K-Staters in the news — November 2017
Some of the top stories mentioning Kansas State University are posted below. Download an Excel file (xls) with all of this month's news stories.
Thursday, Nov. 30, 2017
*Protecting pigs from PRRS during reproduction
11/29/17 Science Daily
In the words of Kansas State University researcher Raymond "Bob" Rowland, his latest work is helping to eradicate a devastating swine disease.
Plan ahead to stay safe during winter weather
11/29/17 Sabetha Herald
Kansas State University climatologist Mary Knapp says staying safe during unpredictable winter weather and driving conditions could be a matter of being prepared ahead of the storm.
Tuffy's Pet Foods invests in KSU pet food program
11/29/17 Manhattan Mercury
Tuffy’s Pet Foods, Perham, Minnesota, has made an investment in the pet food science program in the College of Agriculture at K-State. They have given a gift to create the Tuffy’s Pet Foods Leadership Fund for Faculty and Program Development in Pet Food Science.
Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2017
$1 million boosts Kansas State Family Scholarship Program
11/28/17 Houston Chronicle
Kansas State University will use a $1 million gift to create at least 30 matching scholarships as part of the university's Family Scholarship Program.
‘Modern Family’ star donates toys for Kansas kids
11/28/17 Wichita Eagle
“Modern Family” star, Kansas City native and K-State alum Eric Stonestreet delivered a special holiday surprise to Kansas City Kansas Police Department on Giving Tuesday.
*Ten Kansas State University graduate students earn honors at Research and the State
11/28/17 Manhattan Mercury
K-State graduate students were selected to represent the university at the 15th Capitol Graduate Research Summit, Feb. 20, 2018, at the State Capitol in Topeka.
Monday, Nov. 27, 2017
Kansas Farm Bureau event tackles agricultural issues
11/26/17 U.S. News & World Report
Kansas State University President Richard Myers will also be speaking at the conference as will Mary Kay Thatcher, senior director of congressional affairs for the American Farm Bureau Federation.
*Researchers using math to boost wheat straw use for ethanol
11/26/17 Seattle Times
“Mathematical modeling is a powerful tool because it can save both the time and resources required for experimental studies,” said Zhenzhen Shi of the Kansas State University’s Institute of Computational and Comparative Medicine.
11/27/17 Chronicle of Higher Education
Adrian Rodriguez,vice president for student-development services for the Trinity River Campus at Tarrant County College, to associate vice president for student life of diversity and multicultural student affairs at Kansas State University.
*Kansas teacher vacancies concentrated in five lower-income school districts
11/27/17 KCUR
Debbie Mercer, dean of the College of Education at Kansas State University, said the disproportionate effect of teacher shortages on students in demographic groups that face academic achievement gaps is cause for concern.
*Beach Museum in Manhattan received re-accreditation for maintaining standard of excellence
11/24/17 Topeka Capital Journal
Earlier this month, the Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art at Kansas State University was reaccredited for maintaining its continued expectation of excellence.
At home: Northeast Kansas homes decked out for the holidays
11/25/17 Topeka Capital Journal
Four residencies decorated for the holiday season will be featured during the McCain Holiday Home Tour, a fundraiser for the education and outreach activities of Kansas State University’s McCain Auditorium. The tour will be from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dec. 3.
I WONDER | How have in-state students affected K-State's enrollment problem?
11/24/17 Manhattan Mercury
Q: Considering K-State’s student enrollment is falling, are there any trends within the state student enrollment that would point to a reason for the drop?
Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2017
Don't blow your budget on #BlackFriday
11/21/17 IOL
According to social psychologist and professor at Kansas State University, Laura Brannon, while consumers are savvy enough to see through common marketing ploys, many still can’t stand the thought of missing out on a good deal.
Price of Thanksgiving dinner down this year
11/21/17 KFDI FM
Kansas State University says the cost of Thanksgiving dinner this year is a bit cheaper.
Peter Dorhout new fellow of world's largest scientific society
11/21/17 Manhattan Mercury
The American Association for the Advancement of Science, or AAAS, is honoring Peter Dorhout, Kansas State University vice president for research and professor of chemistry, as one of its 2017 fellows.
