K-Staters in the news — November 2019

Some of the top stories mentioning Kansas State University are posted below. Download an Excel file (xls) with all of this month's news stories.

Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2019


Turkey Talk: Picking the Right Bird and Keeping Holiday Food Safe
11/27/19 USAgNet.com
Cooking a turkey can be daunting enough, but Kansas State University food safety specialist Karen Blakeslee says that everything leading up to the bird going into the oven needs some thought, too.

*K-State internship focuses on small animal obesity
11/26/19 Veterinary Practice News
A collaboration between Hill’s Pet Nutrition and Kansas State University (K-State) emphasizes the value of nutrition and weight management for pets.


Statewide teacher shortage means less subs too
11/26/19 KSN
Education leaders were at Kansas State University Monday working to make sure there is a teacher in every classroom to begin the day, whether they’re full-time or a substitute.


Plaintiffs drop Title IX lawsuit against K-State
11/26/19 Manhattan Mercury
A 2016 Title IX lawsuit against K-State is now over after the two plaintiffs, who had accused the university of failing to investigate off-campus rape incidents against them, dismissed their lawsuit.

K-State dining center to close for half of spring semester
11/26/19 Manhattan Mercury
K-State’s Derby Dining Center will need to close for the latter half of the spring 2020 semester, university officials announced Monday.

Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2019


Wintertime mulching, watering helps drought-sensitive plants
11/25/19 Washington Post
"Plants that have an ample supply of moisture going into winter survive better," said Dennis Patton, a horticulturist with Kansas State University Research and Extension. "The ones that suffer the most are the evergreens because they have foliage that dries out. They experience more browning."


A Shrinking Kansas Town Pins Its Hopes For Growth On The Promise Of Free Tuition
11/25/19 KCUR
“If you’re thinking about regional economic development,” said Matthew Sanderson, a Kansas State University sociologist who studies rural issues, “at least at this stage, it looks more like a zero-sum game.”


K-State horse judging team captures two world titles
11/25/19 Manhattan Mercury
The Kansas State University horse judging team captured a bit of history this fall when the squad won two of the most prestigious contests offered for collegiate competitors.

Monday, Nov. 25, 2019


When a deep red town’s only grocery closed, city hall opened its own store. Just don’t call it ‘socialism.’
11/23/19 MSN
Though Lynch didn’t know of any other municipally owned grocery stores when he brought the idea to the town council, Baldwin isn’t alone. A similar experiment has been successful in St. Paul, Kan., which has had a city-run grocery store since 2013. David Procter, who directs the Rural Grocery Initiative at Kansas State University, told The Washinton Post that another city-owned grocery store will open in Caney, Kan., in the spring, and at least one other town in the state is considering following suit.

No, your pet can't catch your cold but they have their own version of colds
11/22/19 The Insider
"Kennel cough in dogs is recognized by a classic loud honking cough," says Kate KuKanich, a veterinarian and associate professor of internal medicine at Kansas State University.


Kansas colleges see a rise in cost of mental health care for students
11/22/19 KCUR
And schools like Kansas State University have started offering classes intended to help students deal with the stresses of adjusting to adulthood.

Cotton gains momentum in Kansas ag markets
11/22/19 Kansas City Star
“It’s heat tolerant and drought hearty. It is actually quite water efficient. Its return per inch of water supplied is very efficient,” said Stewart Duncan, Ph.D., a northeast area and soil specialist in the department of agronomy at Kansas State University. “The profit potential is tremendous.”

Bison industry 'a bright spot in Kansas agriculture'
11/23/19 Hutchinson News
Sandage, like Maxwell Wildlife Refuge, which has about 200 bison in Canton in McPherson County, uses the animals to preserve its grasslands and gives tours, by reservation, to the public. The same is true in Manhattan at Konza Prairie Biological Station, a native tallgrass prairie preserve jointly owned by The Nature Conservancy and Kansas State University, where through the habits of about 300 bison, researchers examine how the prairie operates.


*Evolving: At K-State's College of Vet Med, it's not the future that's female — it's now
11/24/19 Manhattan Mercury
Schoonveld, 23, is a second-year student in K-State’s College of Veterinary Medicine. Originally from rural Mulberry, Indiana, she applied to and was accepted into the college’s early admissions program as a senior in high school, but she knew she wanted to be a veterinary long before that. She didn’t live on a farm, but she had several friends who did, and when Schoonveld started raising animals through 4-H and FFA, those friends allowed her to keep her animals at their houses.

