K-State in the news — June 2020
Some of the top stories mentioning Kansas State University are posted below. Download an Excel file (xls) with all of this month's news stories.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
COVID-19 Impacts on Agricultural Economic Issues Commentary
6/28/20 Markets Insider-Business Insider
The commentary is authored by agricultural economic researchers from institutions around the country.
Allen M. Featherstone, Kansas State University
Glynn Tonsor, Kansas State University
Kansas State pressured to expel student for George Floyd tweets. But is that legal?
6/29/20 Kansas City Star
Pressure is mounting for Kansas State University to expel a student whose insensitive tweets about George Floyd last week sparked a national uproar. But a critical question looms:
Can the university legally kick out a student for exercising his First Amendment rights?
*K-State receives military contract to research intimate partner violence
6/29/20 WIBW
Kansas State University researchers receive military contracts to research intimate partner violence and prevention.
K-State President issues another statement asking administration to ‘fast-track action plans to combat racism’
6/29/20 KSNT
After a weekend of outcry from students and K-State athletes asking for action following an insensitive tweet from a K-State student, K-State President Richard Myers issued another statement to the student body on Monday.
Monday, June 29, 2020
'We could be feeling this for the next decade': Virus hits college towns
6/28/20 New York Times
Sports are not the only source of outbreaks in college towns. Mississippi officials tied several cases to fraternity rush parties that apparently flouted social distancing rules. In Baton Rouge, La., at least 100 cases were linked to bars in the Tigerland nightlife district near Louisiana State’s campus. And in Manhattan, Kan., home to Kansas State, officials said Wednesday that there had been two recent outbreaks: one on the football team, and another in the Aggieville entertainment district just off campus.
K-State researchers get $1M to improve wheat diversity
6/28/20 U.S. News and World Report
Kansas State University wheat geneticist will get nearly $1 million from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for research designed to improve the genetic diversity of wheat.
Kansas State investigates insensitive comments made by student
6/26/20 KAKE-TV
Some Kansas State University students are calling for the expulsion of a student who tweeted what the university called "insensitive comments."Friday morning, Kansas State University tweeted a message from President Richard Myers which stated:
"The insensitive comments posted by one K-State student hurts our entire community. These divisive statements do not represent for the values of our university. We condemn racism and bigotry in all its forms. We are launching an immediate review of the university’s options. Black Lives Matter at Kansas State University and we will continue to fight for social justice."
Twitter removes K-State student tweet for ‘glorifying violence’
6/28/20 KSNT
The K-State student whose tweet caused national outrage has been forced to take down the post, according to his twitter page.
Ultimatum: How Kansas State football players vow to 'not play, practice or meet' came to be
6/27/20 Manhattan Mercury
The Kansas State football team is, in essence, on strike. And what the players want, ultimately, is for those with a visible platform at the university to denounce racism repeatedly — and loudly — whenever it arises.
Editorial: We applaud KSU athletes, but university must allow free speech
6/28/20 Manhattan Mercury
K-State’s football team is on strike, and the university administration is in an extremely difficult spot, all thanks to a manipulative and self-serving sophomore. We at The Mercury commend those football players for their courage, while we strongly encourage university officials to stand by the principles that have guided the institution from the beginning. That’s the way through a tough moment.
Friday, June 26, 2020
Airlines must take extreme precautions to keep passengers safe, experts tell Congress
6/25/20 MorningStar
If we put a barrier between the seats, does that reduce the risk by 5% or 95%? We just don't know that," Byron Jones, an engineer and professor at Kansas State University, told lawmakers.
K-State researcher gets grant for wheat genetics projects
6/25/20 Farm Progress
A Kansas State University wheat geneticist is receiving nearly $1 million from USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture through its Agriculture and Food Research Initiative. The funding is for two projects trying to improve the genetic diversity of wheat.
Altered fall schedule, COVID-19 spell uncertainty for international students
6/25/20 K-State Collegian
A Kansas State University wheat geneticist is receiving nearly $1 million from USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture through its Agriculture and Food Research Initiative. The funding is for two projects trying to improve the genetic diversity of wheat.
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Virus Rise Sets Off New Limbo As U.S. Reopening Plans Shift and Slow
6/24/20 Yahoo News
“We may have let our guard down a little bit,” said Julie Gibbs, the health officer in Riley County, Kansas, home to Kansas State University, where officials said they would tighten restrictions on large gatherings after the county’s total virus cases increased by 50% over the past week.