K-State, Manhattan participate in Reads to Preschoolers initiative
11/21/17 Manhattan Mercury
Members of the K-State and Manhattan communities joined together to participate in the State Library of Kansas’ annual Reads to Preschoolers initiative to encourage early childhood literacy, Nov. 13-17, at the Center for Child Development.
Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2017
12 Best Small Cities for Successful Aging: 2017
11/20/17 ThinkAdvisor
Takeaway: This “other Manhattan” not only offers a more affordable place to live, it offers plenty of employment opportunities at Kansas State University and Fort Riley. There’s also access to specialty medical care for those who need it, including older-adult care and geriatric specialties. With high elder employment, short commutes, a high rate of volunteerism and a college-town feel, Manhattan has a lot to offer ambitious elders.
Leasing agricultural land
11/20/17 Atchison Globe
As an associate professor in the Ag Economics Department at Kansas State University, Mykel’s research and extension programs are focused in the area of farm management. After growing up on a cattle ranch in Montana, she majored in agribusiness management at Montana State University before receiving her PhD in economics from North Carolina State University.
Estimated marketing year average prices for spring crops announced
11/17/17 High Plains Journal
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service has published their first prices for feed grains and soybeans that will determine the 2017-18 Marketing Year Average price. Kansas State University has published estimated prices for the other 11 months.
National Agricultural Biosecurity Center awarded grant for livestock program
11/20/17 Manhattan Mercury
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security awarded $324,528 to the Kansas State University National Agricultural Biosecurity Center, or NABC, to enhance the capabilities of local, state, regional, tribal and national entities to respond effectively to animal disease outbreaks. The Food, Agriculture and Veterinary Defense Branch of the DHS Office of Health Affairs supplemented a previous award, bringing the two-year total award to $657,646.
Monday, Nov. 20, 2017
A Dictionary Of All The Annoying Dating Trends Modern Singles Deal With
11/17/17 Huffington Post
In a 2014 Kansas State University study, two-thirds of women said they would be more hurt by a male partner’s emotional affair than a physical one.
Kansas State University professor searches for deadly diseases on Mongolian steppe
11/18/17 Topeka Capital Journal
Temperatures on the Mongolian steppe dropped well below freezing at night as Kansas State University professor Juergen Richt traveled across the sparsely populated country in an old Toyota Land Cruiser searching for camels.
K-State Polytechnic drone shot down
11/17/17 Salina Journal
The Saline County Sheriff’s office is investigating the shooting of a Kansas State University Polytechnic campus drone that was flying in the 2900 block of East Waterwell Road on Halloween, according to Sheriff Roger Soldan.
K-State cancels Nov. 27 Landon Lecture
11/17/17 Manhattan Mercury
K-State on Friday canceled an upcoming lecture from a high-ranking military member.
Residence halls create elegant feast for Thanksgiving
11/19/17 Manhattan Mercury
On Tuesday, the K-State residence hall dining centers played classical music and dimmed the lights as students wandered from the turkey and ham carving stations to the festive dessert tables filled with pies, breads and cakes.
Friday, Nov. 17, 2017
NASA Scientist's Swades Moment: How Dr. Kumar Krishen Began An Education Programme For Poor Kids
11/16/17 NDTV.com
After that, Dr. Krishen went to Kansas State University on a scholarship (assistantship). According to him, then Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri funded his travelling expenses. From Kansas, he completed his Master and Ph.D in electronics and electrical engineering.
K-State unity walk, rally aim to bring campus together after divisive events
11/16/17 Topeka Capital-Journal
Kansas State University provides a safe and inclusive environment but can do more to meet the needs of those from minority communities, students and administrators said Tuesday at a unity rally held following a string of racially-charged or discriminatory incidents on campus.
KSU meat scientists verify benefits of Omega 3 feeding regimen
11/16/17 Manhattan Mercuryz
Dennis Nuttelman was pretty sure that the Omega 3-enriched beef and pork he was selling from a family farm in Nebraska was not only healthy, but consumers would also think it tasted pretty good. Now, research from Kansas State University is telling him he is right.
Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017
How to Eat Healthier Over the Holidays
11/15/17 Consumer Reports
Clean carefully. Cross-contamination goes beyond rookie mistakes such as using the same plate for raw and cooked meat and forgetting to wash your hands before you start food prep. For example, a Kansas State University study found that kitchen towels were the most contaminated with bacteria of all the surfaces tested.
