 2012 Kansas State University study that found "demand for covered meat products has not been impacted by COOL implementation".

*Taste Coffee Like a Pro With This Gorgeous Flavor Wheel
2/3/2016 Wired
“It’s more descriptive and less jargon-y,” says Peter Giuliano, senior director at the SCAA. World Coffee Research developed a new “Sensory Lexicon” in collaboration with researchers at Kansas State University’s Sensory Analysis Center. The goal of that lexicon, its authors write, “is to use for the first time the tools and technologies of sensory science to understand and name coffee’s primary sensory qualities, and to create a replicable way of measuring those qualities.” That’s important, says Giuliano, because a lot has changed in the two decades since the inception of the original Flavor Wheel. Climate change has forced farmers to develop heat-, drought-, and disease-resistant coffee varieties. At the other end of the supply chain, the success of boutique coffee roasters like Blue Bottle and Intelligentsia suggests consumer tastes have become more diverse.

*The financial secrets of American couples
2/3/16 CBS Money Watch
It may be a surprise that financial secrets can add stress to a relationship. Arguments about money can be a predictor of divorce, according to a 2013 study about relationships from Kansas State University.

Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2016

Teen gets nearly 5 years in robbery case
2/2/16 The Manhattan Mercury
A Manhattan juvenile was sentenced Monday to nearly five years in prison for his role in a series of robberies that led to a lockdown of the Kansas State University campus in September.

* Manhattan to host centuries-old book with Shakespeare plays
2/2/16 Salina Journal
An exhibition featuring a "First Folio" of the Bard's plays goes on display Thursday at Kansas State University. The exhibit lasts through the end of February.

Monday, Feb. 1, 2016

*Multistate foodborne outbreaks cause more illnesses, deaths
1/29/16 Bloomberg Business
Ensuring food is safe is a complicated process that involves coordination between businesses, state and federal government agencies and consumers, said Fadi Aramouni, a professor of food science at Kansas State University. Companies like Dole have procedures and tools in place to prevent an outbreak, he said, but there's no perfect solution.

*K-State reports a case of the mumps
1/29/16 KWCH
Kansas State University said it is now working to notify anyone who may have had contact with the student. The student lived off campus.

*Kansas State University hosts Shakespeare First Folio exhibit, events
1/30/16 Topeka Capital Journal
A national traveling exhibition featuring William Shakespeare will make its only stop in Kansas, along with a month of activities celebrating the bard's work, at Kansas State University.

Flying with the Angels
1/31/16 Salina Journal
Both are graduates of Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus, Salina.