Friday, Nov. 22, 2019


Financial therapy can aid well-being, stability
11/21/19 Phys.org
Grable, a financial planner, was involved in starting the Financial Therapy Association in 2008 and Ford, a graduate student at the time, worked as a financial therapist at the country's first financial therapy clinic, started at Kansas State University with help from Grable.

BC suicide case puts focus on controversial issue: Intimate partner abuse by women
11/21/19 The Boston Globe
“There is a stigma around all victims experiencing intimate partner violence — males and females, men and women. But for men, the stigma might be slightly different,” said Lisa Melander, a sociology professor at Kansas State University who studies dating violence. “There could be a reluctance in sharing because of the way that men are socialized in our country and around the world.”


Students part of Taiwan ag youth exchange program
11/22/19 The Topeka Capital-Journal/The Butler County Times-Gazette
The two students who participated were Jeffrey Garcia, of Cassoday, a freshman at Butler Community College majoring in agribusiness, and Katherine Sleichter, of Clay Center, a freshman at Kansas State University majoring in agribusiness (international option), Global Food Systems Leadership and minoring in Spanish.

Robots, Drones Becoming Workhorses for Agriculture
11/21/19 Kansas Ag Connection
The small, rolling vehicle looks a bit like something out of a science fiction film as it moves slowly across a barren patch of land on Kansas State University's North Agronomy Farm.


Engineers Without Borders supplies infrastructure to communities in need
11/21/19 The Collegian
Somewhere in the world, someone lacks access to basic needs. Kansas State’s chapter of Engineers Without Borders strives to implement ways to meet those needs.

Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2019


13 Signs Your Work Addiction Is Hurting You
11/19/19 India Times
A study by Kansas State University found that people who work more than 50 hours per week were likely to suffer both physical and mental health consequences, in the long term.


Universities across Kansas teach students how to ‘adult’
11/19/19 KSNT
Kansas State University has adapted this course after student ambassadors realized they had mastered the subject in which they were majoring, but lacked basic life skills.

K-State Horse Judging Team finishes remarkable feat
11/19/19 KSNT
A Kansas State University team accomplished something that no other university has done before.


Wildcat Walk sees utilization decrease
11/19/19 The Collegian
Wildcat Walk, a collaboration between the Office of Student Life and the K-State Police Department, has seen a significant decrease in use by Kansas State students, staff and faculty.

BSU Represent showcases student talent
11/19/19 The Collegian
BSU Represent had a lot to celebrate this year, as this year marks the 50th anniversary of the BSU’s legacy at Kansas State.

Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2019


*US Draws Fewer New Foreign Students for 3rd Straight Year
11/18/19 U.S News & World Report
The number of Chinese students at the University of Alabama has decreased by 43% over the past two years, to 266, according to the university’s annual enrollment report. At the University of Iowa and at Kansas State University, Chinese enrollment fell by about a third in that span.


Talking turkey: tips for preparing holiday foods
11/18/19 Sabetha Herald
Karen Blakeslee, coordinator of the K-State Research and Extension Rapid Response Center, outlines ways to keep food safe and reduce cooking stress. Whether you’re a cooking novice or the experienced short-order cook at your house, chances are you don’t prepare 14-pound holiday turkeys every day.


K-State student wants to spread word about 4-H
11/18/19 Manhattan Mercury
Meinhardt, a senior in agricultural communications at K-State, spent her childhood involved with 4-H and now interns for the Kansas 4-H Foundation. As she starts to pursue a career, she hopes to take the lessons she learned from 4-H with her and share them with future 4-Hers.

Monday, Nov. 18, 2019


* US draws fewer new foreign students for 3rd straight year
11/18/19 New York Times
The number of Chinese students at the University of Alabama has decreased by 43% over the past two years, to 266, according to the university’s annual enrollment report. At the University of Iowa and at Kansas State University, Chinese enrollment fell by about a third in that span.

* Colleges turn to 'adulting' classes for life skills
11/16/19 AP News
Kansas State University in Manhattan offers a series that teaches practical skills. Wichita State University has offered a workshop on budgeting, the University of Nebraska-Kearney taught a tax preparation workshop and a University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill workshop focused on building credit.