10 of the Most LGBTQ-Friendly US Universities
6/24/20 TopUniversities
The Campus Pride index doesn’t end there, with a further 28 US universities and colleges achieving five stars in the index, rated as being the most LGBTQ-friendly in the country, and therefore well worth considering if you’re an LGBTQ student looking for an inclusive and supportive university. These universities are: . . . Kansas State University, . . .
*K-State students earn semester honors
6/24/20 The Atchison Globe Now
More than 4,800 Kansas State University students have earned semester honors for their academic performance in the spring 2020 semester.
Troublesome pests crawling out of the woodwork
6/24/20 Hays Post
This time of year, that’s nearly impossible, said Kansas State University entomologist Jeff Whitworth, who notes that many of the most common household pests become more active after March each year.
City discusses flat, decreased budget requests from outside agencies
6/24/20 Manhattan Mercury
SSAB asked for a total of $477,677 for all the agencies, including the Crisis Center, Manhattan Emergency Shelter, Inc., Shepherd’s Crossing, Sunflower CASA Project, Kansas Legal Services, Big Brothers & Big Sisters, Boys & Girls Club of Manhattan, K-State Center for Child Development, Morning Star Inc., CRO, Thrive! Manhattan and Homecare & Hospice.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
US meat industry puzzled by China’s import ban for 1 plant
6/22/20 The Washington Post
“If it’s just one facility, then the industrywide price effects are very small. But if it became companywide or multiple plant or multiple species, then that starts hitting a much bigger portion of our production,” said Tonsor, who is based at Kansas State University.
One in three Kansas households has yet to fill out census
6/22/20 Lawrence Journal-World
“K-State students comprise almost half of the population in the city of Manhattan,” Kelley said. “So making sure we count them is really, really important.”
EDITORIAL | What if it was 20,000 students?
6/22/20 Manhattan Mercury
Monday, June 22, 2020
K-State researcher receives grant to mine wheat relatives for global food security
6/20/20 MSN
Kansas State University says mining wheat’s wild side could be good for global food security.
Tuition increasing at 4 of 6 public universities in Kansas
6/19/20 U.S. News and World Report
Tuition will remain flat at the University of Kansas and Kansas State but will increase slightly this fall at the state's other four public universities.
The vet who protects Los Alamos National Laboratory
6/19/20 Los Alamos Reporter
Galvan grew up as a self-described military brat, moving around a lot. From a young age, he was determined to serve the country like his father, and as a kid in Kansas, Galvan sometimes rode along with the military police at Fort Riley. Their important work left a lasting impression, so after graduating from Kansas State University it was obvious to Galvan what career he’d pursue with the Army.
KU, K-State, Mizzou prepare for in-person classes, but second wave of COVID-19 could change plans
6/19/20 KMBC
College and university campuses are getting ready to reopen after the COVID-19 shutdown, and if you have a child going to Mizzou, KU or K-State, there’s a lot to be concerned about.
Panel: K-State needs culture that doesn't accept racism
6/19/20 Manhattan Mercury
To make K-State a more diverse and inclusive campus, members of the community must do more to ensure the culture doesn’t accept racism in any form, a panel said Thursday afternoon.
K-State professor's work on LGBT workers cited in Supreme Court opinion
6/20/20 Manhattan Mercury
K-State history professor Phil Tiemeyer’s work on LGBT workers’ ties to the Civil Rights Act was cited in Monday’s U.S. Supreme Court opinion ruling banning workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
Friday, June 19, 2020
How To Prove Women And Minorities Matter To Your Company
6/18/20 Forbes
An insurance marketing organization, Advisors Excel of Topeka, Kansas announced in June the creation of three, $5,000 scholarships aimed at encouraging minorities and women to pursue a degree in Kansas State University’s Personal Financial Planning (PFP) program. Each scholarship can be renewed annually.
Domestic abusers use tech that connects as a weapon during coronavirus lockdowns
6/18/20 Houston Chronicle
Column written by Alison J. Marganski, Le Moyne College and Lisa Melander, Kansas State University
You May Not See as Much Color as You Think You Do
6/18/20 Gizmodo
Lester Loschky, a psychology professor at Kansas State University who wasn’t involved in the new research, told Gizmodo that the experiments were “very nicely done.” While virtual reality is of course not the same as real life, “it is the best way to test something close to real-world perception while still having tight control over the experimental stimuli,” said Loschky, who specializes in the study of visual perception and cognition.
Wichita State increasing tuition 2% as KU, K-State keep it flat amid COVID-19 pandemic
6/18/20 The Wichita Eagle
In addition to WSU, tuition is increasing at Emporia State University, Fort Hays State University and Pittsburg State University. Tuition was held flat at Kansas State University and the University of Kansas.
