K-Staters in the news — May 2018
Some of the top stories mentioning Kansas State University are posted below. Download an Excel file (xls) with all of this month's news stories.
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Meet the future with these 7 college majors
5/29/18 Msn.com
Drone technology has advanced dramatically in recent years, and the need for those who can pilot and operate Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) continues to soar. Beyond military applications, drones are starting to be used for precision agriculture, household deliveries, public safety, aerial inspections and more.
Schools that offer this major: The University of North Dakota's School of Aerospace Science, Lewis University, Kansas State Polytechnic
K-State assures students -- services will be up soon
5/25/18 WIBW
K-State’s Vice President of Communication and Marketing Jeff Morris, wants to assure students registration will go as planned.
“Well we’ve been working around the clock to restore services. Our website was published back up today so the web pages are functional,” explained Morris.
K-State officials inspect Hale Library after fire
5/25/18 Manhattan Mercury
K-State officials inspected Hale Library on Thursday for the first time since the fire at the building on Tuesday.
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Kansas colleges seek tuition hikes even after funding boost
5/21/18 Associated Press
Kansas State University noted that it is proposing the smallest tuition increase in three decades. The increase on its Manhattan campus for undergraduates from Kansas would be 1.2 percent. Undergraduate students on the Kansas State Polytechnic campus in Salina would see no increase.
Family, friends rally around K-State student injured in boat wreck
5/21/18 WIBW
The family of a K-State student injured in a Missouri boat crash is asking for the public's help. According to a GoFundMe page set up by Ashley Lamb's sister, Alexis, Ashley is in critical condition and sustained multiple facial injuries.
Senior shares message of love as MHS graduates 403
5/21/18 Manhattan Mercury
For the 2018 class of Manhattan High School to be successful, it will need to focus on love, said Kenny Cecil, a graduating senior. He plans to attend K-State to study business management then attend law school.
Monday, May 21, 2018
North American domestic pigs are susceptible to experimental infection with Japanese encephalitis virus
5/21/18 Science
We would like to thank the Biosecurity Research Institute staff and the Comparative Medicine Group personnel at Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine for their technical assistance.
Kansas State Researcher Saugata Datta Part of Team Studying Lava Caves with $3.9 Million NASA Grant
5/2018 India West
Kansas State University geology professor Saugata Datta is one of the primary investigators of a new NASA study that will use a robotic vehicle to explore and collect data inside caves at Lava Beds National Monument in Northern California, the university said in a report.
Topeka native elected vice president at Kansas State Polytechnic
5/19/18 Topeka Capital Journal
When Shanna Walker started school at Kansas State Polytechnic, she wanted to be more involved. So she became a student body government aviation senator.
Kansas woman has fostered dozens of kids
5/18/18 Clay Center Dispatch
Mary Tye said the 12 years of foster parenting has been a family endeavor. Her children benefited from the experience, she said. She proudly points out that her two daughters have master's degrees and her son is completing his master's in engineering at Kansas State University.
Friday, May 18, 2018
Is it Too Hot to Work Calves?
05/17/18 Drovers
Those in the cattle business know those questions and thoughts all too well, especially with most of us having off farm careers and jobs now. An informed decision is always the best. Thanks to a collaborative effort between the USDA, Oklahoma State University, Kansas State University, the University of Oklahoma, and the weather co-op known as Mesonet, we now have a National Cattle Comfort Index guide and mapping program readily available on the internet.
Kansas universities call for tuition increases
05/17/18 The Kansas City Star
Kansas State University is asking for a 1.1 percent tuition rate increase for undergraduate residents, while KU students in Lawrence could see an increase of 2.8 percent. Wichita State is asking for an increase of 2.5 percent.
Sudden flush of plant growth has ticks flourishing
05/17/18 High Plains Journal
“In my experience this is the earliest we’ve had tick issues,” said Kansas State University entomology professor Raymond Cloyd, who said he fielded more calls and emails about ticks earlier than usual this spring.
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Back-to-School Tips … for Parents
5/16/18 Health
"The first days and weeks are tough, so it's best for parents to provide as much patience, understanding and support as possible," said Spencer Clark, an assistant professor of education at Kansas State University.
Threat of Foreign Animal Disease Deserves Attention, Funding
5/16/18 AgWeb
The livestock industry has, fortunately, invested in other areas of response planning. The USDA, with input from industry, has developed a detailed “Foreign Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Plan,” which focuses on FMD along with other foreign animal diseases. As a component of that plan, Iowa State University’s Center for Food Security & Public Health (CFSPH), in cooperation with Kansas State University, University of Minnesota, and University of California-Davis, have developed the Secure Milk Supply (SMS) and Secure Beef Supply (SBS) Plans, which focus on maintaining business continuity while aggressively mitigating an FMD outbreak.
