K-Staters in the news — September 2016
The top stories mentioning Kansas State University are posted below. Download an Excel file (xls) with all of this month's news stories.
Thursday, Sept. 29, 2016
*Common Culex Mosquitoes Don't Transmit Zika Virus: Study
9/28/16 The Journal Times in Wis.
The researchers at Kansas State University's Biosecurity Research Institute said their findings should assist health officials in their efforts to contain the mosquito-borne Zika virus that can cause terrible birth defects.
Fort Hood: Army puts nutrition first
9/28/16 KWTX in Waco, TX
The army partnered with Kansas State University to change the food service programs in Child Youth and Schools Services army wide. Fort Hood is the first installation to implement the plan to standardize these healthier food options.
Itching for answers to keeping fleas and ticks off pets?
9/28/16 NJ.com New Jersey
Data from Michael Dryden, professor of veterinary parasitology, Department of Diagnostic Medicine and Pathobiology, Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine in Manhattan, Kansas.
Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2016
*Culex mosquitoes do not transmit Zika virus, study finds
9/27/16 Drugs.com
IThe researchers at Kansas State University's Biosecurity Research Institute said their findings should assist health officials in their efforts to contain the mosquito-borne Zika virus that can cause terrible birth defects.
Fitzwater exhibit to open at K-State library
9/27/16 Salina Journal
Marlin Fitzwater, a Kansas State University alumnus who served as press secretary for Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, is being honored by the Kansas State University Libraries with an exhibit, "Marlin Fitzwater: From Wheat Fields to White House," starting in October and continuing through March 17.
Kansas City residents dealing with oak leaf itch mite
9/27/16 San Francisco Gate
Kansas State University horticulturist Dennis Patton tells The Kansas City Star that the mites have been back in full force and that the number of calls from people who've been bitten has picked up in the last several weeks.
Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2016
6 research-backed reasons to rethink your annual employee evaluation
9/26/16 Business 2 Community
In her summary of some fascinating research carried out by scientists at Kansas State University, Eastern Kentucky University and Texas A&M University, the Washington Post’s Jenna McGregor explains how in the context of a performance review, that ‘constructive criticism’ doesn’t really help build anyone up. Instead, it deflates even those employees who might be considered its ideal recipients: “Those who like to learn—presumably some of the best employees—were significantly bothered by the negative feedback they received.”
How the beef value chain works
9/26/16 PerishableNews.com
There are ways for producers to move toward greater profitability by keeping all segments of the supply chain in mind, say Eichar and Kansas State University economist Ted Schroeder. The premiums for top-quality cattle don’t just drop out of thin air. They’re earned at every point in beef production, and Schroeder says they begin at the consumer level.
*Lifetime achievement award presented to Bob Dole
9/26/16 Wisconsin Ag Connection
Kansas State University's Huck Boyd National Institute for Rural Development presented a Lifetime Achievement Award to former U.S. Sen. Bob Dole for service to rural Kansas.
Monday, Sept. 26, 2016
8 things you can do to lower your chance of cancer
9/25/16 Sunshine Coast Daily (Australia)
But research from Kansas State University found by marinating meat in spices and herbs such as rosemary, thyme and oregano could lower the HCA components.
Sexual assault is focus as Kansas researchers join study
9/25/16 Seattle Pilot Intelligencer
The goal of the Heartland Sexual Assault Policies & Prevention on Campuses Project is to develop model plans for how campuses can address sexual violence. The project will work with schools in the three states, including the University of Kansas and Kansas State University.
California Dreamers Sink Roots In Connecticut
9/24/16 Hartford Courant
When Cory Gabel told his mother he was turning down his acceptance to medical school in 1991, she was silent. "I don't want to be a doctor. I want to be a rock star," he told her after graduating with a biochemistry degree from Kansas State University.
Friday, Sept. 23, 2016
Culex mosquitoes do not transmit Zika virus, study finds
09/22/16 Science Daily
Researchers at Kansas State University's Biosecurity Research Institute studied Culex species mosquitoes from across the country, including Vero Beach in Florida, which is near Miami-Dade County where mosquitoes are spreading Zika virus.
Veterans looking for work: A national priority
09/22/16 KWCH
It also links them with community organizations such as the new Military Affairs Innovation Center at Kansas State University, a private organization with the goal of helping veterans network and find their true calling outside of a military setting.