K-State named best college in Kansas for LGBTQ+ students
6/18/20 WIBW
Kansas State University says it is the most LGBTQ+ friendly campus in Kansas according to a college ranking review for Pride Month.
Regents OK K-State’s plan to keep tuition flat
6/18/20 The Manhattan Mercury
Speaking before the board — which met in person for the first time since it moved in March to allow schools to suspend in-person operations — K-State president Richard Myers said that as the state’s land-grant university, K-State had a responsibility to keep education accessible for Kansans.
Thursday, June 18, 2020
As leaders warned of US meat shortages, overseas exports of pork and beef continued
6/16/20 USA Today
“I think those considering restricting exports overestimate the extent it would increase domestic consumption and underestimate the adverse economic impact,” said Glynn Tonsor, a professor of agricultural economics at Kansas State University.
#BlackAtKState video highlights students' experiences with racism
6/16/20 KAKE
Students at Kansas State University are putting faces and voices to their fight against racism.
K-State researchers studying coronavirus, seeing interest from outside companies
6/16/20 KSNT
Researchers at Kansas State University are studying coronavirus and seeing interest from outside companies. This comes as states across the country continue to see record numbers of new coronavirus cases.
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
U.S. Meat Giants Face Biggest Attack in Century From Probe
6/15/20 Bloomberg
The flip-side of consolidation in the market is larger, more efficient facilities that operate with lower costs, which in turn means cheaper prices for consumers, said Glynn Tonsor, a professor in the department of agricultural economics at Kansas State University.
No KU spring break? Here’s how COVID-19 will rearrange college calendars in Kansas
6/15/20 Kansas City Star
This fall, University of Kansas and Kansas State University students will head home from college for Thanksgiving — and not return to campus until next year.
K-State is starting its fall classes a week early. And KU won’t have spring break in March. It’s tacking that time onto a lengthy winter break.
*Funds available for furloughed K-State employees, students
6/15/20 WIBW
Kansas State University says that it is making funds available for furloughed University employees through the KSU Foundation.
Monday, June 15, 2020
‘There’s so much unknown’ — In small towns that host big events, timing is crucial for the recovery
6/13/20 CNBC
Loub’s steakhouse, which he and his wife Kelly have owned since 1995, adopted the nickname of its surroundings — Manhattan, Kansas, a city of about 50,000 people that is roughly 100 miles west of Kansas City and home to Kansas State University.
#BlackAtKState continues Kansas history of student protests
6/14/20 KMUW
“It’s been powerful and painful,” said Thomas Lane, K-State's vice president for student life, “and, frankly, heartbreaking.”
K-State aiming for around 30% class capacity, stockpiling masks
6/12/20 Manhattan Mercury
Kansas State University is aiming to keep classes at about 30% capacity and is actively stockpiling masks.
K-State hires Crittendon as next general counsel
6/12/20 Manhattan Mercury
K-State’s next chief legal officer will be Shari Crittendon, a lawyer with more than 25 years of legal experience in private practice and higher education.
Friday, June 12, 2020
Meatpacking rebounds but high prices and backlogs to persist
6/11/20 Associated Press/The Washington Post
Besides adopting measures to keep workers healthy, Kansas State University agricultural economist Glynn Tonsor said meat processors have also boosted production by operating plants more on Saturdays, rather than just weekdays, and by saving time by producing larger cuts of meat. That means grocery stores or consumers may have to cut a pork loin down into pork chops instead of that work being done at meat plants, for example.
MILLENNIAL MONEY: How to stand out in this tough job market
6/12/20 The Delaware County Daily Times
“You don’t have as much face-to-face opportunity, so it’s important to optimize online visibility,” says Debra Rodenbaugh-Schaub, a career services consultant at the Alumni Association of Kansas State University.
Kansas Protests Give New Energy To Push For Policing Changes
6/11/20 KMUW/Kansas News Service
“You can have all kinds of policies and have all kinds of procedures that you’re supposed to follow,” said Lorenza Lockett, a professor of social work at Kansas State University and a co-chair of the Manhattan-Riley County Coalition for Equal Justice. “But what are you actually following? And particularly when it comes to a minority population, most specifically, African Americans.”
JHS teacher wins fellowship emphasizing civics, U.S. Constitution education
6/12/20 The Joplin Globe
Seavy, who has taught world geography, civics and American history, will begin that program this summer through online courses at Kansas State University.
K-State launching community discussions in response to #BlackAtKState
6/11/20 The Manhattan Mercury
After a social media movement in which black K-State students and alumni shared their negative experiences at the university, officials will launch a monthly discussion series focusing on diversity, inclusion and social justice.
