Photo and Video Guidelines at Kansas State University

Photography and video on university property is subject to PPM Chapter 3330 Use of University Marks and the guidelines outlined here.

News Photography/Video

News media photography and videography is generally permitted in public areas of campus and special permission is not typically required. Notification to News and Communications Services that media will be photographing or filming on campus is requested at 785-532-2535 or

Outdoors on Campus

  • Special permission to film for news stories and events is not typically required in common outdoor areas on campus.
  • K-State maintains a variety of outdoor research facilities and laboratories on campus and in other locations throughout the state. Prior authorization to film at these locations is always required.
  • Using unmanned aircraft for photography or video requires prior approval. Please see PPM Chapter 7860 Unmanned Aircraft Systems policy.

Interior Spaces on Campus

  • Permission to shoot in interior spaces is required for areas including residence halls, dining areas, classrooms, laboratories and administration buildings.
  • Classrooms generally are not open to the public or to the media while class is in session. Individual professors may grant media access to class sessions.
  • Each building on campus has a building supervisor, who should be contacted for permission to film in a specific building. To determine who is in charge of a building, contact the Division of Facilities service desk at 785-532-6389.
  • Housing and Dining Services, 785-532-6453, must be contacted for permission to take photos or video in residence halls and dining areas.
  • An individual student may choose to grant a reporter or photographer access to his or her residence hall room. In those instances, the media representative may accompany the student into the individual student's living area.
  • In the event of a critical incident or emergency requiring police or fire response, access to areas usually open to media may be limited to allow emergency personnel to ensure safety and security. In those instances, media should follow guidelines provided at the site of the incident.

Campus Resources

  • Video B-roll of various public locations on the Manhattan and Salina campuses is available from Video Production Services, 785-532-2535.
  • Photographic Services provides photos of campus, administrators and student life for media use. Questions can be directed to 785-532-2535 or
  • Media needing assistance with setting up photo, film or video shots may contact News and Communications Services, 785-532-2535 or

Parking on Campus

Area media who cover K-State and who are frequently on campus for business may obtain a parking pass for the calendar year through News and Communications Services. The pass allows parking in faculty-staff parking areas while conducting business and as space is available without paying a fee. The permit does not guarantee a parking space, nor does it allow free parking in the garage or metered spaces.

Some parking spots are designated for use only by university-owned vehicles or are reserved for specific persons during specific hours and must be respected. Holders of the pass must observe traffic and parking regulations and are responsible for any fines or fees incurred.

Media who occasionally come to campus for stories may request a one-day parking pass, which can be picked up from News and Communications in Dole Hall, 1525 Mid-Campus Drive North.

Those who come to campus to cover athletics events may request parking accommodations through the Athletics Communications office, 785-532-6735.

Commercial Projects

Commercial projects are regulated by PPM Chapter 3330 Use of University Marks. Exceptions require special permission from the Vice President for Communications and Marketing.