How to cut your chances of getting cancer
09/23/16 Sunshine Coast Daily
But research from Kansas State University found by marinating meat in spices and herbs such as rosemary, thyme and oregano could lower the HCA components.
Thursday, Sept. 22, 2016
Big spenders ignore spouses at their own peril
9/21/16 CNBC
Successfully setting a cutoff requires open communication as a couple, said certified financial planner Sonya Britt, an associate professor at Kansas State University. It's not about saying you can't spend freely, just that you'll check in with each other before making a big purchase that might compromise your shared goals.
Eggo Waffles Recalled on Listeria Fears
9/21/16 Yahoo Finance
“We may be hearing more about listeria because more companies are sampling their foods for it as a precautionary measure and recalling the product if it is found,” says Fadi Aramouni, Ph.D., professor of food science at Kansas State University. In fact, in this case, Kellogg found the problem itself during routine testing at its plant in Rossville, Tenn.
Kansas State Gets FDA OK for Pilot Project on Antibiotic Use
9/21/16 Veterinary Practice News
Veterinary researchers at Kansas State University recently received a $1.5 million grant from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to monitor antibiotic use in beef feedlots and dairies. The grant extends for five years at $300,000 per year.
Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2016
Netafim Congratulates Kansas State University Agricultural Engineer on Receipt of National Award for Mobile Drip Irrigation Research
9/20/16 Yahoo Finance
Netafim USA, the leader in drip irrigation technology, congratulates Kansas State University assistant professor, Isaya Kisekka, on being awarded by the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) for his innovative research on mobile drip irrigation technology.
Even without flowers, the De Soto Sunflower Artfest will go on
9/20/16 Kansas City Star
The Kansas State University Agriculture Department has sent packets of sunflower seeds to the Arts Council for distribution at the festival to children in kindergarten through 12th grade. The hope is that those children will return to the farm to help grow next year’s sunflowers.
Fall plants bring pop of color
9/20/16 McPherson Sentinel
As the heat cools into fall, plants convert more sugar into pigments, reports the K-State Research and Extension office, so autumn is the perfect time to display vibrant colors. While some plants may not have survived the heat of summer, many nurseries and garden centers offer a variety of options to fill in holes in the landscape.
Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2016
*Kansas State University Foundation aims to lessen possible bioterrorism with antiviral development
9/19/16 University Herald
The Kansas State University Foundation has earned a patent for antiviral development. This would be most helpful for travelers who are exposed to common viruses and can carry diseases back home with them. It is also helpful in the fight against possible bioterrorism threats.
Freeze-drying works for protein ingredients, pet treats
9/19/16 PetfoodIndustry.Com
Today’s popular pet treats and pet food products using high meat levels and exotic proteins can benefit from the freeze-drying process, according to experts from the Scoular Co. In a hands-on demonstration during Petfood Innovation Workshop on September 15, held with the KSU Pet Food Experience at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas, USA, participants prepared exotic proteins for freeze-drying while the experts explained the process.
*Professor's project helps Navajo add interest in math
9/19/16 New York Ag Connection
A mathematical outreach program co-founded by a Kansas State University professor is gaining national attention. David Auckly, professor of mathematics at Kansas State University, and Tatiana Shubin, professor of mathematics at San Jose State University, co-founded the Navajo Nation Math Circles Project to provide mathematic activities and opportunities for K-12 Navajo students in the American Southwest.
Monday, Sept. 19, 2016
Farm Scientists See Ripening Opportunity for Greater Federal Support
9/13/16 Chronicle of Higher Education
His foundation keeps a list of university-based scientists with projects and ideas awaiting more robust federal support. They include Jason Woodworth, a research associate professor in animal sciences and industry at Kansas State University, who helped stop a diarrhea virus in pigs that caused at least $900 million in economic losses in 2014.
New idea to beef up business: packaging that keeps refrigerated beef fresh for 30 days
9/19/16 Omaha World Herald
The new beef marketing ventures make sense at a time when retail beef prices are down, said Glynn Tonsor, professor in Kansas State University’s Department of Agricultural Economics. The price of ground beef was down 12 percent in July compared with the same month a year ago, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said.