USDA Helps Rural Communities Thrive With Health And Safety Outreach
11/15/17 Scienmag
Overall, nine grants totaling $2.8million were awarded in FY2017.
- Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, $317,383
When to throw out food according to expiration dates
11/15/17 KSNT
“The dates that are on foods are dated according to manufacturer recommendation. There’s really no legal requirement from the manufacturers to use any kind of dating except on infant formula,” said Lisa Martin, with K-State Research & Extension Office of Shawnee County.
Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2017
Kansas State Gathers to Rally Against Discrimination
11/14/17 U.S. News and World Report
Hundreds of Kansas State University students, faculty and staff, along with Manhattan residents, were urged to stand together to oppose discrimination during a rally designed to respond to racial tension on the campus.
#KSUnite rally at Kansas State addresses race relations
11/14/17 Kansas City Star
Thousands gathered in a sea of purple Tuesday at Kansas State University for a unity rally in the wake of racial tensions in and around campus of 23,000 students.
*K-State makes first of two hires to address campus diversity, inclusion
11/14/17 Manhattan Mercury
K-State has made its first of two planned hires to address diversity and inclusion on campus.
Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2017
*Rural areas at risk as water levels drop in massive aquifer
11/13/17 Breitbart
However, overpumping has dried up 358 miles of surface rivers and streams across a 200-square-mile area covering eastern Colorado, western Kansas and Nebraska, according to researchers from Colorado State University and Kansas State University. "We have almost completely changed the species of fish that can survive in those streams, compared with what was there historically. This is really a catastrophic change," said Kansas State University conservation biologist Keith Gido, one of the authors of a report on the aquifer published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
How K-State Became One Of The Best Places For LGBT Students In The Country
11/14/17 KCUR
In the ongoing struggle on college campuses for LGBT equality and acceptance, Kansas State University is an unexpected leader.
New benefits found to feeding fatty acids to pigs
11/13/17 Feedstuffs
Kansas State University researchers reported that a recently completed study has strong implications for improving swine production in the U.S.
In Focus 11/13/2017
11/13/17 KMAN
Today’s guests on In Focus were Assistant Clinical Professor at Kansas State University Dr. Marjory Artzer, Manhattan Deputy Fire Chief Ryan Almes, and Riley County Senior Service Center Meal Coordinator Margaret Abbott.
Monday, Nov. 13, 2017
Rural Areas at Risk as Water Levels Drop in Massive Aquifer
11/12/17 New York Times
However, overpumping has dried up 358 miles of surface rivers and streams across a 200-square-mile area covering eastern Colorado, western Kansas and Nebraska, according to researchers from Colorado State University and Kansas State University. "We have almost completely changed the species of fish that can survive in those streams, compared with what was there historically. This is really a catastrophic change," said Kansas State University conservation biologist Keith Gido, one of the authors of a report on the aquifer published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
To Help Combat Racism, Kansas State U. Will Cancel Classes (for 2 Hours)
11/9/17 Chronicle of Higher Education
Kansas State University administrators said they wanted to do something positive, to take control of the conversation. Participants will first take part in a Unity Walk to Anderson Hall, the main administrative building, and then participate in KSUnite, a diversity program to discuss inclusion, race, and race relations.
Dollar General is expanding in rural Midwest, presenting a threat to small-town grocery stores
11/12/17 Omaha World Herald
One Kansas State University expert who studies rural grocery stores said the stores can suffer up to a 30 percent loss of sales when a Dollar General opens — as was Chet Davis’ experience in Moville.
K-State’s Biosecurity Research Institute works to protect against agriculture threats
11/12/17 Salina Journal
K-State’s Biosecurity Research Institute is already getting a jump start on some of the research planned for NBAF.
Report about noose on campus in May unravels
11/12/17 Manhattan Mercury
The police who investigated a report of a noose hanging from a tree on K-State’s campus in May said it may not have been intended to be a noose at all — much less a racist message.
Incidents, when boiled down, don't paint racist picture
11/12/17 Manhattan Mercury
We want you to stick with us here for at least one paragraph after this one, because it’s important. The events include: The distribution of some “white nationalist” fliers on the campus of Kansas State University; the discovery of some hiking cord in a tree on campus that could have been intended to represent a noose; and a widespread image created by a freshman girl that associated K-State with the Ku Klux Klan. Also contributing to this general sense was an incident a week ago in which a young black man scrawled mind-blowingly racist statements on his own car, and a situation where the wind blew down a tent structure erected in honor of a Jewish holiday.