Partners: Fort Riley working on money-saving agreements with Manhattan, K-State
5/16/18 Manhattan Mercury
Colyer hosted bill-signing ceremonies Tuesday at Pittsburg State University, Emporia State University and Kansas State University. But the list of line-item vetoes was not made public until late Tuesday afternoon.
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
New Pig Virus Could Potentially Jump To Humans And Animals
5/15/18 Tech Times
Christopher Olsen, a professor of public health at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, and Juergen Richt, a distinguished professor of veterinary medicine at Kansas State University in Manhattan, said porcine deltacoronavirus first appeared in England in 1971.
OnlineSchoolsCenter.com Releases Top 30 Bachelor's Degrees in Human Services for 2018
5/15/18 Business Insider
OnlineSchoolsCenter.com, has released a 2018 list of 30 online Bachelor's degrees in Human Services.
Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas
Colyer signs budget bill, with a number of line-item vetoes
5/15/18 Lawrence Journal-World
Colyer hosted bill-signing ceremonies Tuesday at Pittsburg State University, Emporia State University and Kansas State University. But the list of line-item vetoes was not made public until late Tuesday afternoon.
*UAS First Responder Symposium June 1 at Kansas State Polytechnic
5/15/18 Salina Post
First responders and public safety officials in law enforcement, fire, emergency management and city governance are invited to attend the Unmanned Aircraft Systems First Responder Symposium from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, June 1, at Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus in Salina.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Inside the $67.7 million royal wedding cash grab
5/14/18 Fastco Design
The hats were designed by Kansas State University student Sarah Fox, and brought to life by Kentucky Derby-famous fascinator brand Dee’s Hats.
Secretary Perdue Appoints New Members to National Advisory Committee on Microbiologial Criteria for Foods
5/14/18 Morningstar
The newly appointed NACMCF members to serve two-year terms are:
- Dr. Valentina Trinetta, Kansas State University
City to consider making ATA Bus a public entity
5/14/18 Manhattan Mercury
The current agreement with the Flint Hills Regional Transportation Agency (FHRTA) started in 2014 via an interlocal agreement between the city of Manhattan, Riley County, Pottawatomie County, Junction City, Geary County and Kansas State University.
Monday, May 14, 2018
Chancellor, president picked for New Mexico State University
5/12/18 Houston Chronicle
Arvizu is a former senior U.S. Department of Energy official while Floros is dean of the Kansas State University agriculture college and K-State Cooperative Extension.
Kansas State Polytechnic offers robotics, automation degrees
5/13/18 U.S. News & World Report
Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus in Salina is offering new degree options.
Kansas State University acquires rare cookbooks for special collection
5/11/18 Topeka Capital Journal
Earlier this year, Kansas State University received three books that are one-of-a-kind, and while students can’t check them out personally, they will be able to learn from the 200-year-old manuscripts.
K-State student, single mom earns two degrees while raising daughter
5/13/18 Manhattan Mercury
When Samantha Pratt found out she was pregnant, she did not know how she was going to finish Kansas State University.
Friday, May 11, 2018
How to fight depression in the workplace
05/10/18 All 4 Women
A study by Kansas State University found that people who don’t disconnect from work activities – like email – have higher levels of fatigue and job burnout than those who try to keep their work in office hours. Even feeling an expectation to answer work emails after hours has been linked to emotional exhaustion by a Lehigh University study.
Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus adds robotics and automation to bachelor’s degree offerings
05/10/18 Salina Post
Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus is expanding its degree options with a new offering for individuals interested in robotics and automation.
K-State to cut $15 million from 2018-19 school year budget
05/11/18 The Manhattan Mercury
After receiving a $3 million increase in state funds, K-State will cut more than $15 million from its budget for the upcoming school year.
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Kemin and U.S. Embassy in China Host "Vertical Integration and the Transformation of U.S. Agrifood Businesses" Forum in Beijing
5/9/18 AP via MorningStar
Entrepreneurs and experts from Tyson, Smithfield, American Agricultural Statistics Corporation and Kansas State University spoke at the conference. They talked about their experiences over the past three decades during the transformation of the industry's vertical integration in the United States, its history and trends. More than 60 top producers from China's feed and animal production businesses participated in the conference.
State Budget Restores Some Funding To Kansas Public Universities
5/9/18 High Plains Public Radio
"The biggest consequence has been an increase in tuition," said Jeff Morris, vice president for communications and marketing at Kansas State University.
Community calendar
5/9/18 The Marysville Advocate
Open house to celebrate completion of Koester House Museum library project, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the museum, Marysville. Presentations at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. by heritage consultant Cynthia Harris of Kansas State University Libraries and grants officer Murl Riedel, Humanities Kansas.