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Millennial Money: How to stand out in this tough job market
6/10/20 The Daily Times
“You don’t have as much face-to-face opportunity, so it’s important to optimize online visibility,” says Debra Rodenbaugh-Schaub, a career services consultant at the Alumni Association of Kansas State University.
Trump's protest actions unthinkable
6/10/20 41 Courier Traveler
We stand with Richard Myers, the president of Kansas State University. He is exactly right in saying that it was “not right,” the way the Trump Administration has responded to protests.
Kansas State’s director of sports medicine asks for public's help in containing coronavirus: 'The important part is the mask'
6/10/20 Manhattan Mercury
As Thomason tries to help K-State’s student-athletes — and specifically its football players, who returned to campus last week — safely transition into summer workouts, one of his key objectives is mitigating the COVID-19 outbreak to the best of his ability. Wearing masks as often as possible is just one way. He hopes local residents will look at what the athletics department is doing and follow suit.
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Millennial Money: How to stand out in this tough job market
6/9/20 Washington Post
“You don’t have as much face-to-face opportunity, so it’s important to optimize online visibility,” says Debra Rodenbaugh-Schaub, a career services consultant at the Alumni Association of Kansas State University.
How I’m Spending My Pandemic Summer Vacation
6/9/20 Chronicle of Higher Education
- The Blended Course Design Workbook, by Kathryn E. Linder, executive director for program development at Kansas State University Global Campus. This fall, like it or not, many of us will be teaching some mix of online and face to face. Her workbook is a practical guide for designing such hybrid courses.
- Watch excellent online-teaching content. Having read Karen Costa’s book and viewed some of her videos, I’m going to check out other stars of online learning, such as Michael Wesch, an associate professor of cultural anthropology at Kansas State University, and Eddie Woo, author of It’s a Numberful World: How Math Is Hiding Everywhere. They offer both content videos and how-to advice videos.
*K-State will resume in-person classes for the fall semester
6/9/20 41 Action News
In-person classes will resume at Kansas State University for the fall semester, with some changes.
*K-State to start semester one week early; students won’t return after Thanksgiving
6/9/20 Manhattan Mercury
K-State will start its fall 2020 semester one week earlier than planned and will end in-person classes before Thanksgiving, officials announced Tuesday morning.
Monday, June 8, 2020
Farmers get billions in virus aid, and Democrats are wary
6/7/20 New York Times
Mr. Trump has showered them with money. Economists at Kansas State University found that farmers were paid up to as much as eight times their estimated losses from trade friction in 2018. Payments were even more generous in 2019, ranging from one-and-a half to 33 times estimated losses, after the department loosened how it calculated the trade damage to farmers, the researchers found.
K-State president to #BlackAtKState: Ending racism is everyone's 'personal responsibility'
6/5/20 KSN
The president at Kansas State University wants everyone to play a role in ending racism, responding Friday to students recalling racist incidents at the university on social media.
Editorial: K-State gets $11.3M to study zoonotic diseases
6/5/20 Topeka Capital Journal
All of this is prelude, in a way, to exciting news for Kansans. As reported by Alice Mannette of The Hutchinson News, “The National Institutes of Health awarded a Kansas State University-led team of veterinary researchers an $11.3 million grant under the Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence program to establish a Center on Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases.”
Johnson Cancer Research Center provides nearly $600,000 for research, education
6/7/20 Junction City Post
Cancer research and education programs at Kansas State University received a big boost from donations made to the university's Johnson Cancer Research Center.
Friday, June 5, 2020
CNN interview with President Richard Myers
CNN video
Story: Ex-Joint Chiefs chairman: 'I'm glad I don't have to advise this President'
Myers, now the president of Kansas State University, said Thursday that the episode filled him with "just absolute sadness."
"As I understand it, that was a peaceful protest that was disturbed by force, and that's not right," he said. "That should not happen in America. And so I was sad. I mean, we should all shed tears over that, that particular act."
*6 lessons Kansas teachers learned when the pandemic pushed classes online
6/4/20 Lawrence Journal-World
Even though he teaches classes with 100-plus students, Ronald Brockhoff memorized all of their names.
“It makes it harder for them to hide from you,” said Brockhoff, a mechanical and nuclear engineering assistant professor at Kansas State University.
EDITORIAL | Myers is right: This should not happen in America
6/4/20 The Manhattan Mercury
We stand with Richard Myers, the president of Kansas State University. He is exactly right in saying that it was “not right,” the way the Trump Administration has responded to protests.