Friday, Nov. 10, 2017
Baltimore County school leaders Verletta White, Dallas Dance were paid by tech industry group
11/10/17 Baltimore Sun
The intersecting relationships appear ethically questionable and “clubbish” to Diane Swanson, founding chairwoman of the Business Ethics Education Initiative at Kansas State University. School boards and ethics officials should be monitoring such interactions more closely, she said.
Kansas State to suspend classes Tuesday for anti-racism walk, rally
11/09/17 Topeka Capital-Journal
President Richard Myers said the walk from coordinated starting points across campus would start at 1 p.m. and serve to introduce KSUnite, a communitywide program designed to declare “who we are, what we value and what we stand for.”
Two K-State students finalists for national scholarships
11/09/17 Manhattan Mercury
Two Kansas State University students are in the running for prestigious national scholarships.Vaithish Velazhahan, senior in microbiology, biochemistry and pre-medicine, Manhattan, and Garrett Wilkinson, senior in nutritional sciences, microbiology and pre-medicine, Hutchinson, have been named finalists for the Marshall scholarship. Wilkinson also is a finalist for the Rhodes scholarship.
Thursday, Nov. 9, 2017
KSU Research Finds Muse Meditation Drastically Reduces Middle-School Student Office Referrals
11/8/17 Business Wire
TORONTO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Interaxon Inc., the world leader in consumer brain-sensing technology, today announced report findings by a Kansas State University (KSU) pilot study revealing that the Muse brain-sensing headset improved the focus and behavior of 8th grade middle school students, measured by the number of office referrals for disciplinary action. The study was conducted in a middle school with 434 students and the individuals selected to participate in the study did so over 20 weeks; the demographic was evenly split among male and female students; 54 percent of students were economically disadvantaged and 40 percent were minorities.
WHO To Farmers: Stop Giving Your Animals So Many Antibiotics
11/7/17 National Public Radio
"It's fair to say that they use more than the U.S., but I don't know how much more," says Jishu Shi, director of the U.S.-China Center for Animal Health at Kansas State University.
Polytech first to use both wind, solar energy
11/8/17 Salina Journal
New courses, more than $146,000 in energy and operational savings a year and a more-modern campus are the expected benefits of a Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus program.
K-State cancels class for community diversity, inclusion walk
11/8/17 Manhattan Mercury
K-State officials have canceled afternoon classes for one day next week for a diversity and inclusion event.
Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2017
'Date Your Own Kind.' Man Put Racist Graffiti On His Own Car, Police Say
11/7/17 Time Magazine
An emergency meeting of the Black Student Union called that evening drew concerned administrators and community leaders as well as students. Kansas State held a Facebook Live event the next day with worried parents. The university stepped up patrols on campus.
K-State cancels classes next Tuesday for Unity Walk and KSUnite
11/7/17 WIBW 13 News
For two hours next Tuesday, all classes at K-State will be canceled and all its offices will be closed.
KSU couple and family therapy program introduces new staff
11/7/17 Manhattan Mercury
The couple and family therapy program in the School of Family Studies and Human Services within the College of Human Ecology welcomed two new staff members in the fall.
Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2017
Police: Kansas man says he put racist graffiti on own car
11/6/17 Associated Press
Even the possibility of a hate crime has a big impact on the fabric of daily lives, and “we want to acknowledge that people felt anger and pain as a result of pictures and words that they saw,” Kansas State University spokesman Jeff Morris said Monday in a phone interview. “Those are very real responses.”
Nearly $400,000 in Grants Helps Kansas State University Swine Disease Researcher Take On Deadly Swine Virus
11/6/17 Farms.com
A new pair of research grants will help a Kansas State University researcher and his laboratory work on a method of preventing one of the most devastating and costly diseases found in swine.
College of Veterinary Medicine hires renowned veterinary clinical toxicologist Steve Ensley
11/6/17 Manhattan Mercury
The College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University has hired Steve Ensley, formerly a clinical professor at Iowa State University, to enhance toxicology services and education.
Monday, Nov. 6, 2017
*Kansas State Stepping Up Patrols After Racist Incident
11/3/17 New York Times
Kansas State University is stepping up police patrols and taking other safety measures following a spate of racial incidents that culminated this week when a black man's car parked near campus was scrawled with racist graffiti.