Regents begin initiative encouraging Kansas adults to finish college degrees
5/9/18 Manhattan Mercury
The featured program offered by K-State is a bachelor’s degree in technology management. Other K-State degree programs include early childhood education, elementary education, animal science and industry, nutrition and health, and personal finance planning, among others.
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
*Emojis used to develop a modern face scale for product testing
5/8/18 ScienceDaily
A recent study by sensory researchers at Kansas State University's Olathe campus finds that emojis are a viable alternative to words when it comes to accurately measuring how kids feel about food, products and other experiences.
*Alligators, sharks, coyotes reclaiming their old haunts. Get used to it, study says
5/8/18 Miami Herald
Silliman's coauthors were Lindsay Gaskins, Qiang He and Andrew Read of Duke; Brent Hughes of the University of California Santa Cruz; Tim Tinker of UCSC and the U.S. Geological Survey; James Nifong of Kansas State University; and Rick Stepp of the University of Florida. Funding came from the Stolarz Foundation, the National Science Foundation, a David H. Smith Conservation Fellowship, the U.S. Geological Survey, and the California Coastal Conservancy.
Kansans go crazy when Trooper Ben and Eric Stonestreet meet and sign off with sirens
5/8/18 Kansas City Star
“I don’t think I’ve told you this," Stonestreet told Gardner in a video posted to Gardner's Twitter feed. "My degree from college at K-State is sociology with an emphasis in criminal justice. I wanted to be a highway patrolman."
K-State names three finalists for Vet Med dean
5/8/18 Manhattan Mercury
A K-State search committee named three finalists for the dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine. The list includes a local leader who currently serves in the role on an interim basis.
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
*Kansas State scientist part of $3.9 million lava caves study funded by NASA
5/7/18 News India Times
An Indian-American professor at Kansas State University is one of the primary investigators of a new multimillion dollar National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) study that will use a robotic vehicle to explore and collect data inside caves at Lava Beds National Monument in Northern California, to help answer the long-asked question on whether life existed on Mars.
5/7/18 AUVSI News
Thanks to a partnership with Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus, 30 Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism employees will receive UAS training from May through June.
Channel 8: Graduating international students celebrate their K-State education
5/7/18 The Collegian
May at K-State comes with students finishing their final tests and projects. Some of these graduates come from outside the U.S. International students a unique perspective on what it means to be a K-Stater and an American. Recently, graduating international students were recognized at the International Graduation Ceremony.
Monday, May 7, 2018
National Humanities Center
5/4/18 Chronicle of Higher Education
The National Humanities Center has awarded a total of $1,400,000 in grants to 39 fellows who will pursue their research at the Center. Fellowships awarded include Lisa Tatonetti,a professor of indigenous studies at Kansas State University, for "Indigenous Knowledges Written by the Body: Female, Two-Spirit, and Trans Masculinities."
Older people who engage in frequent muscle stretching reduce their risk of lower leg problems
5/5/18 Natural News
In conducting the study, researchers from Florida State University and Kansas State University in the U.S. and the University of Electro-Communications in Japan placed splints on the lower limb of aged rats so that the calf muscles were stretched. The splints were placed on one leg for thirty minutes for five times a week in four weeks. Then, they compared the blood flow, arterial function, and the number of capillaries in the muscles of the stretched lower limb to the unstretched limb.
Manhattan biotech startup opens new headquarters
5/5/18 Topeka Capital Journal
But through collaborations with Kansas State University where they’re conducting multiple studies, hard work promoting their stem cell processes globally and putting cost effective products on the market to promote stem cell treatments for animals, the company is moving forward, Farley said.
EPA honors Wichita woman with national award
5/4/18 KWCH-TV
At a ceremony in Washington, D.C., Nancy Larson and the Kansas State University Pollution Prevention Institute received the Environmental Protection Agency's award for outstanding accomplishments of a state small business environmental assistance provider.
*K-State grads told to embrace ever-changing world5/5/18 Salina Journal
Mary Jo Myers, the first lady of Kansas State University, encouraged graduates of Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus Saturday to be lifelong learners, to embrace change and to become tomorrow’s leaders.
*Staley School selects Cargill Fellows
5/6/18 Manhattan Mercury
The Staley School of Leadership Studies at Kansas State University, in partnership with Cargill, has selected 20 students as the inaugural cohort of Cargill Fellows, including local student Kirkland Lambert, industrial engineering, Manhattan.
Friday, May 4, 2018
*Why do the same people who curse a 10-minute ATM line voluntarily line up for hours to try a new fried-chicken restaurant?