Researchers adapt models of foraging strategy to understand how people search for a date
11/17/19 Psy Post
“Theoretically speaking, this topic relates to foraging models, which is how all animals (including humans) search their environments, often for food,” said study author Katherine Kolze of Kansas State University. “In this project, people search through a database for a partner to try to determine if the search patterns used when searching for a romantic partner are similar to search patterns used when searching for food.”


* Tickets are now on sale for the Friends of McCain Holiday Home Tour
11/17/19 WIBW
The biennial fundraiser for Kansas State University’s McCain Auditorium will be held Dec. 8 from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m.

K-State grad Ethan Dhuyvetter opens new finesse fishing lure company, Mule Fishing Supply Co.
11/16/19 Topeka Capital Journal
A former Kansas State fishing team member is turning his passion for finesse fishing into a new business venture called Mule Fishing Supply Company.


SGA’s diversity and equity committee focuses on outreach efforts
11/17/19 Kansas State Collegian
In its first semester, the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee is focusing on connecting Student Governing Association with student organizations.

* K-State Polytechnic students win at Aero Skills Tournament
11/17/19 Salina Journal
Two Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus aviation maintenance students received awards at the recent Aero Skills Tournament in Wichita at Exploration Place.

Friday, Nov. 15, 2019


Commentary: Fighting Food Waste By Mapping Food Supply Chains
11/15/19 Yahoo! News
Coincidentally, a team of researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Kansas State University has been working to understand how to solve that problem in the United States.


*Liberal Arts Profs: Kansas College Students Will Lose Broad Knowledge With Fewer General-Ed Rules
11/15/19 KMUW
One possibility for WSU’s future is taking a page from Kansas State: ditch the classic university model in which students take specific subjects offered by specialized departments, and instead have them focus on concepts.


K-State research team reveals new, safer MRI treatment
11/14/19 KSNT
“A contrast agent in an MRI brightens the images for what could be cancer, cardiovascular disease, or problems in the muscles or bone,” said Ramesh Marasini, a PHD Candidate for Kansas State University’s Department of Chemistry.

Thursday, Nov. 14, 2019


SAD: how houseplants could be the answer to Seasonal Affective Disorder
11/13/19 Stylist
Studies also suggest that indoor plants can boost our wellbeing: a 2006 Kansas State University study found that surgical patients in hospital rooms filled with plants were more positive, less stressed and recovered faster than their plant-less peers, while a 2007 study in Norway showed that indoor plants kept office workers healthier and more productive, especially during the dark winter months.


Farmers finding new avenues for Kansas wheat overseas
11/13/19 Salina Journal
“Russia is the biggest exporter. They are the largest wheat producer in the world,” said Joe Janzen, Ph.D., a professor of agricultural economics at Kansas State University. “We have some of the most competitive wheat markets right now.”


*Lindsey Dreiling joins Kansas State Polytechnic as executive director of aviation strategy
11/13/19 Manhattan Mercury
Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus in Salina has hired its first executive director of aviation strategy to help position the school as a global leader in the aviation industry.

*New graduate certificate in human services administration available this spring
11/13/19 Manhattan Mercury
The School of Family Studies and Human Services in the College of Health and Human Sciences will offer a graduate certificate in human services administration in the spring 2020 semester.

Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2019


* Wellington couple donates $1.6 million to Kansas State
11/12/19 Houston Chronicle
The estate of a Wellington couple donated $1.6 million to establish scholarships for students in Kansas State's College of Business Administration.


AP Explains: The extraordinary rise and fall of Evo Morales
11/12/19 Wichita Eagle
“If he had tried not to force the issue of running again, he probably would have been remembered fairly positively,” said Alissandra Stoyan, a professor of political science at Kansas State University.


*Wellington couple’s estate leaves $1.6 million to K-State College of Business Administration
11/12/19 1350 KMAN
A $1.6 million gift has been bestowed upon Kansas State University’s College of Business Administration.

Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2019


How Close Are We to a Blood Test for Breast Cancer?
11/4/19 Healthline
Stefan H. Bossmann, PhD, is a distinguished professor at Kansas State University and was part of a team that developed blood test technology that looked at cancer-related enzymes in blood.


Kansas College Students Can Ace Tests, But They Need Help 'Adulting'
11/11/19 KMUW
So Kansas State University and other colleges have turned to adulting workshops. The noncredit classes aim to teach students the practical skills that don’t come up in ordinary classrooms.