College Football’s Biggest, Boldest Advertisements Now Have 18 Wheels
11/3/17 New York Times
Trucks are occasionally lent out for fan events, food drives and other needs. Texas universities, for example, sent their trucks to Houston as part of the relief effort after Hurricane Harvey, and Kansas State’s ferried hay bales across the state last spring to help farmers recover from wildfires.
Pro-immigration groups gather to discuss DACA
11/3/17 KSNT-TV
“A lot of it is being able to give back,” said KSU student Diana Vasquez. “And by being out here and showing support and all of that is also even with that just for a lot of people that might be scared to come out or to have their voices heard, we’re out here for them and out here speaking out.”
*It's your business
11/5/17 Topeka Capital Journal
Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus recently hired Christopher Smith, former director of admissions for two DeVry University locations, as the new executive director of enrollment management and marketing. Smith, from McPherson, started his role at the beginning of October and is tasked with supervising the operations of both the admissions and communications and marketing offices.
*Ubiquitous: Visiting artist leaves mural capturing his own crafted technique
11/5/17 Manhattan Mercury
Oyama recently completed a residency here, which resulted in a new mural in an Aggieville alley. The rest of his collection is on display at K-State’s Beach Museum of Art until Dec. 23.
Friday, Nov. 3, 2017
FBI investigating Kansas car graffiti as possible hate crime
11/02/17 Associated Press/ABC News
Authorities say an incident near the Kansas State University campus involving a black man's car being scrawled with racist graffiti is being investigated as a possible hate crime.
House science committee spotlights agro-defense research
11/03/17 KTIC
This hearing was pitched by Congressman Roger Marshall, M.D., and featured several witnesses recommended by his office. One witness included Dr. Stephen Higgs, associate vice president for research and director, Biosecurity Research Institute, Kansas State University. Higgs highlighted the research, researcher training and the work they’re doing to ensure NBAF will be utilized to its fullest capacity.
K-State president responds to racist vandalism
11/02/17 KSNT
Kansas State University President Richard Myers released a statement Thursday morning following an incident in which a vehicle near the campus was vandalized with graffiti containing racial slurs.
Bosco holds Facebook Q&A with students, families
11/02/17 The Collegian
Pat Bosco, vice president for student life, hosted a Facebook Live video Thursday night to address incidents of bigoted vandalism that have occurred on or around Kansas State’s campus.
Thursday, Nov. 2, 2017
Low prices, bad weather seen curbing U.S. Plains wheat seeding
11/1/17 Business Insider, Reuters
"The one thing that would be a welcome surprise is if we had no drop. Generally the consensus is we will have some amount of lower wheat seeding," said Dan O'Brien, a Kansas State University agricultural economist.
Alligators, rulers of the swamps, link marine and freshwater ecosystems
11/1/17 National Science Foundation
The American alligator is the most abundant large predator in aquatic ecosystems along the U.S. Southeast coastal plain, said ecologist James Nifong of Kansas State University.
Kansas tax collections continue to improve
11/1/17 Lawrence Journal-World
The estimating group is made up of officials from the Legislature's Research Department, the governor's budget office and Department of Revenue, as well as economists from the University of Kansas, Kansas State University and Wichita State University.
Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2017
*Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff to Speak at Kansas State
10/31/17 U.S. News and World Report
Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, is speaking at Kansas State University.
As students signed up, online school hired barely any teachers — but founder’s company charged it millions
10/31/17 Chalkbeat
With the people who have the power to intervene at online charter schools allowing them to continue to grow unchecked, Indiana faces a perfect storm for problems to arise according to Diane Swanson, a Kansas State University researcher who studies government transparency and ethics.
K-State horticulture donates thousands of pounds of produce
10/31/17 McPherson Sentinel
The “gleaners” were gathering fresh produce at Kansas State University’s Olathe Horticulture Research and Extension Center to be donated to food pantries in the region.
In Focus 10/31/2017
10/31/17 1350 KMAN
On today’s SPOOKY edition of In Focus, we heard from K-State Cultural Geography Associate Professor Dr. Jeffrey Smith, Dentistry by Design owner Dr. Bret Gilsdorf, USD 383 Vocal Music teacher David Atchison.