05/03/18 Vancouver Sun
Laura Brannon, a professor at Kansas State University, specializes in consumer psychology. She traces the phenomenon of endurance-test lineups back to the Cabbage Patch Kids frenzy of the mid-1980s, and argues in an interview with Science Daily that such marathons of commercial dedication seduce an array of personalities whose presence in the line betrays a variety of individual motivations.
College aviators flock to Terre Haute
05/03/18 Chicago Tribune
Teams are from across the nation and include San Jose State University and San Diego Christian College, Florida Institute of Technology, Liberty University, Kent State University, Auburn, Purdue, Ohio State, Southern Illinois University, Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus, U.S. Air Force Academy and Oklahoma State University. Indiana State’s flight team is also competing.
Budget picture: Kansas state employees to get pay raise. More money for universities
05/03/18 The Kansas City Star
Undergraduate tuition at University of Kansas has risen by 22.7 percent between 2013 and 2018; at K-State it’s 26.7 percent.
K-State seniors showcase art at BFA exhibit
05/04/18 The Manhattan Mercury
Ehiguese, a fine arts senior at K-State, created a digital and experimental media project for the Bachelor of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition at Willard Hall. Her project, “Biased, in My Shoes,” is made up of many parts, all tied to the Black Lives Matter movement.
Thursday, May 3, 2018
9 reasons why Kansas will be a cotton state
5/2/18 Delta Farm Press
Kansas State University is part of a $5 million grant from the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) to launch the Irrigation Innovation Consortium, a collaborative research effort to accelerate the development and adoption of efficient irrigation technologies and practices through public-private partnerships.
UPDATE: 'I want to enjoy life and go places -- my wife wants new cars and big houses'
5/2/18 Morning Star
He's not alone. A slew of studies (https://www.npr.org/2016/03/08/469239033/how-to-keep-money-from-messing-up-your-marriage) suggests arguments over money spell trouble for a relationship. Sonya Britt, an assistant professor of family studies and human services at Kansas State University, conducted one such study in 2013 using data from 4,500 couples who took part in the National Survey of Families and Households (https://www.ssc.wisc.edu/nsfh/). She found a link between financial fights and divorce.
K-State, UNL part of $5 million grant to address water scarcity
5/2/18 Midwest Messenger
Kansas State University is part of a $5 million grant from the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) to launch the Irrigation Innovation Consortium, a collaborative research effort to accelerate the development and adoption of efficient irrigation technologies and practices through public-private partnerships.
K-State awarding degrees to nearly 3,400 students
5/2/18 The Mercury
Academic leaders and K-State alumni will speak to the university’s 151st graduating class as part of spring commencement ceremonies.
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
K-State part of $5 M grant to address water scarcity
5/2/18 Morning Ag Clips
Kansas State University is part of a $5 million grant from the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) to launch the Irrigation Innovation Consortium, a collaborative research effort to accelerate the development and adoption of efficient irrigation technologies and practices through public-private partnerships.
Spice of Life: The Health Benefits of Spicy Foods
5/2/18 About Her
A study at Kansas State University found marinating or dry-rubbing beef patties with rosemary cut hcas by 61 to 70 percent and that Thai spice preparation reduced hcas by 40 to 42 percent.
Vanier family honored with Humanitarian Award
5/2/18 Salina Post
At Monday’s Humanitarian of the Year ceremony, Governor Jeff Colyer honored the Vanier family for all they have done for Kansas State University and the Manhattan, Kansas and Salina, Kansas communities.
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
*Kansas State University Researcher Part Of $3.9 Million NASA Lava Caves Study
4/30/18 Scienmag
Kansas State University geology professor Saugata Datta is one of the primary investigators of a new NASA study that will use a robotic vehicle to explore and collect data inside caves at Lava Beds National Monument in Northern California.
Why the Sky is Literally the Limit for Russia's Agricultural Ambitions
4/28/18 Sputnik International
Finally, according to Rubchenko, there's one more factor playing to Russia's favor: climate change. A recent study by Kansas State University noted that compared to the late 1980s, average temperatures in Eurasia's grain-growing regions are set to rise by 1.8 degrees Celsius by 2020 and 3.9 degrees by 2050.
Republic Airline Adds Three Universities as Pilot Development Program Partners
4/30/18 KCTV5
Republic Airline inked three collegiate partnership agreements for pilot development and career progression this month with Kansas State University Polytechnic, Rocky Mountain College and University of Dubuque.
Manhattanites run ‘fasta,’ eat pasta at annual WellCAT 5K charity run
4/30/18 The Collegian
The charitable event benefitted Cats’ Cupboard, Kansas State’s on-campus food pantry in Fairchild Hall.