Channel 8: Why some students are sitting out KSUnite
11/10/19 Channel 8
Some students have decided not to attend the event K-State Unite, but the meaning of the day was not lost on them.

Monday, Nov. 11, 2019


Neglecting agricultural research leaves livestock body count
11/10/19 The Hill
Despite the paltry funding, researchers have still made strides in determining how viruses like ASF are propagated. For example, a team of scientists from Kansas State University determined threshold levels of contamination for the virus to be transmitted through animal feed. The team needed two grants to conduct the research, one from a federally funded industry group and one from the state of Kansas. Previous research at the university, which determined how to remove another contagious virus from pig feed, tapped grants from two other sources.

What is your money personality?
11/11/19 Starts at 60
There are a number of tests you can take to determine your money type, such as the one from Your Mental Wealth, which is based on a study by researchers at Kansas State University who came up with four different money personality types, including Money Status, Money Avoidance, Money Worship and Money Vigilance.

Slimmed-down gen ed
11/11/19 Inside Higher Ed
One last reason for the revision: Wichita State’s program is relatively complicated, with three “tiers” of requirements, by type and course level. By contrast, many of Wichita State’s peer and aspirational institutions have slimmer curricula that are much easier for students to understand. Kansas State University, for example, has the K-State 8, delineating eight disciplinary areas and perspectives students must sample. The University of Kansas has the KU Core, made up of six distribution areas, such as critical thinking, quantitative literacy and social responsibility and ethics. Wichita State also has a large share of transfer students -- half of all undergraduates — highlighting the need for an easy-to-navigate program.


Investigation: 26 High-hazard Kansas dams in poor condition
11/10/19 KCTV 5
Among those raising alarm with inspectors is the Samuel Rogers Detention Dam located a half mile from Manhattan. It is operated by Kansas State University and owned by the university's real estate fund since 2015.


* Let it snow: Administration examines alert policy for inclement weather, campus closures
11/10/19 Kansas State Collegian
Winter is about a month away, but Manhattan and much of Kansas has already seen snow. To prepare for awaiting frosty conditions, the university looks to revamp how and when it notifies students of campus closures for severe weather.
“What we talked about is trying to get the communication out sooner,” Cindy Bontrager, vice president for administration and finance, said. “In our process, we are trying to make that decision more quickly so we can get that information out to students, faculty and staff more timely.”

* Two local students named K-State veterinary medicine early admission scholars
11/10/19 Salina Journal
Two local students — Gabriel Prater, of Abilene, and Chance Kopsa, of Beloit — are part of a group of Kansas State University undergraduate students will have a special opportunity to fulfill their dreams of becoming veterinarians with their selection as the College of Veterinary Medicine’s 2019 class of Early Admission Scholars.

Friday, Nov. 8, 2019


Itching and rubbing in your herd? Lice treatment may be necessary
11/08/19 BEEF magazine
Tarpoff is Extension veterinarian with Kansas State University. Source: Kansas State University, which is solely responsible for the information provided and is wholly owned by the source.


UNITY:At third KSUnite, student speakers urge students to carry diversity beyond event
11/08/19 The Manhattan Mercury
As student representatives spoke at the third KSUnite event, they challenged their K-State community members to look beyond the rally and include diversity and inclusion in their everyday campus lives.

MRC discusses military-civilian transition at annual luncheon
11/08/19 WIBW
Degroat, the founder of the Office of Military and Veteran’s Affairs and the Military and Veteran’s Affairs Innovation Center at Kansas State University, discussed the struggle for veterans finding jobs once out of the military and how they make good employees.

Thursday, Nov. 7, 2019


Katie Holmes And Suri Cruise Workout Together, Win Cutest Fam Award
11/6/19 Women's Health
Btw, this is kinda a genius move: recent research out of Kansas State University found that people who exercised with a partner of similar fitness levels, increased the time and intensity of their sweat sesh by close to 200 percent.


Kansas voters just shifted some political clout to college towns
11/6/19 Hays Post
Riley County, home to Kansas State University, lost more than 15% of its population under the last adjustment.

Smith performs with K-State Tap Ensemble
11/6/19 The Marysville Advocate
Taybor Smith, Marysville, a junior at Kansas State University, is a member of the K-State Tap Ensemble.

Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2019


Risk assessment model for Ebola transmission accurately predicted Uganda cases
11/5/19 The Medical News
A new risk assessment model for the transmission of Ebola accurately predicted its spread into the Republic of Uganda, according to the Kansas State University researchers who developed it.