New online course on biological control for greenhouse growers
9/19/16 Floral Daily
Michigan State University Extension and Kansas State University Research and Extension are now offering a fall term of the non-credit, pre-recorded online course on Biological Control for Greenhouse Growers. The enrollment period is open until Oct. 14, 2016, where the course will then be available until Jan. 13, 2017.
Friday, Sept. 16, 2016
* Kansas State University opens center for student-veterans
09/15/16 Military Times
A new, private center on the Kansas State University campus aiming to help veterans transition into student life has opened.
Researchers develop new model to map links between salmonella and sepsis
09/15/16 News Medical Net
Research by industrial engineering and biology researchers at Kansas State University marks a significant milestone in the battle against sepsis, the second highest cause of death in intensive care units in the U.S.
School notes: Cancer awareness, Gold Awards and fine dining
09/15/16 Kansas City Star
A Merriam native has won a Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship to study in Germany this academic year. Anna Rose B. Meyer is a Kansas State University senior majoring in English-creative writing and German. The Gilman Scholarship gives U.S. undergrads up to $5,000 to participate in study-abroad programs. More than 3,000 applied for fall 2016, and about 850 received scholarships. Scholarships are awarded to students with financial need and the potential to assume significant roles in a global economy.
Thursday, Sept. 15, 2016
Center for student-veterans opens at Kansas State University
9/14/16 Houston Chronicle
A new, private center on the Kansas State University campus aiming to help veterans transition into student life has opened.
Kansas regents call for restoration of higher education funds
9/12/16 Topeka Capital Journal
The University of Kansas and KU Medical Center lost about $10.7 million, and Kansas State University’s campuses lost about $7 million.
See appeals court in action next week at K-State
9/12/16 Wichita Eagle
Three Kansas Court of Appeals judges will be on Kansas State University’s campus next week demonstrating how their level of the court system works.
Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2016
*Antivirals could limit outbreaks in crowded places like schools, cruise ships
9/12/16 Breitbart
Researchers at Kansas State University and Wichita State University report they have developed broad-spectrum antiviral compounds that could help stop the spread of common viruses such as noroviruses and rhinoviruses. "Antivirals are therapeutic tools, but you could also use them as a preventative measure if you expect to come into contact or if you are recently exposed to viruses, especially if you belong to high-risk groups because of pre-existing health concerns,” Yunjeong Kim, an associate professor of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology at Kansas State University, said in a press release.
Cattle ranchers round up in Billings
9/12/16 Politico
As financial institutions merge and increase in size, they tend to “come in and out of industries,” Allen Featherstone, head of Kansas State University’s Department of Agricultural Economics, said during the panel. So when farmers are doing well, there is a lot of interest in lending, he explained, but when income sinks, those institutions shy away. Featherstone said he’s particularly worried about younger farmers who have yet to experience an economic downturn and may not have the tools or capital to make it through. It’s important to focus on them, he added.
Study finds optimal seeding depends mostly on yield environment
9/12/16 Farm Journal's AgPro
One of the most important economic decisions corn producers make every year involves choosing the right seeding rate. The answer often varies from field to field, and among different hybrids. Seeding rate decisions not only affect upfront production costs but also the final yield, said Ignacio Ciampitti, assistant professor of agronomy at Kansas State University.
Monday, Sept. 12, 2016
Kansas Air Force pilot missing since 1965 to be buried
9/11/16 Seattle Pilot Intelligencer
Her brother studied aeronautical engineering at Kansas State University for two years, before switching his major to agricultural economics. But he still liked flying.
Kansas Senator Calls TPP Trade Deal Crucial – But It's Mired In Presidential Politics
9/11/16 KMUW
“The political situation is such that both candidates for president obviously have different views on trade than maybe we three here at the table,” Roberts said, referring to House Agriculture Committee Chairman Mike Conaway of Texas and Kansas State University agricultural economist Allen Featherstone, who had joined Roberts on the panel Saturday.
It's girls ... and boys! Two sets of twin calves born at fair — a record
9/12/16 Hutchinson News
“The cows must have held it all day because we shut the exhibit and they all had calves,” said Dr. Dan Thomson, Jones professor of production medicine at the K-State College of Veterinary Medicine. “They all waited until the other one got done.”
