Planning Timeline
The year-long process used to inform the development of the Next-Gen K-State strategic plan was rooted in a robust approach to engaging the K-State community in the future of the institution and leveraging data, research and insights at each phase of planning.
Phase 1: Next-Gen K-State Land-Grant Strategic Planning Launch
July – September 2022
This phase featured the launch of the planning process, including initial stakeholder engagement, data collection and analysis, and the formation of an advisory committee that included students, faculty, staff, administrators, governance council leaders and alumni and met to advise university leadership throughout the duration of the planning process.
Phase 2: Where Are We Now?
September – November 2022
This phase involved broad outreach to thousands of internal and external stakeholders to learn about their aspirations for K-State – engagement that took place through surveys, focus groups, listening sessions, interviews and more. We also conducted in-depth analysis and benchmarking to inform goal setting, as well as areas of the university organization or operations that could be strengthened or aligned to support our vision.
Phase 3: Establishing Our Future Vision, Values and Key Themes
December 2022 – February 2023
During this phase, we affirmed our university mission and leveraged stakeholder input to develop a new vision along with a series of six core values for our K-State community. We also organized six task forces around themes identified in the research and stakeholder engagement phases to propose programmatic priorities, strategies and measurable outcomes for the focus areas.
Phase 4: Establishing Our Priorities and Goals
February – April 2023
Each planning task force – which included broad representation among our university community, including students, faculty, staff, administrators and alumni – met regularly to review data, analyze and consider future opportunities, and propose programmatic priorities for each theme to be included in the draft strategic plan.
Phase 5: Completing Our Next-Gen K-State Strategic Plan
May – August 2023
The Next-Gen K-State advisory committee prepared a draft strategic plan that was widely disseminated to internal and external stakeholders for feedback and discussion during Summer 2023.
Phase 6: Plan Launch
September 2023
After receiving more than 300 comments from the K-State community on the draft strategic plan, we finalized and launched the Next-Gen K-State strategic plan to take us from fall 2023 to fall 2030, supported by our future vision, values, thematic goals, programmatic priorities, key strategies and measurable outcomes.