*K-State veterinary research team receives federal grant
6/4/20 KSNT
The National Institute of Health has awarded Kansas State University a grant to fund upcoming research geared to infectious diseases.
Thursday, June 4, 2020
*Kansas State University study reveals asymmetry in spin directions of galaxies
6/3/20 SpaceRef
An analysis of more than 200,000 spiral galaxies has revealed unexpected links between spin directions of galaxies, and the structure formed by these links might suggest that the early universe could have been spinning, according to a Kansas State University study.
*$11.3 million grant given to K-State for infectious disease research center
6/3/20 The Hays Daily News
The National Institutes of Health awarded a Kansas State University-led team of veterinary researchers an $11.3 million grant under the Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence program to establish a Center on Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases.
*K-State announces 3rd round of emergency furloughs
6/3/20 Salina Post
Kansas State University on Wednesday announced a third round of emergency furloughs from multiple areas of the university.
National Science Foundation grants $3 million to Kansas State University
6/3/20 WIBW
The Kansas-State University CyberCorps program has been renewed for another five years.
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
*Patterns Formed by Spiral Galaxies Suggest The Universe's Structure Isn't Totally Random
6/2/20 Science Alert
Computational astronomer Lior Shamir of Kansas State University has conducted a survey of 200,000 galaxies, and found that the distribution of spin direction forms a pattern that is distinctly not random after all.
*K-State vet med researches awarded $11.3M grant to fight infectious diseases
6/2/20 Manhattan Mercury
The National Institutes of Health awarded a team led by K-State researchers a $11.3 million grant to establish the Center on Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases.
Advisors Excel offering $5,000 scholarships to K-State
6/2/20 WIBW
They have created three $5,000 scholarships for eligible applicants to pursue a degree the Personal Financial Planning program at Kansas State University.
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
*Asymmetry found in spin directions of galaxies
6/1/20 ScienceDaily
An analysis of more than 200,000 spiral galaxies has revealed unexpected links between spin directions of galaxies, and the structure formed by these links might suggest that the early universe could have been spinning, according to a Kansas State University study.
What’s the risk that animals will spread the coronavirus?
6/1/20 Nature
That probably means that related canids, felids and mustelids — the group that includes mink, weasels, badgers, martens and wolverines — could also be susceptible, but so far, no one has checked, says Jürgen Richt, a veterinary virologist at Kansas State University in Manhattan.
6 Lessons Kansas Teachers Learned When The Coronavirus Pushed Classes Online
6/1/20 KMUW
Even though he teaches classes with 100-plus students, Ronald Brockhoff memorized all of their names.
“It makes it harder for them to hide from you,” said Brockhoff, a mechanical and nuclear engineering assistant professor at Kansas State University.
University identifies key areas of focus in reawakening plan
6/1/20 The Collegian
While specifics about what the fall semester might look like at Kansas State are still unavailable, university administrators have indicated that they plan to have at least some classes on campus in the fall.
Monday, June 1, 2020
The pandemic has transformed the client-advisor experience
5/29/20 CNBC
Seay, a certified financial planner who is also chair of the Personal Financial Planning program at Kansas State University, spoke with CNBC — in a safe telephone interview — to discuss how advisory firms have shifted, what the FPA has done to help and the transformations that are likely to remain after the crisis abates.
UAS Virtual Academy
5/29/20 sUAS News
K-State Polytechnic has created an interactive, exciting and flexible UAS experience for teens ages 14 to 17. The primary goal of this virtual academy is to provide students the ability to explore UAS, build foundational skills, receive mentorship and if interested, transition to the campus’s degree program and a future career.
COVID-19 reveals conflict, compassion of Kansans wrestling with threat of pandemic
5/31/20 Topeka Capital Journal
Kansas State University presented Ruhnke with a degree that he had been two credits short of earning for 50 years.
KS Board of Regents: Pandemic has lost state universities $90M
5/29/20 WIBW-TV
The current fiscal year report shows that University of Kansas and The University of Kansas Medical Center have lost $30.5 million due to the pandemic, while Kansas State University has lost $22.1 million. Washburn University in Topeka has lost five million dollars, and Emporia State University has lost three million dollars. Kansas State says housing and dining saw the largest revenue decrease.
Dozens participated in a peaceful protest in Manhattan on Saturday
5/30/20 WIBW-TV
The peaceful protest started with statements by organizers Jahvelle Rhone and Trumanue Lindsey, as well as community members Rachel Shivers, Fanny Fang, and a group of K-State seniors.
Polytechnic director of aviation chosen for federal board
5/29/20 KSAL
Lindsey Dreiling, executive director of aviation strategy at Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus, has been selected to serve on a new federal b