Friday, Sept. 9, 2016
*Grinter Farms’ sunflower phenomenon is a tale of beauty, Kansas history
09/08/16 Kansas City Star
“It’s very opportunistic,” said Mark Ungerer, associate professor of biology at Kansas State University, who studies sunflowers.
*3 education leaders to participate in Kansas State lecture
09/08/16 Houston Chronicle
Three higher education leaders are participating in a special Landon Lecture panel discussion at Kansas State University.
E. coli outbreak in General Mills flour stirs up new worries for food
09/08/16 St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Jon Faubion, a Kansas State University professor and specialist in baking science and flour functionality, said, “If it’s done correctly, and people are doing it now, it doesn’t have to have a significant effect on the product. But it holds the possibility of having an adverse effect. The most likely impact would be changes in the protein, the gluten. It would lower the breadmaking quality of the flour.”
Thursday, Sept. 8, 2016
Does recent isolation of Zika virus from Culex mosquitoes point to a new transmission source?
9/7/16 Medical Xpress
Entitled "Culex Species Mosquitoes and Zika Virus," the report demonstrates that the most widespread and abundant Culex species in the United States are very resistant to Zika virus infection even when exposed to high levels in a bloodmeal. In a timely finding with important implications for Florida and other emerging areas of Zika virus infection. Yan-Jang Huang, Dana Vanlandingham and co-authors from the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biosecurity Research Institute, Kansas State University (Manhattan, KS), Rutgers University (New Brunswick, NJ), Mercer County Mosquito Control (Trenton, NJ), University of Florida (Vero Beach, FL), and Agriculture Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture (Manhattan, KS), showed that Culex quinquefasciatus, for example, a mosquito species from Vero Beach, FL, is refractory to infection with Zika virus. The information presented helps to target appropriate mosquito control. Non-target species such as bees can be affected without that focus.
Can watching bears on webcam encourage conservation?
9/7/16 Billings Gazette
"We want to engage people, perhaps in urban environments who may not have access to Alaska, and we want to know what that means for the park resources, for the animals, for the ecological conditions and for the visitor experience," explained Ryan Sharp, an assistant professor of park management and conservation at Kansas State University.
MediVet Biologics Announces Publication of a Groundbreaking Double Blind, Randomized, Placebo Controlled Study Utilizing Stem Cell Therapy in Dogs
9/8/16 StreetInsider
MediVet Biologics is proud to announce a publication from Kansas State University in the September 2016 issue of the American Journal of Veterinary Research. The study scientifically proved a significant improvement in pets with osteoarthritis of the hip joints, when treated with MediVet Biologics ActiStem Therapy. The study was based on the work of Dr. Mark L. Weiss, PhD and Dr. David A. Upchurch, DVM. The research was funded by Kansas State University independent of MediVet Biologics. This is a major advancement for the animal health industry as this is the first study conducted at the university level to examine safety and efficacy of autologous stem cell therapy for the treatment of canine osteoarthritis in a randomized, double-blind placebo controlled design.
Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2016
10 Best Healing Herbs Science Shows These Herbal Power-Healers Can Help Ease Pain, Prevent Alzheimer’s, And Ward Off Cancer And Heart Disease
9/6/16 Before It's News
Rosemary: Avoid carcinogens
Frying, broiling, or grilling meats at high temperatures creates HCAs (heterocyclic amines), potent carcinogens implicated in several cancers. But HCA levels are significantly reduced when rosemary extract (a common powder) is mixed into beef before cooking, say Kansas State University researchers. “Rosemary contains carnosol and rosemarinic acid, two powerful antioxidants that destroy the HCAs,” explains lead researcher J. Scott Smith, PhD.
When #SquadGoals meet #SquatGoals
9/6/16 KTUU.com
A study by Kansas State University revealed that a workout partner could actually help you work out harder and longer, especially if your buddy is slightly better at a given exercise than you. Participants in the study nearly doubled their work out time when paired with a slightly better workout buddy as opposed to when they worked out solo
Speakers to discuss civil discourse, racism at KSU Lou Douglas lecture
9/6/16 The Manhattan Mercury
Two individuals known for influencing public policy will be the speakers for the fall 2016 Lou Douglas Lecture Series on Public Issues at Kansas State University.
Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2016
Can KanMark improve your yields?
9/5/16 High Plains Journal
The Kansas Wheat Alliance released KanMark, a hard red winter wheat variety, in 2014. Since then, it has positively impacted farmers’ yields in the central and western plains. The Kansas Wheat Alliance is a not-for-profit organization formed by wheat producers, researchers and seed marketers with the goal of maximizing value for wheat farmers by promoting responsible management of new wheat varieties developed by Kansas State University and other wheat-breeding programs.
Chicken footstools draw flocks of fans
9/5/16 Marin Independent Journal
For the final project of her furniture design studio class at Kansas State University, she created Henny and Penny chicken stools — the sort you can plunk your feet on after settling into a cushy arm chair. She had so many retailers from across the country interested in selling them that she was forced to pull back and figure out a business plan that would allow her to have a hand in making each chicken.
Brexit decision not likely to have significant impact on U.S. agricultural trade
9/5/16 Drovers
Vincent Amanor-Boadu, professor of agribusiness economics and management at Kansas State University, said there are economic implications within financial and trade sectors as a result of the vote, commonly called Brexit, but that significant impact within the U.S. agricultural sector is not likely.
Monday, Sept. 5, 2016
Enlisting youth citizen scientists to combat Zika by collecting mosquito eggs
9/5/16 Phys.org
Developed by Kansas State University public health graduate student Ashley Thackrahand and USDA Research Entomologist Lee Cohnstaedt, the project is a continuation of the North American Mosquito Project's 2011-2012 species survey. This nationwide survey, conducted by over 100 professionals, was the first to collect mosquito samples during a single mosquito season.
SCIENCE STUDIO: ACS Presidential Candidates
9/4/16 KTEP
The American Chemical Society (ACS) is the world's largest scientific society, and this year they will be selecting a new president to serve in 2017. On this program, we'll hear from this year's candidates: Peter K. Dorhout, Vice President for Research at Kansas State University, and Thomas R. Gilbert, Acting Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Northeastern University. The candidates will talk about some of the issues important to the chemical community, including the rising unemployment rates of newly-graduated chemists.
Kansas native, Iraq War vet creates medallions for Topeka
9/5/16 WIBW
Ney says his fascination with molten metal eventually blossomed into a passion and he received his BFA in sculpting from Kansas State University.
Friday, Sept. 2, 2016
How GMOs Cut The Use Of Pesticides — And Perhaps Boosted It Again
09/01/16 NPR
Edward Perry of Kansas State University, a co-author of the new study, which appears in the journal Science Advances, says farmers may be using more herbicides on glyphosate-tolerant crops in recent years because they have to fight off an increasing number of weeds that have evolved to become resistant to glyphosate.
7 money mistakes that can mess up your marriage
09/01/16 AOL
According to a 2013 study from Kansas State University, arguments about money are the leading predictor of whether a marriage will end in divorce.
Manhattan growth tied to Kansas State University
09/01/16 Hutchinson News
The Topeka Capital-Journal reported that significant downtown redevelopment began in about 2002, and that has created a retail boom on the east side of the city, said Kent Glasscock, president of the Kansas State University Institute for Commercialization. Glasscock served 16 years in public office, including as Manhattan mayor and in the Kansas House of Representatives from 1991 to 2003.
Thursday, Sept. 1, 2016
The U.S. Government Is Buying Tons of Eggs and Cheese
8/31/2016 Smithsonian
"It's not typical but we're having some issues in a lot of the commodity markets," Mykel Taylor, a professor in farm management at Kansas State University, tells Daniels. "Everybody is cycling down from big record incomes and now they're sitting on big supplies."
*Princeton Review recognizes K-State
8/31/16 KMAN
Kansas State University students know a spot that they love full well, according to the latest educational review publications.
Morris Animal Foundation Grant Funds FIP Research
8/31/16 Business Wire
Researchers at Kansas State University, Wichita State University and the University of California, Davis, recently reported they successfully blocked progression of feline infectious peritonitis, a viral infection of cats that is nearly 100 percent fatal. The study was funded in part with a grant from Morris Animal Foundation.
*Asterisks indicate clips that resulted from recent news releases or pitches from Communications and Marketing.