The best hope for next year’s garden? Prepare soil now
11/5/19 Kansas City Star


*Recent NSF grant fuels cancer treatment research across disciplines
11/5/19 The Collegian
Bossmann said K-State is strong in this type of research.

Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2019


How Close Are We to a Blood Test for Breast Cancer?
11/4/19 Healthline
Stefan H. Bossmann, PhD, is a distinguished professor at Kansas State University and was part of a team that developed blood test technology that looked at cancer-related enzymes in blood.


What should you do with all of your leaves?
11/4/19 KWCH
The K-State Extension Office says you shouldn’t put them in bags and send them to the landfill.


Puppets spread the word about Manhattan workshop
11/4/19 WIBW
The Kansas State University Center on Aging is hosting a workshop on Personhood and Dementia. It's Thursday, Nov. 7.

Monday, Nov. 4, 2019


College students ponder their texting habits in the wake of a young man’s suicide
11/3/19 Boston Globe
Women and men between 18 and 24 are more likely to experience intimate partner violence than any other age group, according to a 2011 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Technology has only exacerbated the problem, said Lisa Melander, a sociology professor at Kansas State University who studies intimate partner violence among young people and “cyber aggression,” the use of cellphones and computers to harass others.

* Transitions
10/30/19 Chronicle of Higher Education
Alysia Starkey, interim chief executive and dean of the Polytechnic Campus of Kansas State University, has been named to the post permanently.

UMass receives grant to expand Cool Science program
11/3/19 Lowell (Massachusetts) Sun
The Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Kansas State University and the University of Kansas will team up with UMass Lowell and UMass Boston on the project. Researchers will study the effectiveness of the program in teaching commuters about climate science.


Students Test Their Skills During 2019 North American Weed Science Contest
11/3/19 WRAL
Students competed as both individuals and as teams. Kansas State University took top honors at the undergraduate level with team members Dakota Came, Hayden Heigele, Jessica Schauf and Megan Workman.

* Aspiring veterinarians shine at K-State
11/1/19 Veterinary Practice News
Seventeen aspiring veterinarians at Kansas State University (K-State) are one step closer to achieving their professional goals.


*K-State hosts third KSUnite Wednesday
11/3/19 Manhattan Mercury
K-State will cancel classes Wednesday afternoon for its third KSUnite, the annual event in which the university community reaffirms its commitment to diversity and inclusion.

* Record number of Kansas State University online students receive scholarships
11/3/19 Salina Journal
More than 120 students attending Kansas State University online through the Global Campus received scholarships this fall semester.

Friday, Nov. 1, 2019


The New Way to (Finally) Stop Fighting Over Money With Your Spouse
10/31/19 Time Magazine
Academic institutions, including Kansas State University, the University of Georgia and Creighton University in Nebraska, are beginning to offer training and graduate certificates specifically in financial therapy, while others, like Florida State, have elective courses as part of a social-work degree. The Financial Therapy Association, a professional group formed in 2009 that puts out a peer-reviewed journal, now has 300 members, a 33% jump in the past year. It announced its first set of certification requirements in May.

Zoo monkey dies from injuries after fighting off intruder who took his offspring
10/31/19 CBS News
After further treatment, veterinarians at the zoo found Vern's injuries to be more series, requiring surgery at Kansas State University to repair broken bones. The zoo said at the time that recovery would take 6-8 weeks.


USDA set to pay low rent on KC building after state, local incentives cut cost
10/31/19 The Kansas City Star
“I think the USDA is going to hire professionals whether they hire them in the Washington, D.C. area or hire them in Kansas City,” Cleaver said. “We’ve got excellent math and science programs at KU and UMKC, K-State, Rockhurst. They’re all around. The word on the street is that this may be inspired by some resistance to science. I don’t think we ought to let that bother us.”

USDA picks Missouri office building as its Kansas City site
10/31/19 The Wichita Eagle/Associated Press
The USDA will also be partnering with the University of Missouri and Kansas State University to host a joint career expo at Kansas State Olathe on Nov. 6.


USDA picks Missouri office building as its Kansas City site
10/31/19 KSNT/Associated Press
The USDA will also be partnering with the University of Missouri and Kansas State University to host a joint career expo at Kansas State Olathe on Nov. 6.